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Turncoats In Paradise


Lesser Noble
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
To the Regalian Public and specifically Floral Court,

The Reliquary is investigating the matter of Wisteria and the Lothar siege on the Estelley Temple. At this time, I share no details on local Reliquary stances. So that it is known, Lothar's Cursed Retainer initiative can only be taken as an oath against the core tenets of Estelley. Retainers can only assume this oath freely and without coercion. Reports indicate that Wisteria's deliberate actions were one justification for the siege and, thus, the suffering of Floral Court and Estelley Faithful. That, for all their claims of faithfulness and intent to stand against oppression, folded nearly immediately as they took the oath of Cursed Retainer and only for the duration and use against Estelley faithful and the temple. Should Wisteria make any claims to lessen this, or, to the contrary, ignore them for the safety of the Estelley loyal. In the least, I request that the priests of Estelley craft an arduous program for Wisteria's path to redemption while the Reliquary deliberates on how best to proceed on our end.

In His Service,
Revna Hjortsund, Lady Protector
Holyarm Reliquary-Valldal
Countess of Fornhavn, Drixagh

Edit History: Grammarly missed some stuff, somehow?? Removed some repetitious words in the same sentences.