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Played Character Torhilde

This character is actively played.


MassiveCraft's token ethnic
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Sicilian countryside






Full Name:
  • Torhilde "Tory" Ulster av Kongehaug.​
  • Kissuti Eronidas.​
  • Nordi Velheim.
  • Thirty.​
  • Intersex (Female presenting)​
Eye Color:
  • Gray blue.​
Core Concept:
  • Torhilde is a Fornoss-worshipping, Nordi-cultured Eronidas who aspired to be a famous unarmed brawler before being kidnapped and made to be a Vampiric thrall pit fighter, becoming a Marken in the process and eventually fleeing to Regalia where she tries to make something of her life without anymore bloodshed.​




  • Total Spent (14)​
    • Strength: 7 (7 from Point-Buy)​
      • Weapon Throw (Free with Bruiser Point Buy)
      • Careful Fighter (Free with Racial Traits)
      • Bruiser Slam (Free with Racial Traits)
      • Bruiser Flurry
      • Bruiser Parry
      • Bruiser Feint
      • Bruiser Agony
      • Bruiser Tackle
      • Bruiser Ruin
      • Bruiser Rampage
      Constitution (7)
      • Break Down (Free with Racial Traits)
      • Building Smash
      • Force Toss
      • Steady Body
      • Gut Punch
      • Debuff Endurance
      • Rage Counter
      • Thick Hide
    • Wisdom: 0​
    • Dexterity: 0
    • Arcane: 0​
    • Faith: 0​




  • Languages
    • Common​
    • Skodje
    • Vasar
    • Sofaal
    • Gallwech
    • Zoram




  • Torhilde sports no abnormalities or mutations.​
  • The Eronidas is a huge, hulking female presenting figure, standing at 7'4" and with roughly 700 pounds of green muscle. She wears a stretchy red tank top, a peach-colored sash that wraps around her stomach and drapes slightly over her left leg, baggy grey trousers, and leather sandals. She wears her black hair half shaven in Velheimer fashion, her skin a blueish green, her eyes a pale blue with her sclera black.​
  • Tory shifts into a huge, hulking Brawl Marken, with black fur with a secondary jet black color.​




