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Trampled Beneath My Hooves - A Bounty


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
The Marty Party

15th of July 307AC

An Address to The Mercenaries of Regalia
Today I was enjoying a quiet evening with my dearest son and daughter, as well as visiting family and friends who had returned from Basta. I had dedicated this day to be a break away from the politics that my heightened status as Archduke and the position of Secretary of Finance entails. Unfortunately, the serenity of my relaxing afternoon with family was shattered, rudely interrupted by the Jacobin scum of the Blackhawks Company, or more specifically, their leader who goes by the laughable moniker of 'The Beggar.'

This deplorable and unlawful figure arrived at my countryside estate alone, armed with what he claimed to be and what appeared to be an explosive device, threatening to kill me, my family and servants with the blast if I did not comply with his demands. Unfortunately for him, I am not so weak-minded to bend to the whims of gutter trash who think themselves above their blue-blooded betters.

It is with this, with the approval of Grand Commander Aldwyn Howlester, that I issue a bounty against all members of the 'Blackhawks.' A generous sum of two-thousand Regals will be rewarded to anyone who is brave enough to deliver this villain, in chains, to my countryside estate to receive the punishment he is due for threatening my family.

Here below is a sketch of the villain's last known appearance

Finally, a message to 'The Beggar' himself. After I am done throttling you, you will live true to your name, for the last thing you will be begging for is the sweet release of death.

Signed by
His Grace, Louis Delmotte
Archduke of Basta & Irvelle
Baron of La Cresse
Secretary of Finance

'The Beggar' came to the Delmotte estate, threatening the Archduke with an explosive.
A bounty of two thousand Regals has been placed on his capture, alive and brought to the Delmotte estate

Additional notes:
Since I am essentially inspiring conflict amongst the gangs and mercenaries, which could result in injury to your characters, I am willing to offer something more tangible than non-existant regals. If those who bring 'The Beggar' to me are registered with the WIS I will lend the group House Delmotte's subterfuge support for a period of two weeks.

@Conflee @Anarchizm
Elm Underbridge guffawed at the declaration declaring "He won't make through the week."He then continued to make his way through the streets looking up to the sky pensively.
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Ludwig von Drachenburg would re-read the bounty over and over again before shaking their head, spitting to the side. "Curse this /Beggar/. They are a fool to mess with the Archduke. I will see if I can help the Archduke and his family, Spirit bless them."

"Use your coin to put food in hungry mouths, not blades in old men's backs."
was all Beggar had to say on the matter when he saw the bounty.

Fen'nan looked over the bounty and laughed, "Pffffffffftttt, noble arses. Let's just watch them try me, like someone could snatch a Blackhawk," she snorted cockily, the red-head turning and sauntering off with a spirited step in her stride.
Fen'nan looked over the bounty and laughed, "Pffffffffftttt, noble arses. Let's just watch them try me, like someone could snatch a Blackhawk," she snorted cockily, the red-head turning and sauntering off with a spirited step in her stride.
Azra watched at Fen'nan ran past and shouted after, "Did you forget about Nace already?!"
Gwelurin looked at the bounty, giving a raise of a brow. Next to her was what she would consider her best friend. She looked to the Cardinal saying,

"Is it time for us to become the bounty hunting duo we daydreamed about?

Christopher Black frowned upon reading the notice. "Bloody void, we're not even safe out in the country. I hope the Archduke's bounty brings about justice." Christopher mused for some moments, before turning to look for Dianne and Dahlia. "What do you two think about hauling a few cannons up onto the balconies for the sentries? If the gutter scum come here next, I'll give them a bloody explosion."

@darkarely @Senpah
"Someones gonna need an extra pour this evenin'. Bit ironic, innit?"
The pitch black Corsair Lord practically spit out his morning kaffee upon having the news read to him, "A single man tried to take on the entire house? Pahaha the criminal underworld really is losing their touch." He wiped off his snout with the back of his hand, sitting back once more as a Sarran continued his morning grooming routine.
The pitch black Corsair Lord practically spit out his morning kaffee upon having the news read to him, "A single man tried to take on the entire house? Pahaha the criminal underworld really is losing their touch." He wiped off his snout with the back of his hand, sitting back once more as a Sarran continued his morning grooming routine.
Morning Grooming Routine
Morning Grooming Routine
Morning Grooming Routine
A certain one armed crocodile looked at this and released a small smile at the reward in cash. She turned to her body guards with the same smile. Although the Sa-Allar couldn't read, they knew that smile well, someone was either about to die or she was getting a new piece of armor. Or both. "Honestly, I can't tell who's more crazy. The fucker who tried to kill the noble or the noble putting a two thousand regal on the fucker. Either way, this "Beggar" is all mine." She said, finally walking away with her guards.
"Kill me?" *takes a sip of sake from his flask.* "They can try."
*walked away from the post board, a monotone expression on his face.*
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As Deo idled away his time he received notice of the applied Bounty. With a raised brow he turned to one of his companions and questioned, "Is he going to slaughter all Beggars? How then will I feel rich if all the poor do not ask me for my wealth on my morning walk!"
Looked at the bounty, chuckling lightly
"Well well Cael, It seems you have gotten yourself into quite a bit of trouble. A shame it would be if your identity was released publicly"
The bounty has been claimed by a contractor who shall remain anonymous, and is no longer being offered. House Delmotte thanks those involved.

Cael Ladveer is no longer wanted