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Played Character Trisandar

This character is actively played.


Jun 20, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Trisandar Narathil​
  • Heritage / Culture: Isldar​
  • Age: 19​
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male (Any Pronouns)​
  • Religion: Evolism​
  • Occult: Void Mage, Shard Royals of the Glacial Mortisphage​
  • Character Occupation: Medical, Blacksmith​
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Green​
  • Skin Color: Pale​
  • Hair: White​
  • Height: 6'2​
  • Body Type: Slim​
  • Additional Features: None​
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Cooking, Investigating​
  • Mechanics:
    1: Morthisphage
    • Mortisphages can use a Court Glamor to hide their teeth and Green Eyes from anyone but fellow Mortisphages, except during feeding. This counts as a Disguise, but not to those who already know they are Mortisphage.​
    • Mortisphages, if they have Disguising or Shapeshifting Magic, can hide their teeth and Green Eyes from anyone but Mortisphages, but all of their Proficiencies are set to 0, and they cannot use Abilities in Combat.​
    • Mortisphages can use a Party Glamor at Server Events/Player Events (not Raids), which acts as a Disguise, until they leave the Event Venue. Cannot ever be used outside of Event Venues.​
    • Mortisphages, when using Curses via Advanced Roleplay Mechanics can apply minor Curses that last for up to 12 Hours max, without OOC Consent, which count as having +1 Magic Stat for dispelling considerations.​
    • Shard Royal Mortisphages have cursed weapons with Shades in them. Any weapon they use for a period of time starts mutating with Ordial essence. Should anyone but them wield it, they become Shard Royal Mortisphages also. Additionally, they can summon and un-summon these weapons at will. Finally, they gain +2 Attack Stat (Breaking cap to 11) while attacking other Characters wielding Ranged Weapons.​
    • Shard Royal Mortisphages if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, they can suave their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.​
    • Shard Royal Mortisphages have extremely sharp eye sight and attention to detail. During Events when interacting with puzzles, mechanical objects, or otherwise objects where perception or observation of moving or static parts is important, Shard Royal Mortisphage players may request additional input from Event DM's in Private Message that their Character might observe.​
  • 2: Isldar
    • Isldar are immune to harm from frost or cold sources (unless they are Magical), and do not suffer decreased visibility or choking hazard in a blizzard/snow-storm.
    • Isldar can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
    • Death Isldar can perform the Death Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture, forcibly turning them into an Undead (with OOC Consent).
    • Death Isldar can steal non-Player Spirits from other Characters, and force them to be servants. They can only be taken back if the Death Isldar is KO'd.
    • Death Isldar can Transform into the Bone Horror Shift, a hulking monster made of bones and rotting flesh, which counts as a Disguise but is obviously a Death Isldar, and a Monstrous Transformation.
  • 3: Evolism
    • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Catheron. The first is the Law of Catheron's Reflection, which causes any Curse directly placed on an Evolist to also be mirrored back on the (non-Greater Entity) that did it . This does not make the Evolist immune to the Curse, it just means an identical Curse is placed on the Curser (that they cannot remove themselves). Secondly, Evolist worshipers are granted by Catheron, the ability to subtly influence people around them, by either heightening their 6 Devotions of the Void or heightening the 6 Defects of the Void for their own purposes.​
    • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Morrlond. Morrlond's gifts mainly aim at overcoming losses. Any Evolist who participates in an Event-Calendar noted Tournament that involves Combat Roleplay, and should lose, gains +2 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) for the next Event-Calendar noted Tournament. This effect can stack (increasing the cap by 2 each time also), until they win, after which it is removed. Secondly, Morrlond allows all Evolists to breathe underwater, but does not grant them underwater Combat Roleplay Mechanics or Abilities.​
    • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Apotheon. The first is to be able to manifest or have Apotheon's golden tail (or in other aesthetic) by which they are able to extract the essence of a person by drawing blood, or consuming them wholly by draining all the liquid from their body and leaving behind a husk. From there, they can choose to manifest parts of the extracted/absorbed person's appearance, skills (like being good at art or cooking, but never Proficiencies) and in essence fuse them into their being. Changes applied to appearance never count as Disguise, and cannot imitate a person.
    • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ravaal. They can bless their weapons in the Glacial March, becoming ghostly and see-through. Any would-be lethal wounds they inflict will not kill, instead when if expire, they fall into a glacial coma, a Curse requiring 3 Mages with 7 Proficiency in Magic to break to awaken. Secondly, she grants Evolists the means to produce Soul-shards, which are small ice-like crystals in which they can capture the souls of those that they do end up killing, where they can choose to keep them, or let them pass on without the Malefica getting close.
    • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Gahan. While in a Spirit Duke summoning, Evolists can call upon the insight of Gahan to peer through potential lies and double-speak of a Spirit Duke, to uncover hidden intentions. This won't allow a worshiper to fully understand the scope of the summoning interaction, but ward against unexpected traps or misleading that the Spirit Duke may be using to deceive the summoner. This Mechanic must be actively called upon during a Spirit Duke negotiation but can be called upon any number of times, though only by the person negotiating.
    • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ventra. Ventra allows Evolists to incorporate aspects of natural creatures, plantlife, or geology into their own body, for example by manifesting a bear's arms, a deer's antlers, a feline tail, rock plating, or floral patterns in their hair, all of these changes being purely aesthetic. Additionally, if they witness a person violating nature in opposition to Ventra's teachings, they can summon Ventra's bow and glowing arrows, to mark a person. From then on, until they repent to Ventra, any Evolist that meets them will know they are a sinner.
    • Int rewards those who succeed and punishes failure. Through Int, Evolist followers can use non-generated Divinium to empower Artifacts in their ownership which unlocks extra tiers (Mechanics, and sometimes Abilities) on them each time it is performed (capped once per month), also Void-Corrupting it with the power of Int. If the Artifactspark is removed, or the Artifact is lost to the Evolist who owned it, the tier upgrades are removed and the Artifact is de-powered. Failing in this way also causes Int to place a semi-permanent Curse on the Evolist, that can only be removed with non-generated Divinium.

