Trace's Art Thread 2.0 (new Style)


Sep 19, 2015
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New program with a new style than my old gross program and style...but here you go.
(still need to improve though....)

Endrai concept...hopefully new ones will be a bit better....but finally learned better shading on SAI, so im satisfied.

Endrai Concept New.jpg
this is good man! keep going! and also, every artist will admit they want to/need to improve. so dont like. beat urself up about it i guess? just keep on drawing and practicing.

also! if you DO decide to use references more often (like in ur profile pic?) thats usually pretty okay. just as long as you credit the artist who drew the ref or at least ask the artist idk BUT YEA

As i Promised, A redo of Grape Spider/Ynnad @MantaRey
Grape spider.jpg
took like 5 mins....Please dont kill me!

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grrr...i am really starting to lose hope in myself and digital art....
grrr...i am really starting to lose hope in myself and digital art....

I know it can be super tough getting motivated or believing in what you can accomplish with digital art. I still have a lot of slumps on a daily basis -- art slumps and blocks are just obstacles we artists have to get past. Sometimes I find that taking time away from drawing, maybe scouring Pinterest or artists on Instagram, looking at their styles and pieces, helps me get re-motivated. It makes me want to try and learn, to get better, and develop my own style. All I can say is don't give in. Talk with other artists, discuss what's bothering you about your work, what you enjoy most about your work. Self-reflect and ask questions -- important things!

You've got this. Take the time you need, and come back to it when you're ready, pal!
grrr...i am really starting to lose hope in myself and digital art....
HEY. NO. Digital art can get a bit aggravating at times, and yeah sometimes artists have those times where they think that when they finish a piece it just going to turn out badly. It's normal to think that way, but you have to keep practicing so you can be proud of the next artwork that you make, and after you make that proud piece of art you'd want to make more hella good ones. Like what MantaRay said, you have to be inspired to make art and the best way to do that is to look at social media, your favorite video games, the outside, or whatever appeals to you. No one is a Picasso at first and talent gets you only a certain distance. Keep practicing and be proud of what you make. Your artwork is actually pretty good, so keep at it. It's hard to get art noticed, but I think sharing my artwork with friends helps me be motivated and honestly satisfies me when they like it and tbh I'm just happy if they're the only people that like it. You don't need the approval of other people to prove that you're good DONT LOOSE HOPE
@Miss_Confined @MantaRey @Ivygreenstem @Pandantly @Samfari @Suzzie @BittaBoBittoBa

Thank you guys for all you have said, I guess recent stresses such as finals and recent emergencies have just been stressing me out and that I get frustrated with these sorts of things, especially since this isn't the only hobbie of mine that has me frustrated and blocked. But really thank you for these words you have said. I'm gonna try harder now to work on this. (but the irritating matter is that I'm not gonna be able to practice or try for the next 2-3 week...but I guess for one of those weeks I can watch tutorials and videos or whatever)
Since i didn't feel like doing people, and i'm crunched on time, i decided to draw my version of the Alorian Map.
I see where you got the inspiration for the Hammer's armor, Trace. I like the way the armor looks in the concept.
Well the project is taking a while so I think I'm gonna take up a few side works for now
Been scrolling through the thread for a bit, all awesome work!