Together At Last


"I assure you now when this life has ended and the dust settles, I will find you in the next."
The sun was crawling gently over the horizon as a pair of horses with their riders each wearing a red cloak around their shoulders dismounted and entered the small chapel on the hill. It was an old building, but one that was being taken care of by the elderly priest who greeted the duo as they stepped into the inner room of the building. After the formalities were settled and tea was set before the trio by the priest's servant, the final preparations for the afternoon's ceremony were settled into place. The trio fell into a comfortable silence having done this numerous times over the past two weeks to ensure that all was ready for the wedding.

"And everything is quite settled then, Miss von der Ebene?"

"Yes, Father Lucien. Everyone should arrive within two hours and they know where to sit. I cannot thank you enough for doing this. You can imagine how hard it is to find… someone willing to handle this sort of wedding."

"I've lived a long life, I've seen my share of interesting things. This is not the most interesting thing I've seen, but… I suppose all of your pleading and jams did warm me up to this."

The older man chuckled and finished his tea, smiling slightly towards the duo who sat across from him.

Seraphina snorted and rubbed the back of her neck as she looked towards Alexander who merely chuckled alongside the elderly Reverend. She sighed and adjusted the cloak around her shoulders and moved to nudge her brother, in arms at least, leg with her own.

Alexander glanced to her curiously and after discerning her expression, he offered a slight nod and they both rose, excusing themselves as they moved back into the church proper as they settled into a pew, side by side. Seraphina rubbed her eyes and spoke.

"You have no idea how nervous I've been for this day to come. For a long time, I thought it wasn't going to happen, but here we are. My wedding day."
"Not about to go and get cold feet now are you, sister?"
"I… I don't think so. I just hope she doesn't either, you know?"
"I've seen the way you two look at each other, Sera. She isn't about to go and get cold feet. We both know Julienne, you better than I, of course. Do you really think she would have said yes in the first place if she wasn't just as much in love with you as you are with her?"

It was not really a direct question, but a question that was only met with silence. Alexander glanced towards Seraphina who was staring forward still, a frown on her scarred features. His own smile faded as he nudged the other.

"She does love you, Sera. Don't go doubting that."
"But I…"
"No buts. You love her. She loves you. You two are getting married and that's that. It's what you've been dreaming about ever since you two met. It was meant to be. And I highly doubt Darcie, nor I for that matter, would just let you get out of this, nor would I think you, yourself would allow such a thing."
"Sometimes I think she's more excited than I am for this."
"She enjoys a good event, and well, the wedding of her technical sister in law has to be the best event she's ever had a hand in, she'll ensure it goes right, period."

A chuckle escaped Seraphina and she nudged his shoulder, clearly his words having brightened her immensely. However, her nerves were not totally banished from her mind and were actually elevated at the beckoning of Father Lucien from the inner room.

"Guess he wants to… Handle the beginning blessing. See you in a bit, brother."
"It'll be fine. Don't you worry. I'll ensure everything goes off with a hitch on our end and then we just have to wait for Darcie to do the same with Julienne."
Alexander shot her a thumbs up as she stepped back into the room they just occupied. Father Lucien closing the door firmly behind her. The remaining Bloodcast male settled further into the pew, not before giving a glance back to the closed doors of the chapel, a curious and just a tiny bit concerned expression appearing on his features as he considered his own words. Before offering up a silent prayer to the Spirit that all indeed went well with his wife and his sister's bride.

And as this prayer was cast upwards to the Heavens, Darcie herself was merely cursing the Spirit and all other deities that were listening.

"Darcie, you've outdone yourself."
"But it isn't perfect! You're supposed to be in tears!"
"I would rather not. You made it quite clear that if I even coughed, I would ruin your handiwork."

Darcie opened her mouth and then promptly closed it, reminding Julienne of a fish, but she, of course, did not make such a comment. Rather though, she merely chuckled and reached back, patting her dear friend's hand.

"I hate it when I'm proven wrong."
"I wouldn't say I'm proving you wrong per se, just reminding you of your own words. You forget yourself, Darcie."
"And apparently I forget what I've previously said as well. But are you pleased then? Even though I personally believe this is not my best work at all?"
"As I said, it's perfect, Darcie. Really… You're doing me a favor by helping me with my hair and everything else."

