Archived Traveling Furnace [suggestion]

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A lost Architect of an ancient Helvetican Empire
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Ever been on a long adventure traveling from one side of the world to another and possibly found some loot that involved ore(Iron, etc)? The idea being sold here is for Premiums only and would allow much like the /wb or /bp but instead it would open up a furnace, allowing you to smelt the ore or cook your food while on the move. Since Massivecraft's main focus is traveling, I don't see how the traveling furnace would impede this focus. Even more interesting is the add-on (if possible) if a Dakkar is using the traveling furnace, the player will give off sparks or smoke which could add flavour to your already tasty RP.
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I like it. It's not that much of a benefit and it does give something extra for the premiums.
It would be great, I think that they need to make a push for traveling.
I found it time consuming just sitting there waiting for the furnace to cook/smelt whatever was in it and now being premium and having access to basically a double chest /bp and a workbench /wb I figured it was time to take another step.
Well of course! It would be the same layout as a furnace minus the stationary part.
Supported! This would be great. I'm currently cooking fish for an event and I have to keep coming back to the furnace to see if they're done yet. This would help a lot.
I think this would be cool, I'm not sure about the sparks through, they could get annoying. But then again so is waiting for ore to smelt.
I think this would be cool, I'm not sure about the sparks through, they could get annoying. But then again so is waiting for ore to smelt.

That is why I suggested also that part would only work with Dakkar, seeing as how you're a fiery fiend.
Well, prems have a portable crafting bench so......
This idea has actually been suggested multiple times and has been rejected each time for the fact that there is nothing realistic about a portable furnace.
This idea has actually been suggested multiple times and has been rejected each time for the fact that there is nothing realistic about a portable furnace.

Wearing a block on your head is realistic? I think it's time premium stopped being held down by having to be "realistic". Without this limitation it would open up a whole new stream of ideas for Premium that could make buying premium a much more enjoyable experience. It doesn't affect Role Play in any manner either so I support this idea.
Wearing a block on your head is realistic? I think it's time premium stopped being held down by having to be "realistic". Without this limitation it would open up a whole new stream of ideas for Premium that could make buying premium a much more enjoyable experience. It doesn't affect Role Play in any manner either so I support this idea.
p Blocks on your head= masks
Back packs=well bacpacks
Hell even the undead horse perk had an RP reason to it, but either way im just stating why this odea has been rejected countless times before and will probably be rejected again.
This idea has actually been suggested multiple times and has been rejected each time for the fact that there is nothing realistic about a portable furnace.

You do seem to try and put everyone down with your "has been said multiple times and rejected," please grow up and learn other ways of saying things other than trolling. What's realisitic about carrying 64 blocks each 1x1x1? So next time you do wish to intervene into something. Have solid proof.
This idea has actually been suggested multiple times and has been rejected each time for the fact that there is nothing realistic about a portable furnace.

Just putting this here, diamond armor for non-perms was suggested and rejected before until now. Really what makes this any different? What fails then doesn't mean it will fail this time, times and minds change with time.
You do seem to try and put everyone down with your "has been said multiple times and rejected," please grow up and learn other ways of saying things other than trolling. What's realisitic about carrying 64 blocks each 1x1x1? So next time you do wish to intervene into something. Have solid proof.
2 things.
1. I dont see how in any way I am trolling.
2. The reason I say things lije "been suggested multiple times" is because it has and no one bothers to look back on old posts to see if it has, this brings up the samr debates over and over again for no reason. I shpuldnt have to provide proof fr the fact that you as a forum member should take in the responsibility to reviewold posts ESPECIALLY when concerning forim/server ideas to see if ideas have either A. Been suggested already or B. Ben suggested and turned down.
Just putting this here, diamond armor for non-perms was suggested and rejected before until now. Really what makes this any different? What fails then doesn't mean it will fail this time, times and minds change with time.
Well the reason diamond armor was changed is due to the fact they had valid reason to change it. With the new prem features pvp became imbalanced and thus they allowed non prems to wear diamond armor to balance it due to changes in pvp which is an entirely different situation.
Now then the situation with portable furnaces hasnt changed, in admin eyes it just dosnt make sense as Ive said before. So then what he should have done or should do,
Rather than jump the gun and go straight for accusations of "trolling" and trying to put people down, he should utilize what I have said and come up with counter points and thoughts to prove those in charge of adding such a feature that it can in fact make sense. If he can not then at least accept that peacefully. Im not saying that its a idea and that I dont like it. Im merely stating its probably going to be turned down again unless he provides some solid reason as tp why it should not rather than it just being "handy"
Also sorry for any typos im on my android.
Well the reason diamond armor was changed is due to the fact they had valid reason to change it. With the new prem features pvp became imbalanced and thus they allowed non prems to wear diamond armor to balance it due to changes in pvp which is an entirely different situation.
Now then the situation with portable furnaces hasnt changed, in admin eyes it just dosnt make sense as Ive saod before. So then what what should have done or should do,
Rather than jump the gun and go straight for accusations of "trolling" and trying to put people down, he should utilize what I have said and come up with counter points and thoughts to prove those in charge of adding such a feature that it can in fact make sense. If he can not then at least accept that peacefully. Im not saying that its a idea and thart I dont like it. Im merely stating its peobably going to be turned down again unless he provides some solid reason as tp why it should not rather than it just being "handy"

We need more premiums. Nuff said.
This is true, however it was true those other times it was suggested as well. If they went by that logic massive would become a pay to win server.

