Archived Town Watch

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


High Jarl of NorthWatch
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
A feature that notifies all online faction members when a non-faction player crosses into claimed territory via audible warning with faction message: "Intruder Alert!"

The feature could be purchased or "rented" for 24hr period via in-game regals or Premium $hop.

This way, carebears who do their work above ground but don't have trained warriors can pay and have some advance warning before being slaughtered. Kinda like an AoE town bell.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Sounds kind of cool I guess but. The system would have to work for everyone when someone purchased it or it'd break EULA
Sounds kind of cool I guess but. The system would have to work for everyone when someone purchased it or it'd break EULA

Sure would be a nice gesture to pay money for everyone to be protected but not immune to raids. Seems like that'd be fine. In-game it could be purchased with regals as if your faction is paying a town guard to watch your borders. Could be an incentive for factions to raise tax as well.
i do not like this idea. Raiding is mostly surprising. There is no raiding with this idea because of that. It would really hurt PVP.
i do not like this idea. Raiding is mostly surprising. There is no raiding with this idea because of that. It would really hurt PVP.
Yes but in reality there would be a town guard to warn the people. If they can afford to pay a town guard that is. Like from taxes. If a faction has enough memvers to have their own guardsmen then they wouldn't pay the extra regals every day.
Yes but in reality there would be a town guard to warn the people. If they can afford to pay a town guard that is. Like from taxes. If a faction has enough memvers to have their own guardsmen then they wouldn't pay the extra regals every day.
The factions that do have the money are already PVPers tho. So it seems a bit pointless, no offense.
Besides what @znake1468 has already mentioned how it would hurt Pvp, it would also be rather ineffective for some factions. This means that if a random new comer to massive crossed one claim that a faction has in the middle of nowhere, it would give everyone online in the fac the warning making them paranoid that there's an enemy on the land they are currently standing on. It could also easily be abused as someone could troll by Constantly walking on and off the factions claims just to spam the persons chat/onscreen message.
There is a similar idea suggested in the Factions poll which is basically an alert for if an /enemy player enters faction land. This idea has been noted for discussion and review at a later point.