Archived Too Many Deadbolts!!!

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High Jarl of NorthWatch
May 2, 2013
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So, running a faction with an ever-evolving infrastructure and high turn-around in members has led to many many deadbolts... everywhere... If a member leaves your faction and joins another and refuses to return to clear deadbolts or is unreachable for long periods of time within the expire limit, what is a leader to do?

I hate having to helpop and drag moderators away from more important or critical tasks just to clear a chest...

What if:

What if when a person voluntarily left a faction and joined another, their deadbolts in claimed territory would disappear? Everything left behind becomes unlocked.

What if when a person was kicked from a faction, their chests vanished, and they could claim their chests and the items that had been left inside via a /reclaim command? How much room would that take up memory-wise? Is it even possible?

What if when a person left or was kicked from a faction, their items were loaded into a reclaim chest with infinite space that appeared in their inventory, and when they laid it down and took all the items out of it it would finally vanish, or expire after 24 hours of not emptying it? save memory.

What if when a person left or was kicked from a faction they had 24 hours to teleport to /tp chest 1, /tp chest 2, ect. to reclaim their deadbolted items within foreign territory before those chests/doors just vanished.

In regards to people storing things in another faction:

Have the leader own the chest and you have access to it.

Exclude chests in territory chunks that a player has been granted permission to. [see perms]

Bottom line: You can't move to a new house and leave everything behind in immovable 2 ton safes for the new tenants to suffer with!

Please comment and/or add your own suggestions.

I feel this problem needs to be addressed sooner or later. Thank you.
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What if people store stuff in other factions? What if someone leaves a faction temporarily? What if they live in a different faction than they are part of?
What if people store stuff in other factions? What if someone leaves a faction temporarily? What if they live in a different faction than they are part of?
These are more questions... I need answers. >.<

But, yes, these are valid points that I will take into consideration and revise the original post.
This is a very good suggestion, but even if it cant be added with chests, deadbolt doors in factions should be unlock-able by the faction leader if the person is no longer in the faction. A member in my faction recently left (of his own accord, I didn't kick him or ask him to leave) but he left his house door locked and open meaning no one can shut the door. This is not the only time this has happened to me and I am sure many other people here have had similar problems. Even if unlock-able chests are to tricky to manage unlock-able doors would save the players and the staff a lot of time and not really cause anyone to lose valuable items.
The doors would be a simple fix. ...But finding an ungriefable solution to removing chests is somewhat of a mindf**k.

Quite a statement only a couple hours into a post but... it is.
I may have a sulotion to this problem but it does involve some responsibility of the owners of the chests. Players are always responsible for the protection of their own item, It is why we have protected chests in this manner. Should a player choose to leave a faction or remain offline too long then their chests (presant in claimed territiory of the faction) should be unlocked after 24 hours. Thus also in the case of being kicked by the faction leader it will be the players own responsibility to collect his items within these 24 hours. Faction leaders however are obligated to permit this person acces to his chests. (not killing on sight) Also when players have stayed offline for over 20 days (standard protection override time), each protected item must be manualy reset. (protection disapears and the player has to put up a new sign).

I hope all above here is programmeble ;3

As for Galen Rose's questions:

1e Same rules apply similar to those chests than when placed in own faction territory.
2e Then its up to the player to ask an other members or the faction leader to secure his items for the time being.
3e Basicly the same awnser as question 1 since the questions come down to the same thing anyways ^_^

Just only an exeption to the 20days offline case: chests will get accaseble immediatly after the period since that rule is already efficient enough in its own case.

I hope this could be of use :D
I may have a sulotion to this problem but it does involve some responsibility of the owners of the chests. Players are always responsible for the protection of their own item, It is why we have protected chests in this manner. Should a player choose to leave a faction or remain offline too long then their chests (presant in claimed territiory of the faction) should be unlocked after 24 hours. Thus also in the case of being kicked by the faction leader it will be the players own responsibility to collect his items within these 24 hours. Faction leaders however are obligated to permit this person acces to his chests. (not killing on sight) Also when players have stayed offline for over 20 days (standard protection override time), each protected item must be manualy reset. (protection disapears and the player has to put up a new sign).

I hope all above here is programmeble ;3

As for Galen Rose's questions:

1e Same rules apply similar to those chests than when placed in own faction territory.
2e Then its up to the player to ask an other members or the faction leader to secure his items for the time being.
3e Basicly the same awnser as question 1 since the questions come down to the same thing anyways ^_^

Just only an exeption to the 20days offline case: chests will get accaseble immediatly after the period since that rule is already efficient enough in its own case.

