Preserved Sheet Timéo Borros

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@Dodink Hello, I've claimed this app for review and will get back to you within 48 hours.
@Dodink In order to become afflicted as a Rokhaal, you have to have undergone a specific ritual in character, has Tom Borros gone through this or were you attempting to do this in a different manner?
i wasn't aware that the 'ritual' existed and i assumed that ifritti infection 1 would've sufficed for a sort of "off screen" transformation

i wasn't aware it needed to be an ic infection, and not handwaved, until recently, and i'm working with iyyiushi on that front

i'm sorry for the miscommunication, and i'm working on getting it all sorted out! i'll ping you again in another comment when its all done if its necessary
@Dodink After reviewing your application, a few things require correction:
  • You can not have schooling and be a knight. Being a Knight explicitly forbids your character from having any schooling, please correct this.
  • You can not switch lineages due to the fact it would void a rather significant portion of Roleplay considering it would render your character completely immune to afflictions.
  • I am not a huge fan of the sudden shift into Engineering after dropping roguery and ranged combat, however it is passable for right now.
Once you have made the appropriate changes, tag me once more.
@Follower hi!

i switched the lineage back (though, i do want to move it to archan in the future), removed schooling, and made the dumping of points into engineering not as sudden and massive
Swooping in to take over this app for review! Expect a reply shortly. :)
@Dodink All seems generally in order, except I'm going to have to ask you to remove Clockwork entirely, as that was your previous reviewer's intention as well for reasons already listed.

In the case of substituting these lost points with other proficiencies and/or abilities, please make said edits in blue & tag me once done. Thanks!
@microwavemmm i shifted some stuff around to switch lineages for better paladin vibes
No, I'm going to ask that you revert all notable changes made here. Your previous reviewer gave their verdict on making him an Archan, which was a clear "no", since doing so would void too much RP because of their immunity to afflictions. This was a fair & correct judgment.

Additionally, it seems like you also tried to add back in engineering, which you were, again, already told not to have. Neither of these rulings have changed, & unless you have good argumentation for why they should, they aren't going to ever change.

For future reference, once a decision is made by Lore Staff regarding your character, please generally regard it as final. @Dodink
@Dodink All knight apps are being put on very brief hold until the Knight Update. Thank you for your patience!
Claimed for review.

You no longer have shielding in your Proficiencies, so either remove this or put the points into it.
Please make this more appropriate.
Like Kade said, this will be put on hold until the Knight update. So, make your Progression Information how it would originally be without the Knight point.

Tag me once done. Thanks!