  • Torhilde was born to two Eronidas game hunters in Nordskags' capital and was left behind as they traveled elsewhere in 285 AC, and was eventually adopted by Gunnar and Kaja av Kongehaug. She grew up there for the next several years, picking up the normal languages expected of her as she grew up within the Velhiemer household, being raised as an Old Gods worshipper. Her adopted mother had her learn the art of woodcarving, creating things as small as religious totems to hewing her own bow. In the following years when she reached 14, she had convinced her parents to let her travel. Once she could she left off to begin exploring the world after getting enough money to do so. Tori had been quick to take a boat to Daendroque, traveling to the jungles to learn from the school of Palattu in the Lykon Polon for the next six years.
  • Once she had learned everything she could from the school she had left with the plans to return home to Nordskag. As she traveled overseas the ship ended up stopping in Daenshore, staying there for several days until finally leaving once the seas were calm. However, Torhilde ended up walking into the wrong group, being taken in by the local cartel after trying to fight them off the best she could, but there were too many for her to take on by herself. She had stayed there for a short time before being sold as a slave, ending up in the hands of the Songaskian Masaya. Throughout her time as a slave, she ended up being a pit fighter before being infected with Vampirism which made it a lot worse at the time.​
  • During the second Songaskian War, the city of Massoilagui had been leveled which led to her escape from the Songaskians that had kept her as a slave for several years. Once she fled, she had been able to stow away on a ship until she was found out and kicked off the ship in Gallovia. As she was stuck there she ended up learning Common along with training under a graduate from the school of Lecgaen, Harold McGallagher, who ended up recognizing her symptoms of vampirism and took her to be cured. Her trainer had an odd routine, though as at the end of the month, he'd simply disappear and show up the next day or so looking haunted. Curious by the third month, she followed after him one time, only to be infected with the same curse he had by being savagely attacked and bitten. Now, her trainer had to help her master the form of Lecgaen but also her newfound curse, managing to teach her how to manually shift into the form. Harold noted her aversion to using any physical weapons and her insistence on only fighting unarmed, he opted to also train her how to use two buckler shields strapped to her forearms to make fighting against opponents with weapons viable. By the age of twenty-five after being in Gallovia for half a year she heads to Regalia after hearing that some of her family members were there. She managed to find two distant cousins, Arum and Nisra, and decided to settle in the city. Her emotional well-being wasn't made any better by this family reunion, however. She would cover the windows of her apartment and barricade the door, only getting up from sleep for basic hygiene or when she was running out of money to afford food, rent, and alcohol. She rarely gets any good sleep, severely plagued by nightmares of things she did while enslaved as a vampire or while she couldn't control her Markenism. Despite having become a Brawl Marken she stubbornly persists in worshipping the Old Gods faith she grew up in, begging for some kind of reprieve from her state like she was saved from her enslavement. Feeling as though ending it all would merely damn her to an even worse fate, she pushes on, working as manual labor or a woodworker throughout the capital, perservering in spite of herself.​
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Update (11/21/19)
  • Added grammar.
  • Added Pagan Mutations in Skill Information.
  • Added explanation for Mutations in Life Story
  • Explained Body Stat under Skill Information.
Update (4/29/2020)
  • Aged down Torhilde by 5 years.
  • Removed Pagan Mutations due to lack of use.
  • Removed Mutations in Back Story
  • Adjusted points from various Body Stat revisions.
Updated Points to current system
Aged down again from 30 to 25
Switched Skull Thickening mutation to Winters Embrace
Added little blurbs in Personality/Visual info to describe certain traits when infected w/ Werebeastism.
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Slight update to reflect recent lore changes
  • Updated race info and adjusted physical stat to Eronidas update.
  • Removed Musclegod since it's no longer an option on the proficiency page, switched to strongman.
  • Adjusted Languages for Eronidas update.
  • Updated School of Graklak to Palattu.
Updated to reflect the Proficiency rework!
Aged her up by six years.
Removed Strength and Bodycare in favour of adding Heavy Bow.
Added explanations for her Old Gods faith (not new, just forgot to include it in the backstory), her new Heavy Bow skill, and for her Wooden Art skill, which has remained in her app since the last major rework, but wasn't explained as to why she had it.
I will note, all characters get 50 points now, regardless of page. However, if that is all you want to invest at this time, I will happily approve the application @Napoleone_ ?
Oh! I misunderstood that change. I'll return her age back to twenty five and add back the ten Strength Training points if that's okay. App updated in accordance with this!
Need a new reviewer, updated Torhilde to the most recent proficiency overhaul. Unarmed, Blades, Large Blades, Thin Blades, Crippling Strike, and Axe were removed and replaced with Warrior, Unyielding, Demolisher, Coward, Frenzy, Breaker, and Brutalist. Replaced Resilience for Ironheart. Added Block, Protectorate, and Counterplay.
Constitution: 8 (6 from Point-Buy, 2 from Physical Prowess)
  • Physique
  • Bruteforce
  • Ironheart
  • Wood Craft
  • Block
  • Protectorate
  • Counterplay
You've taken one too many packs here. The points granted via Physical Prowess cannot be used towards Point-Buy.

Make this edit, tag me and we should be good to go.
Hey gamer, I was directed to take a look at the Eronidas specials and Gymnasium Training gives me a free Training pack and comes with Physique pack 'built in'. Thus I removed Physique as a pack, made Bruteforce my free Training pack, added Bastion, and took a point from Constitution and put it into Dexterity to buy Piercing Shot on account of IC development. Also fixed my specials which were outdated. I also added a blurb in the backstory to explain how she learned to use shields, as well as explaining how she learned to use a firearm in this color. Also added her Constitution & Dexterity abilities.
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So the roleplay where Torhilde learned to use firearms got voided so I removed that from the backstory, thus I put the point I took from Constitution back and took the Recovery pack. I also removed the Unyielding pack from Strength to make space for the Fisticuffs pack and also because I never really used it.