Archived To Remove Old Accounts

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
I am asking for a forum 'clean slate' by that I mean remove all accounts that have not been active within X amount of time. (1 year, 6 months, 3 months ect) Here's how it would work.

  • All members that have not been active within X amount of time get an email saying that we are doing a wipe, and to come onto the forums something.
  • If the inactive member doesn't come on after the e-mail in sent (after half the amount of X) another E-mail is sent
  • 1 week before the 'wipe' the final E-mail is sent to remind the inactive member of the 'wipe'
  • After X amount of time all inactive members (and threads they have created) are wiped from the forums.
If you like/dislike this idea please say so why you do in the comments!
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I like this… it'll probably save Cay some storage space, apart from anything else.
Aaand what would it be good for? Maybe people come back to Massive at some point, or maybe they have created very helpful threads.
We don't, as a rule, delete threads. If the players were removed, all of their threads would be identified as created by guest. I understand that this is a choice MassiveCraft is intentionally making. Just because someone is no longer active, doesn't mean the answer to their question isn't still relevant. It also doesn't mean that their roleplay thread wouldn't be interesting to read. Also, the only actions for which a forum account is required when playing on MassiveCraft is appealing a punishment, reporting a player with video evidence, or applying for staff. Some players who are very active on MassiveCraft are not active on the forums. Deleting these accounts would not be in the servers best interest.
We don't, as a rule, delete threads. If the players were removed, all of their threads would be identified as created by guest. I understand that this is a choice MassiveCraft is intentionally making. Just because someone is no longer active, doesn't mean the answer to their question isn't still relevant. It also doesn't mean that their roleplay thread wouldn't be interesting to read. Also, the only actions for which a forum account is required when playing on MassiveCraft is appealing a punishment, reporting a player with video evidence, or applying for staff. Some players who are very active on MassiveCraft are not active on the forums. Deleting these accounts would not be in the servers best interest.

ok you can lock the thread XD
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