Julienne beamed at her friend's reflection before rising and embracing her fully. She gave her a little squeeze.

Darcie let out a sigh as she held onto Julienne for a moment or two long before speaking.

"Right, right enough dilly-dallying, come along. You, my dear, have a wedding to attend."

And with that, Darcie moved to usher Julienne along with a few others who were present within the Vauclain household. Ushering them into the carriage that awaited them outside and the few horses too, one of which Darcie herself mounted up and began leading the grouping off to into the countryside towards the chapel on the hill.

The sun had now risen to a higher point in the sky, not yet noon, but it was still shining down and there was not a cloud in the sky. A perfect day for a wedding, truly.

Though there were no clouds in the sky, they had clearly been changed into butterflies that were whisking about within Seraphina's stomach as she fiddled with the yellow sash that lay against her frame and over top of the white robes she wore. Yellow certainly was not her color, but she was not about to go spitting on tradition any further than she already was. She blanched just a bit at the thought of all that she was doing wrong but those mere thoughts faded as the singular bell rang out overhead, announcing the arrival of the bridal party. The friends and there were certainly many, of the wedding party, rose from their places in their pews, various shades of smiles and grins on their features as they watched the doorway.

Despite it being customary that the family of the bride go on ahead of her, Julienne had no family currently within Regalia. That was not to say she walked alone down the aisle, but rather that her technical soon to be in-laws simply walked before her. Though it was truly just Alexander and Darcie, beaming brightly and flashing Seraphina reassuring smiles, they were still family to both bride and well, bride, one could suppose. And then as the Vauclain Matriarch and her husband settled into their places in the front most pew, they along with the other occupants of the small chapel turned their eyes to the doorway where another pair were stepping inside.

With her hand firmly clasped around the arm of her adopted son, Julienne was trying hard to keep her smile schooled down into one that was appropriate for a house of worship, even one this small. It was hard one could surmise, to be so in love and not be able to show it with a smile. The walk up the aisle was certainly the longest walk she had ever taken, but soon enough she found her hand being offered and taken by one that had become so familiar to her. There were the scars and calluses that were often brushing over her features in the early morning and the hand that was always clasped onto hers or pressing firmly onto her shoulder in a reassuring squeeze when she needed it most.

Raising her eyes, light laurel green met an eye of pale blue and one of sky blue. A smile was on that face and the lips moved wordlessly, mouthing the simple three words that she often heard each day, numerous times she might add.

"I love you."

Even now as she held firmly to that hand and the two of them faced the ageing features of Father Lucien, Julienne could hear her beloved's voice rumbling such simple yet powerful words to her. Words she loved to hear and words Seraphina loved to speak.

The ceremony itself was not as long as either had imagined and soon enough they each found the other gazing at them. Smiles as bright as the sun that was pouring in through the stained glass windows, Seraphina leaned down, gently cupping Julienne's face and gave her a small but quite clearly loving kiss.

As they pulled apart, those in attendance let out loud whoops of pleasure and clapped loudly with clear joy. Most specifically from those of Seraphina's biological family and the two Vauclains as well. They were a joyful bunch and were quite pleased to see happiness be upon two had gone through much to get to that point.

If you consider yourself to be a friend of either Julienne or Seraphina or even both, you were most certainly invited to the wedding.
Lazarus sat amongst the guests with a soft smile upon his face, proudly watching the ongoings intently throughout; peering about to those around him before quietly reaching for a handkerchief.

"Lazarus... - You wouldn't happen to be /crying/, would you?~" The playful tone of his son just having turned at the perfect moment...

The aged Bloodcast just shot a look at Ivar, hurridly swiping the tissue against his face.

"I'm not cryin' -- You are.." grumbling on back at the man momentarily before pocketing the handkerchief.

Cieli perched on a pew in the back of the church, more so there to support her friend than for any spiritual or religious reason. While she did gain a look of surprise at the sight of the familiar face of Julienne, her expression quickly settled back into a soft smile for the couple.

At the end of the ceremony, Cieli gave the couple a few claps and a wide grin, clearly happy for her friends. She would also gift them a small carving of what appeared to be some sort of canine, and a promise to find something for Julienne in the coming days.