To Trust the Tide

A fanfare of ringing bells and chattering voices sounded as ships departed from the Amontaar dock. Vivienne watched the crowded passenger boats from the bridge above. The winds from that high up toyed with her, whipping her hair in random directions and shifting her unsteady footing. The hurricane that plagued the city may have passed, but it took the summer with it. In place of comforting warmth and dappled sunlight came overcast skies and nippy winds.

As the ships sunk deeper into the horizon, silence returned to the dock. Vivienne let out a shallow sigh. Taking a boat would have been preferable to what she was about to do. But she feared she had already drawn more attention to herself than she wished for in Amontaar and boats were easy targets. Her only decision now was to trust the ocean currents.

Vivienne took a final look at the city before turning to face the sea. She stepped slowly to the railing and wrapped her arms firmly around a support beam. In doing so, Vivienne felt as if she was actively battling the wind. She dipped her head over the railing as far as she could so that it was above the water. In one swift movement, Vivienne tore her Star Crown off her head, the crown dropping into the water. The edges of her figure quickly softened into a blur. Her consciousness faded instantaneously and the wind she had struggled so adamantly against whisked her stardust in a single gust.

((making an IC reason for me going on vacation lmao. this is vivienne's way of getting to regalia))​