  • Languages: Altalar​

Trisandar was always different from his Death Isldar kin, fascinated by the beauty of mortality and the finality of life. He often wandered alone in the icy wilderness, composing melancholic poetry that reflected his deep thoughts.
Seeking solitude one day, Trisandar ran away from home and ventured into ancient, ice-covered ruins. There, he encountered a hidden Mortisphage who sensed his contemplation of death and bit him, passing the infection.
For the next week, Trisandar endured haunting nightmares of death and decay. Despite spending his nights alone in the bitter cold—immune to its harshness, as Death Isldar are—he felt increasingly disconnected from his community. On the seventh night, he fully transformed into a Mortisphage.
Now, Trisandar roams the Kingdoms, grappling with his new identity. He seeks to understand the dark power within him and find a balance between his Death Isldar heritage and the ominous nature of his affliction, searching for meaning in the cycle of life and death that echoes within him.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7 [True Mage]
Defense Stat: 5 [True Mage]
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 2​
    • Bruiser Stance​
    • Bruiser Agony​
    • Bruiser Slam​
  • Constitution: 0​
  • Intelligence: 0​
  • Wisdom: 0​
  • Dexterity: 0​
    • Escape Artist [Isldar]​
  • Faith: 0​
  • Magic: 12​
    • Magic Snare​
    • Magic Curse​
    • Magic Distort​
    • Magic Cleanse​
    • Magic Bolster​
    • Magic Disengage​
    • Magic Warp​
    • Magic Lifebind​
    • Magic Barrier​
    • Magic Isolate​
    • Magic Revive​
    • Magic Revenge​
    • Magic Reduce [Isldar]​
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