Archived To Combat X-raying

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Jan 2, 2013
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I had an idea earlier while in Teamspeak. I've had it before, but it came back to me as people were talking about it.

I don't know if one has been created.. But perhaps there could be a server plugin that could be made that permanently darkens the underground, or rather, makes every single block invisible unless there is a light source?

To be realistic, If you're bumbling about in a cavern, you aren't going to be all like "Hey! I see Iron!" You're going to be feeling stone. Stone. Stone. Stone. Stone. Hard stuff. More stone. We don't have darkvision. We're (Mostly) all mortal creatures.

Let's say an x-rayer logs on. He digs down goes right for diamonds and loots the realm. If it's made so that you literally can't even see the blocks, as if they were invisible until you lit them up to actually see what you were doing, then you couldn't mine out specific things. You can't see where they are, of course.
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I think this 'dark plugin' would make it horrible to be in any sort of cave or any shadowed area. Minecraft isn't designed to be realistic.

If so all blocks would follow physics and fall, we'd have a realistic breathing system, and you'd have to sleep each night along with getting tired mining for long.
It's not possible. You can't just darken the room like that. You can HIDE the blocks but it causes way too much lag.
You can have very low visibility in dark areas of minecraft by adjusting the visual settings. It might be possible to force everyone to have low brightness settings if spoutcraft was required, but I doubt its possible with normal minecraft.
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