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To Heal A Burned Land

"I tire of conversations about the North, their words are cheap and cannot even afford a solution.
I will let the prosperity I bring to Drixagh speak for itself."

A time of turmoil long beset the Northerne people, who suffered in union for the mutinous actions of a foolish few. Accosted in the streets, with what seemed to be an unending season of the cruelest campaigning and happenings; what was already a social trial seemed to have lead to death sentences for the painted faced men and women.

But no longer would the wound be left to fester.

From the Hërzkap Mountains in Western Opper Calem, families and bachelors alike would have recounted to the lands made barren by the campaigns, and implored to bring with them the skills, tools and resources at their disposal. Supplemented by the forges of Vaud, proper weapons were given to those who dared to travel to snow-covered hills. Though some out east had gone to fill in the gap left by the slewn in Drixagh, many were dismayed by the harsher climate - but the treacherous western mountain range bred only the best Ailor.

Using the resources left within the Grand Armada, and assisted by his cousin Count Hamelin d'Vaud, Virathus Krupp would implore the people of his homeland to pull up stakes and rebuild the infrastructure of Drixagh to the height of Calemberger standards, implying that their hard work would find handsome reward.


Drawing out an overland and oversea route for the travellers, the staff of the Grand Armada would keep safe the sea passage whilst good Hamelin organized the overland route. Heralding another great migration into the lands of Drixagh, An open letter would be sent by Virathus across the Regalian Isles, reading as follows:


Hail to you m'lord,

So oft we are spurned against one another in these times of turmoil, with words like terror and treachery used almost idly now. We gaze onto foreign wars, but lend no attention to the suffering here on our very Isles, and damn especially the scorched Drixagh in doing so.

This ignorance is to their chagrin, and our discredit. To amend this issue, I have called upon the people of my homeland to restore what was lost in the campaigning against the rebels, and put to rest the notions of it being a badland in which only the wildings walk.

Should you have aid of any sort you could spare for this endeavour, please - do so. To be a patron of this most righteous cause would forever earn many a favour, my own included. Even support in spirit and blessing would be greatly appreciated if none else can be spared.

As we march along The Way,
Lieutenant-Admiral Virathus Krupp
Minister of Logistics, Count Hamelin d'Vaud of Linovia
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A letter to both Virathus Krupp and Hamelin d'Vaud would be sent,

To Lieutenant-Admiral Virathus Krupp and Count Hamelin d'Vaud,

I too feel that the scorched Drixagh should be rebuilt, even though Regalia is at war against the Songaskians. Regalia needs all it's states to be in perfect condition during war. To support the restoration of Drixagh, House Quinn will be sending Allistaire Quinn to aid you. To add to that, we will be sending supplies to help rebuild the state along with some steel in case you need them.

Kalben Quinn
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Hamelin d'Vaid

Upon receiving your letter, the Heinrich family is offering to send our best architects with tools and supplies to rebuild your infrastructure. In hopes that it may reach the high standard of the Calemberg region. If you would need anything else, please send word.

Spirit Bless,
Lewis Heinrich
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From the desk of the d'Vaud, letters, in turn, were written in response to these gracious men. Bearing the family seal, nondescript, and composed of a straightforward font.

A letter to both Virathus Krupp and Hamelin d'Vaud would be sent,

To Lieutenant-Admiral Virathus Krupp and Count Hamelin d'Vaud,

I too feel that the scorched Drixagh should be rebuilt, even though Regalia is at war against the Songaskians. Regalia needs all it's states to be in perfect condition during war. To support the restoration of Drixagh, House Quinn will be sending Allistaire Quinn to aid you. To add to that, we will be sending supplies to help rebuild the state along with some steel in case you need them.

Kalben Quinn
A letter would be sent addressed to Hamelin d'Vaid with the Heinrich family seal.

Hamelin d'Vaid

Upon receiving your letter, the Heinrich family is offering to send our best architects with tools and supplies to rebuild your infrastructure. In hopes that it may reach the high standard of the Calemberg region. If you would need anything else, please send word.

Lewis Heinrich
To the esteemed Kalben Quinn,

Your offer of assistance helps in the quintessence of the denizens and peerage of the Imperium of Man helping in one another to ensure adherence to the Great Way. I look forward to seeing Allistaire Quinn brought into the fold, along with the aid given, and I believe that a
robust relationship will develop between us when we meet in person.

Spirit Protect,
Minister of Logistics, Count Hamelin d'Vaud of Linovia

To the esteemed Lewis Heinrich,

Your offer is hereby graciously accepted, and such aid will be brought with cohesion to be of use in assistance. I enclose an invitation to my town estate for further discussion.

