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Played Character Tyrkar Malkaryan

This character is actively played.


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
House Croy
Character Information
  • Full Name: Sihn-Tyrkar Malkaryan
  • Heritage / Culture: Sihndar [Ahazu Eronidas Heritage]
  • Age: 87 [Born January 28th, 225 AC]
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male [He/Him]
  • Occult: Mundane

Core Concept
Tyrkar is a skilled blacksmith of the Sihndar people, formerly of the Alamat Hold. The destruction of his home nearly 6 decades ago has turned into a shell of the person he was, now being bitter, depressed, and plagued with memories of lost loved ones.

Appearance Information
Brawny and tall, Tyrkar is a mountain of a Sihndar, only enhanced by his Eronidas heritage. Where he used to be clean and fierce looking, years of tough times has turned him disheveled and rough. His hair is grown out and wild, beard unkempt, and eyes circled with the lines of sleep deprivation. His eyes are oftentimes bloodshot from the effects of Eronidas Alcohol.

Combat Style

Hobbies and Talents

  • Athletic Hobby
    • Tyrkar is an expert blacksmith and experienced laborer. From years of swinging hammers and pickaxes, he is rather strong and fit. This is aside from his original heritage of being an Eronidas, which only feeds into his brute strength.
Diving Tackle
Shrug Off
Knockback Sweep
Cheap Shot
Weapon Throw (free)
Oceanic Pack
Brawl Stampede

Shield Brace
Shield Taunt
Shield Bunker
Shield Phalanx
Shield Block
Shield Cover (free)

Unseen Prayer
Safety Prayer

Vasar, Altalar, Common.

Life Story

  • His family is of an older assortment of Ahazu Eronidas who became Sihndar by choice some-odd 200 years ago. Simply put, they wanted help defend the Razu Hold, and cleanse the hell-tunnels of the mountain chain of the litany of demonic monstrosities that came to inhabit them. At some point in time, this family moved to the Alamat Hold in Drowda, as in Razu, they were famed metallurgists, but felt they could contribute more to help in the Drowda mainland, specifically Alamat.
  • Tyrkar himself was born in the Alamat Hold, where he grew up and apprenticed metallurgy under his father. Their family was a blacksmithing one, and learning such was expected of him, and a pleasure for himself. His father instilled the values of what they did, and the Sihndar goals, in his son early on. As he grew older, combat training followed, mostly in the style of the Razu Shock Troopers who delved in the hellish tunnels on clearing missions. For the next ten years, he mostly worked as a blacksmith, though never hesitated to lift a hammer for combat purposes. During its destruction, he was in the Regalian Empire's capital, sent off by the Hold to broker a deal with a local smithing guild. The destruction of the Hold destroyed much of his life, joy, and family, leading him to the state he is in today. Following the tragedy, he fell out of blacksmithing as he did in Alamat, though still does practice when someone will take him.
  • Tyrkar has avoided going back to Drowda, only returning a few times over the past nearly 60 years when need be. He could have moved to another hold to work as a blacksmith still for his fellow Sihndar, but avoided doing so most of the time as the memories of being so closed would cause him much pain. He has not abandoned the fight, but perhaps does not contribute as well as he could if he did not let grief control his heart so much.
  • Tyrkar at present is homeless, without much work nor passion. He drifts between workhouses and streets for sleep, often under the influence of much alcohol to supress his feelings. He's known to toil in the mines across the Empire, hopping between gigs to make ends meet, sending the only paltry coin or bargained ore back to Drowda to continue the fight.
Plot Hooks
  • Tyrkar is a Sihndar Blacksmith, having had worked smithing all manners of weapons, armors, tools. He is from the Alamat Hold in Drowda, but has lived all over since it's destruction, including primarily the Regalian Empire.
  • His ancestors are from the Razu Hold, the Ahazu Eronidas Sihndar stronghold in the mountains of Kezzeret Shubasha, north of the Allorn Empire. The Sihndar Clan Malkaryan is very well known there, being part of the some of the first to live amongst Razu and take the Drowda Taint, as well as being known for their skilled blacksmithing.
  • Tyrkar has worked in workhouses, primarily mines across the Empire, for the past 40 or so years. He has never had enough money to start his own blacksmithing, and mostly kept up his craft by smithing for mining companies in between ore collections.
    Tyrkar is an Estelley faithful, in particular he worships Melca, the patron of his people. He and his now-wiped-out family have been followers of Melca since they took the Drowda Taint 200 years ago in Razu
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