What is the Unspoken Flame
Unspoken flame is a newly risen organization ran by Ravan, a man who has recently shown himself from the depth of regalia, planning to raise a new chaos for the city. This guild is not for the light-hearted, they will be blood spilt in there name and no mercy will be bestowed.
Unspoken Flame's intentions
Unspoken Flame has many intentions, but its utmost intent is to cause pure chaos and to raise a new order from it. Those who are in the organization only follow the rules of the gang. The unspoken flame only guard themselves as well as their leader. Some may say this is a foolish goal but it is a goal that will be achieved to the very last flame.
What is the Ubiquitous Light
Ubiquitous Light is a store owned by the gang.
Ubiquitous Light intentions
Has the same goal but has the purpose to fund the unspoken flame
On the left when facing the falcon tavern it has replaced the library
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Store worker
Store workers can hold any titles but these are the people that sell to the public through our store they are still involved with the gang and will be apart of the gang. You ma join just to work in the store but you will still be involved with the gang and follow the rules of the gang and still be in uniform, thou you will not be taking orders outside the shop. You may be neutral but you cannot be in any other gang.
(Can be applied for)
List of Store worker
Mochi/Nimios - IN GANG - LETTER
speedyleon112 - IN GANG - MET IC
Tempast/GamerGirl - IN GANG - MET IC
Manger is the main man at the store he or she will order meetings if necessary to talk to the unspoken flame and he will know how much of each item the store has he does get paid more and will be guarded by the gang it is expected for the manger to be in the gang or be close allies. There will only be 1 at the store at a time but many people can hold the same title but not work at the same time.
(Can NOT be applied for, Must be earned)
List of Mangers
Kingsly M - IN GANG
The Dealer is the man that organizes where the gang needs to meet for certain trades for the store or for the gang. This man does need to be in the gang to have a constant line of communication with raven
(Can NOT be applied for, Must be earned)
List of Dealers
Unspoken Flame
Below is a link if you wish to apply to the gang itself not for store worker
Click Me
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IC letter:
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