Spirit Protect,
Minister of Logistics, Count Hamelin d'Vaud of Linovia

@H0on @onearmsquid
A letter addressed to Virathus Krupp would be sent bearing the name of an acquainted commoner.

Lieutenant Krupp,

Upon our acquaintance and reading your letter, I am offering to bring myself along with you on your campaign. I will be sending food, weapons, tools, and all manner of supplies to aid. If any other resource is needed, please contact me.

Michael J. Brett
A letter addressed to Virathus Krupp would be sent bearing the name of an acquainted commoner.

Lieutenant Krupp,

Upon our acquaintance and reading your letter, I am offering to bring myself along with you on your campaign. I will be sending food, weapons, tools, and all manner of supplies to aid. If any other resource is needed, please contact me.

Michael J. Brett

In reponse, a letter would be promptly sent,

Dear Michael,

In our time talking and drawing upon the experiences I have had in your company, I would welcome your support. Should you wish for a more intimate role, I would have you be the quartermaster of the Grand Armada, with room for promotion. Seek me in person most immediately, and we'll speak on it further.

Spirit's Blessing,
Lieutenant-Admiral Virathus Krupp
In reponse, a letter would be promptly sent,

Dear Michael,

In our time talking and drawing upon the experiences I have had in your company, I would welcome your support. Should you wish for a more intimate role, I would have you be the quartermaster of the Grand Armada, with room for promotion. Seek me in person most immediately, and we'll speak on it further.

Spirit's Blessing,
Lieutenant-Admiral Virathus Krupp
Dear Virathus,

I will do that. I will be looking forward to meeting you again and having an important part of this journey.

My condolences,
Michael J. Brett
To the Lords of the House Krupp and House d'Vaud,

I cannot help but notice what is that you do in Drixagh. But you speak of the wildings as though my people are a scourge to the lands. That by being such we are not belonging to where we were born. So I ask you this my Lords, will you allow my people to continue to forage the lands as they have for generations? It matters not who governs these states which you slaughter the masses to maintain, it has been a practice against my kin for many a year. As their leader it is my duty to see to their protection. We may sit down and speak on this, but we will not leave, we will not conform.


Baldur of the House Fenross and her tribe
Lord of the Ashen Hills
Grand Warden of the Steelsong Order
Guardian of the Wildings
To the Lords of the House Krupp and House d'Vaud,

I cannot help but notice what is that you do in Drixagh. But you speak of the wildings as though my people are a scourge to the lands. That by being such we are not belonging to where we were born. So I ask you this my Lords, will you allow my people to continue to forage the lands as they have for generations? It matters not who governs these states which you slaughter the masses to maintain, it has been a practice against my kin for many a year. As their leader it is my duty to see to their protection. We may sit down and speak on this, but we will not leave, we will not conform.


Baldur of the House Fenross and her tribe
Lord of the Ashen Hills
Grand Warden of the Steelsong Order
Guardian of the Wildings


Baldur of the House Fenross and her tribe

Lord of the Ashen Hills
Grand Warden of the Steelsong Order
Guardian of the Wildings

It was the wont of the Imperial Spirit to sometimes grant prosperity and long impunity to men whose crimes they were minded to punish in order that a complete reverse of fortune might make them suffer.

The Imperial Mark acts with Royal Prerogative, conform is not a request, it is a commandment from the Emperor, and as denizens of the Imperium of Man, how may you practice yourself as an Ailor yet shy away from the omnipresence of the Imperial Spirit. Senseless violence and bloodshed is the result.

Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected difficulties and embrace the right change. Foolish it is to continue spilling the blood of new generations for the follies of old, the Imperium advances along the Great Way and requires each and every one of Humanus to walk on the same path. The goal of resilience is to thrive.

Yet, respect remains and an olive branch is extended, Lieutenant-General Virathus Krupp has vowed to hold a moot with the remaining tribes in the settlement regions. There, he will give a speech representing the ongoing relief effort, the settlers, and to address both the future and governance of Drixagh. It is here any who wish to see their people pardoned from persecution might find salvation; his heart is burdened with both clemency and forgiveness.

It will not be all gloom and bleak as your request will also be accepted, we may meet and speak further on this.