I hope this could be of use :D

Wont work because if the play only logs in once a week (or only on weekends as may have to due to things irl) the faction leader could just kick them during the week. I think we should start with the door and trapdoor deadbolts been unlockable by the faction owner if the sign owner leaves the faction (or is kicked). Keep brainstorming ideas for unlockable chests but you need to consider that members must be able to get their items back without having them stolen and the faction owners need a way to remove deadbolts.
It should be possible for faction leaders to unlock deadbolts within faction territory. Here's why:
  1. Theft - If someone steals from another member the leader can just check the chests to confirm it.
  2. Left - If someone leaves a faction the leader can simply open and remove the locked chests.
Thats really about it I think. I have the feeling I'm forgetting something, but meh.
The unlocking of chests is problematic. Say a faction disbands, but one or several people left their locked chest in that area. Another person comes along and claims the area. Can they now open all the chests in the claimed area? See how this is totally unfair. Likewise, saying that people can't claim a chunk that has a locked chest is saying that if someone puts a locked chest in every chunk of a world that noone can claim in that world. We can not allow people to, in effect, claim land by leaving a locked chest.
Wont work because if the play only logs in once a week (or only on weekends as may have to due to things irl) the faction leader could just kick them during the week.

In the case you just discribed, the faction leader doesnt seem to have any reason to kick the player or unlock his things.:P I do get your point however. When somewone is only online during the weekend and a faction leader kicks him during the week, it will allow the leader acces to his chest... I do believe you got to have a little faith in your leader to take responsibility, otherwise why do you follow him/her?

The unlocking of chests is problematic. Say a faction disbands, but one or several people left their locked chest in that area. Another person comes along and claims the area. Can they now open all the chests in the claimed area? See how this is totally unfair. Likewise, saying that people can't claim a chunk that has a locked chest is saying that if someone puts a locked chest in every chunk of a world that noone can claim in that world. We can not allow people to, in effect, claim land by leaving a locked chest.

The rules state that a player has to be kicked to trigger he unlock timer. Claiming an area with locked chests in them doesnt unlock the chest otherwise than the owner to be 20 days offline. As i stated in my previous post all the causes should be triggers. Other actions shouldn't be possible. IF they are then claiming chests can be seen as exploiting a gab in the protection of this plugin or interfear with other rules about not claiming inhabited lands.

About covering the world in locked chests... Thats world grief. The staff probably won't permit anyone to do this even if this surgestion is accepted or not.
Ok, so the easiest fix so far is as follows:

When a member leaves a faction of their own free will, their deadbolts become breakable in that territory by the leader of that faction. They must take their items with them or make arrangements with the faction leader to have those items remain locked until the move is completed.

When a member is kicked from a faction their deadbolts stay intact for 10 days before becoming unprotected. It will be a ban-able offense to not allow a player to retrieve their items in that time period.

How does this sound?
There certainly needs to be a solution to this problem. I recently obtained a faction, complete with about 20 locked deadbolts and shops of people who may or may not be griefers and thieves, according to the last owner. I can't easily invite them back so they can unlock their chests. With helpop and /modlist gone, there's no good way to contact anyone about this problem, leading to me having a skeleton of deadbolted chests where a building once was. There doesn't seem to be an obvious solution to this, but I believe that one possibility is, as Thorjl said, an accelerated rate of expiration on faction land, so if the person wasn't in the faction for 10 or so days, their chests would pop open. I'm not really sure, but I like Thorjl's latest idea.
personally, i think the faction leader should have the option to be able to access to everything on his land, even the chests and doors of other players, that would require a lot of trust from the members, but you have to trust someone if your willing to move all your stuff into the faction home, knowing there is always a chance that the leader is a troller or worse.
The unlocking of chests is problematic. Say a faction disbands, but one or several people left their locked chest in that area. Another person comes along and claims the area. Can they now open all the chests in the claimed area? See how this is totally unfair. Likewise, saying that people can't claim a chunk that has a locked chest is saying that if someone puts a locked chest in every chunk of a world that noone can claim in that world. We can not allow people to, in effect, claim land by leaving a locked chest.

I think it would work chronologically in that if the person has a chest in an area that is then claimed they are notified via automated mail with coords and have the 10 days to claim their items before the protection wears off. Or maybe the original 20 but doesn't reset when they get online. Hows that?
What if you lock all their chests and add them to the deadbolt from now on?
I know this would require alot of coding, but it would be nice if Deadbolt and Factions were integrated, and had a faction permission for deadbolt admin. So a faction leader (and officers if he chooses) would be deadbolt admins within their own territory, and possibly have an option to not allow deadbolt in your territory at all.

I realise this will create alot of corrupt faction leaders who steal from their members, but it's up to the players to find a faction that doesn't do that, and to inform new players of factions that will steal from you.
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