Archived Thylan Language Suggestion: Thylanian

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& Arrogant
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
Hello! I spent a large chunk of today inventing a language for the species of Thylan to use. I even made a translator (that only I have >:)) to go with it. I am adding new words all the time when I find I cannot converse well without them. Please post suggested words that may be of use in this language.

Here is the language.

I have made this language by getting a few base words and then placing them with other words to create new ones! For example, Gathering is Nimutaornat - Which can be split into Nimuta Ornat, or Thylan Place.

Please, let me know what you think, and also let me know that my work hasn't gone to waste. Please.

Thank you.
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It'd help to format it so the translations are next to each other instead of above and below as right now it's spaced a bit awkwardly and hard to read at a glance. The words and combination system looks good though.
@Sven Tu

Yes, I noticed that after I posted it. I have edited in the formatted version that you may view on my Google Drive.
I looked at this and was like "Woah this is cool as" you must have spent some time on it, and it's really easy too read :D
or you could use an existing aboriginal language.
@Billy Rage

Sadly, many Aboriginal languages are incomplete and we know very little about them. Plus, all of those languages are different, there is no 'universal' one. So, which one, if any? Or, we could go with a made up option.
The base word and modifier system is creative but it might be overdone since a lot of these words are a little too long. This is purely my own opinion when I say there should be more single syllable words.
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