Archived Turtle Naga Subrace Anyone?

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
I like turtles. I have one in real life. I find naga interesting. Hey! Idea! Naga subrace!

I know that they aren't taking race suggestions, but why not subraces? Subraces would be so much easier to create, and little lore would be needed.

I call them the "Kame."

My lore idea:
Once mistaken for the amphibi, the Kama have only been recently been categorized as a separate kind of naga. The kame have hard shells and sharp beaks. Slow on land, the kame are still very agile in water. Long ago, they were even considered a type of maiar. The kame are very peaceful and timid. They are shunned by other naga for not helping in the Chrysiant wars.

So, what do you think? It is short and simple, but I think it would make sense. If you don't like the idea, just say why.

Just a suggestion...
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I think that the Naga have enough sub races as it is, and adding more would further fragment the few naga players there are.
However, if this was added I feel it would be fitting, though I think that their shells would make it more likely for them to share a similar position in Nagan society to Allar.
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