I don't think portable furnaces are pay to win, so give them portable furnaces and increase the appeal of premium. Keep doing things like this and the premium number should rise.
They have to maintain at least some kibd of form that they feel is balanced, otherwise they certainly would have implemented this.
Explain to me how a portable furnace will make the game pay to win.
I didnt say it would, I said that if they used that kind of mindset they would. Yea if they gave more prems more abilities it would becomemore popular (depending on abilities) however im sure they have realized this as well and havent acted on ideas like this fpr causes of balance. Refardless the issue remains the same, they didnt want this feature due tofeeling that it makes no sense, THATS what should be foccused on if you tryely want this idea to go anywhere, otherwise its just going to bexome like the other posts regarding it.
Regarding Tech's and Pat's debate, I don't see how this is unfair or "unstoppable." All this feature would do is to allow you to be on the move while cooking food or other activities that furnaces do. There is nothing that this promotes for damage or strength. If I were to come up with the Brewing Stand Pocket then that would be acceptable to these names of OP, however much like the /wb or /bp why is this such a turn off? There is no power generated from this, there is no damage.
"Man, I have to smelt this ore...I know! I'll just smelt it out of thin air! Makes perfect sense, am I right?"
"Man, I have to smelt this ore...I know! I'll just smelt it out of thin air! Makes perfect sense, am I right?"

And you are like many skipping to the end of the thread and not paying attention. It was stated above that it would have the same layout as a furnace, thus need coal or burning material. If you wish to continue to troll, I will remove your post(s). Any further questions?
And you are like many skipping to the end of the thread and not paying attention. It was stated above that it would have the same layout as a furnace, thus need coal or burning material. If you wish to continue to troll, I will remove your post(s). Any further questions?

So in other words, you need coal to smelt things out of thin air?
So in other words, you need coal to smelt things out of thin air?

You really need everything detailed to the finest hair to understand even a fraction of the idea? So tell me then "wise" one, how does one carry 1 1/2 double chests as a backpack without having anything on their back? Will thou complain about that as well?
You really need everything detailed to the finest hair to understand even a fraction of the idea? So tell me then "wise" one, how does one carry 1 1/2 double chests as a backpack without having anything on their back? Will thou complain about that as well?

I understood it from the start, I don't know where you got that from. I'm just saying that even though you need coal to smelt it, it doesn't change the fact that you're smelting something out of thin air. And backpacks actually do make sense, because there's no plugins or mods for it, as far as I know, and they're something people actually use. Invisible magic furnaces DON'T make sense, and even though you seem to think otherwise, needing coal to smelt it doesn't change the fact that it makes no sense. If you're going to have magic furnaces, you might as well have magic brewing stands and magic enchantment tables.
I'm sure there would be issues, think about it. You open up your furnace, put in some iron ore, put in some coal, accidentally close it and you've lost everything. And personally I think it'd be too much effort to code it. Think about the crafting table. Every time you use /wb; you create a mini-table and use it. Then it's removed when you finish. It'd be the same with furnaces, and you'd have to stand there waiting for everything to cook. It'd be such a waste of coding just because you don't have the patience to use a stationary furnace. I vote against this.
Here's an idea!
If you're premium, use two of that double chest space to carry around a Furnace and 64 Coal :D

[P.S. I haven't read the comments before this one so apologies if this was already mentioned.]
From what I've been told, Massivecraft is all about travel and the title dictates 'Traveling Furnace," in other words, instead of waiting several minutes of waiting around one furnace to smelt the materials you can pop open your furnace toss some coal and some ore/food in and keep traveling.
Here's an idea!
If you're premium, use two of that double chest space to carry around a Furnace and 64 Coal :D

[P.S. I haven't read the comments before this one so apologies if this was already mentioned.]

๖ۣۜYou have been given a Winner Rating because you weren't lazy. Seriously guys, just do this. -.-
the player will give off sparks or smoke which could add flavour to your already tasty RP.
Either they will been seen as a Vampyre, or it will piss everyone off because of the particles flying everywhere into their RP. And plus, I don't know about you, but there are some people out there pure destined to ruin RP, and run before the player can tell and admin or before an admin arrives. I could see that becoming a RP Grief tool very fast, along with things like the Eden Apples. Sure, it can make RP cooler, but it can ruin it too.
๖ۣۜYou have been given a Winner Rating because you weren't lazy. Seriously guys, just do this. -.-
Either they will been seen as a Vampyre, or it will piss everyone off because of the particles flying everywhere into their RP. And plus, I don't know about you, but there are some people out there pure destined to ruin RP, and run before the player can tell and admin or before an admin arrives. I could see that becoming a RP Grief tool very fast, along with things like the Eden Apples. Sure, it can make RP cooler, but it can ruin it too.

The whole particles idea was only a suggested add-on for the race Dakkar.
The whole particles idea was only a suggested add-on for the race Dakkar.

How recent are you to the server? I wasn't going to use this in bad context, but if you are somewhat an older player, you know that the Dakkar used to have a particles glitch which ruined the TPS between servers when they burned to death. I really don't want anything similar to happen. The Vampyres burning and flaming and sparkling everywhere is bad enough...

But again, sure, it's only for Dakkar, that doesn't really change the issue that people can and eventually will use it just to bother other RPs. It doesn't change the fact I still disagree with this idea, sorry.
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