Archived Top Donor Lore Items

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Lore Shop Owner
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
An idea to potentially get more people to donate, and introduce new lore items. To possibly encourage more people to donate, add a reward system for both top all time donors and monthly donors. Two systems I have an idea for is:

Monthly: At the end of each month, if your name is on the list of top monthly donors, you get a personalized lore item saying thankyou and congratulations for supporting Massive and being on the current month top donors list.

All Time: This will be a little bit trickier since it fluctuates all the time and it should only be a one time lore item. So anyone that has been one of the top 100 top donors of Massive get a personalized lore item saying thankyou and congratulations for supporting Massive with your continued loyalty.

Just an idea for there to be more incentive on getting people to donate (perhaps). Thankyou for reading and comment on this idea! :D
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd be fine with this so long as it wasn't some type of weapon item and just a gag like lore item. This way it would be a cosmetic item and not a "donate to win" type of item.
I'd be fine with this so long as it wasn't some type of weapon item and just a gag like lore item. This way it would be a cosmetic item and not a "donate to win" type of item.
*crossing fingers* hoping its an item like "Power 300, Knockback 750, Sharpness 10000000, "Look at any player to instantly kill them and take all their regals"
I support that idea, it could help massive get more donations, but Knowing them, they wont do it.
How do you know my dude? You don't know, you're just assuming without any evidence that they might or might not.
I know cause Thats how ANY staff work. i know cause, its says on the donation stuff, "Wont Get you anything IG" and i know cause AS Top donour of ALL time, staff never said anything about it. They dont care, they just want the donations in. But legally, they cant do anything anyway #EULA
I know cause Thats how ANY staff work. i know cause, its says on the donation stuff, "Wont Get you anything IG" and i know cause AS Top donour of ALL time, staff never said anything about it. They dont care, they just want the donations in. But legally, they cant do anything anyway #EULA
I care tho <3