As we march along The Way,
Minister of Logistics, Count Hamelin d'Vaud of Linovia
To The Pious Oper Calembergers,
Lord Krupp & d'Vaud
Your people, stoic in their nature, share a great deal in common with that of my own. The Oper Calem has produced stoicism, nationalism, pride, and honour for the Empire, in times of war & peace. Among your people's many traits (of which this old Duke could list innumerably) we share our compassion for our fellow man. Brichauds and the Oper Calem are places of great toil, in which human-kindness compensates our struggle. If we are to survive as a nation undivided, we must outstretch our arm, and ensure the pious are not left behind.

We spoke on this matter, myself and Lieutenant-Admiral Krupp: we agreed with due haste, that the faithful of our church must not suffer. The Oper Calem people hold their devotion to heart, though in land of Drixagh, this is sparsely the case. Bring the missionaries, bring the tellers of our Spirit's Great word, and ensure that in giving our kindness, we too are rewarded with spiritual solidarity. There is true hope for the people of Drixagh, in the open embrace of Union, though they should merely reach out and take it. So as the Creeds read: "The Divine Spirit has shown us the way, and the way we shall follow."

In the spirit of giving I'd like to offer my services in raising funds for your endeavours - we've a small auction room within our Castle in the Country. I suggest a donation of goods, followed by an open auction to increase your opperational funds. I would like to begin with a stapple offer of 50 ten-penny Regals, for lumber and such. I await your response with diligence.
Theomar's Many Blessings,
Duke Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad,
General of the Grand Noble Mark,
Lord Kommandant of the Honour Guard,
To The Pious Oper Calembergers,
Lord Krupp & d'Vaud
Your people, stoic in their nature, share a great deal in common with that of my own. The Oper Calem has produced stoicism, nationalism, pride, and honour for the Empire, in times of war & peace. Among your people's many traits (of which this old Duke could list innumerably) we share our compassion for our fellow man. Brichauds and the Oper Calem are places of great toil, in which human-kindness compensates our struggle. If we are to survive as a nation undivided, we must outstretch our arm, and ensure the pious are not left behind.

We spoke on this matter, myself and Lieutenant-Admiral Krupp: we agreed with due haste, that the faithful of our church must not suffer. The Oper Calem people hold their devotion to heart, though in land of Drixagh, this is sparsely the case. Bring the missionaries, bring the tellers of our Spirit's Great word, and ensure that in giving our kindness, we too are rewarded with spiritual solidarity. There is true hope for the people of Drixagh, in the open embrace of Union, though they should merely reach out and take it. So as the Creeds read: "The Divine Spirit has shown us the way, and the way we shall follow."

In the spirit of giving I'd like to offer my services in raising funds for your endeavours - we've a small auction room within our Castle in the Country. I suggest a donation of goods, followed by an open auction to increase your opperational funds. I would like to begin with a stapple offer of 50 ten-penny Regals, for lumber and such. I await your response with diligence.
Theomar's Many Blessings,
Duke Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad,
General of the Grand Noble Mark,
Lord Kommandant of the Honour Guard,

Duke Albaer Ludolf Ravenstad,
General of the Grand Noble Mark,
Lord Kommandant of the Honour Guard,

Every new beginning comes from another's beginning end. Unionism will be our unifying mesh, and as alike as our higher beliefs, the people of Brissiaud and Opper Calem share much in the way of toiling hard to reap the benefits of their lands.

Come one, come all, Duke Albaer of Ravenstad, the providence that you have given will be put to good use for the common man, as the fifth creed may be drawn from, " All must also contribute to each other's Great Way".

Your offer is henceforth accepted, and an idea of an open auction dedicated to Opper Calembergers will be expanded upon further to come to reap the benefits it could provide. Spirit willing, the Imperium of Man will be brought to further heights.

As we march along The Way,
Minister of Logistics, Count Hamelin d'Vaud of Linovia
To My Good Friend, Lieutenant-Admiral Krupp,
Now that His Imperial Holiness has announced the end to the War in the East, I believe that the present is the most opportune time to pour our efforts into rebuilding the Scorched Land. Inactivity leads to decadence, and decadence leads to laziness, so we cannot allow ourselves to sit idle in the precious amount of peacetime we have been granted. Following this letter are a few wagons of wheat and grain-based rations: biscuits and other such items that shouldn't perish for a long while yet. I've also included smoked and salted meats from Anglian cows and swine, food that should last you at least a few months if not a year.

I wish you the best of luck to your ventures in Drixagh, and may your tongue and your sword serve you well in bringing the savage Northerners into obedience. Ave Imperium!
Spirit Keep You,
Sir Reddulf Ruyter
Imperial Knight of the Regalian Empire
Paladin of the Viridian Order