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To Not Turn A Blind Eye


Who knows, maybe she is mabyelline
Jan 7, 2022
Reaction score
United States
Roleplay Guilds
The Pale Flame Lounge


A piece of parchment found itself pinned to every conceivable board within Regalia. Multiple copies were placed in Crookback and Floral Court.


The time has come. What has been feared and written about for months now… We had all been under the impression that the Lothar Order were fools – too cowardly to carry out their plans of purity. The worst they had done was march 3000 miles and attack a handful of innocent people, but they did not end up creating a war. However, it seems the flames of what they stand on have been quelled to a dangerous roar. Not by the Lothar themselves, but instead the rise of Caius's Champions and the Red Schism.

As an Archon, I dread what I must write and what I must do against my kin. However, as Zanobi feels, I support the Occult and will see to their protection. My mission of conversion and support ends when these people are subjected to violence. Zanobi's will becomes an endless battle uphill with an environment such as this. For this reason, I will stand firmly beside the Rosaria Circle, Floral Court, and the Aelrrigan Order. How can we be blind to the fact that the Occult are people? How can we turn away from their families, friends, and all that they hold dear? I must protect the Occult – as many are innocent and have simply been living freely.

Targets such as Aeda, Anathema, Naviri, and similar individuals are not threats to Aloria. Their Magic may be not of the realm, but they are kind souls who wish to make positive change. The Rosaria Circle seeks to educate Mages on ethical use of the Magic. Floral Court is a safe haven away from the Lothar Order and Red Hunters – even if some turn a blind eye to the Afflicted that roam in the area. If we wish to discuss the matters of the Afflicted, then this conversation will take a tune, but what has broken out across Regalia is no longer limited to those who no longer have a grasp on their minds. Targets such as Reyna and Nahiyan are entirely different. The Afflicted that causes as much pain and suffering as they do must be cured.

However, the Afflicted are not the only target of this Hunt. Instead, well-intentioned and good-willed people are under threat. Innocent people will be hurt. The careful ribbon that is hope for a brighter future through conversion and/or education sits in the balance of this rumbling war. I am not willing to watch the future in which my and other Conjurers' hard work slips away due to fellow Archons, delirious Lothar, and crazed purists. No, there will be no sitting back and turning a blind eye in hopes that there will be peace. It has failed time and time again.

I ask that all who are sympathetic to the plight of the Occult join the efforts against the Red Hunters, Lothar Order, and Purist militias. May the Eternal Tower stand strong – more importantly, may we all escape the brambles.

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
Conjurer of Zanobi, Loyal Servant to the Empire
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A simple parchment is attached to every single board where the original message is posted.

"Being occult is being sick. Sickness needs to be cured, by any means necessary."
A simple parchment is attached to every single board where the original message is posted.

"Being occult is being sick. Sickness needs to be cured, by any means necessary."

The following words were scribbled under the message on every single board it had found itself on.
"Yet, being a heretic is a plague. Seek your medicine or find your end."
Another note was attached,

"<Altalar> By mistakes made long ago, as the Void - all things will fade to black."

This one was just attached to the notice in Crookback.
A Songaskian paced to and fro as purple-hued eyes poured over a copy of the letter. His head inclined in idle thought before leveling toward their cousin.

"Traoré. I believe I would like to make some new friends."
