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A Guide To Fan Language By Fabienne Du Poncaire


Sep 9, 2015
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- Fabienne du Poncaire adoringly presents -

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Oh, dear Regalia ...

The idea of republishing this guide came to me gradually over the course of one too many encounters with the socially inept, suffering through bad dinner parties and enduring thoughtless comments with no means of escape from the situation. I am so tired of nobody understanding my witty social cues, hence why I have taken it upon me to benevolently share the wisdom of this oftentime forgotten art through the form of this quaint little guide.

Yes, dear reader, fan language is most definitely considered a form of art. Anyone can use a fan, but knowing how to graciously wield it differentiates the graceful from the unrefined. It is a language that finds its roots in the high courts of Ithania, where some of the most cut-throat politics are oftentimes played with just a few flutters of a fan.

With excerpts taken from the iterations of Countess Peirgarten and Viscountess Cadieux du Lierre, while sprinkling in some new additions myself, I am here to thoroughly explain to you its intricacies and teach exactly how to change your frilly accessory into a powerful tool of social grace.


The way in how one regulates the motions of their fan is a key way to detect their initial liking or aversion of someone. It is a subtle detail oftentimes forgotten by those who read it, but crucial to understand if one wishes to steer the situation in the right direction.

  • Fanning one's face at an easy pace is seen as the most basic gesture; nothing is being communicated.
  • Fanning one's face notably slow and away from the face communicates that they are married/courting/uninterested and therefore unavailable.
  • Fanning one's face notably slow and close to the face communicates that the person infront of them is a very welcome presence in their circle. (Strictly platonic)
  • Fanning one's face notably fast and away from the face communicates that they are disturbed by the person infront of them, or hints at dislike for them.
  • Fanning one's face notably fast and close to the face communicates that they feel unsafe, suspicious or anxious in that moment.
Perhaps the most straightforward aspect, but nevertheless a cryptic one to digest. The way in how one precisely uses their fan can occasionally say more than words ever could, all with the use of a few simple gestures alone.

  • If one very suddenly and harshly shuts an opened fan, they are suggesting that they have become angered and displeased by the person infront of them.
  • If one is constantly hitting an object with a closed fan, they are suggesting that they are growing very impatient in a negative sense.
  • If one is constantly slapping their open palm with their closed fan, they are suggesting that they are bored and wants to be entertained in that moment.
  • If one taps a closed fan onto ones wrist or forearm, they are suggesting that they want to immediately speak to them in a private location.
  • If one suddenly stops wielding their fan mid-conversation, they are suggesting that the person they are conversing with has captured their immediate attention. This is typically a sign of respect from the wielder.
  • Circling the tip of a closed fan around the rim of an emptied glass suggests that one would like another drink bought for, or asked to be brought to, them.
  • Fluttering a fan at someone is an endearing way of saying hello. The one wielding the fan typically reserves this gesture for friends and good acquaintances.
  • Dropping one's fan near the feet of someone they are speaking with is a means to gauge another's respect and chivalry towards the user. If the fan is picked up, the user can easily assume that they are in the good graces of their target.
  • Opening and closing the fan a couple times quickly in succession is a form of well-earned applause.
The placement of the fan reveals one's truest intentions, and always communicates transparency for those who it is explicitly directed at. It is pivotal to understand these positionings, as not understanding these could forego maybe some of the biggest opportunities presented to you.

  • Pressing the rounded edge of the fan to one's collarbone communicates that they wish to become friends with the person they are conversing with.
  • Resting the handle of a closed fan against one's lips communicates they desire romantic relations with the person they look at while performing this gesture.
  • Resting the ridge of the fan against one's cheek communicates that they are not impressed by their company, and implores them to improve the situation.
  • Resting the ridge of the fan right underneath one's eye signals that they're being watched or eavesdropped, and the wielder of the fan urges to change the topic in a subtle way.
  • Clasping both hands together over an opened fan held downwards, with the patterning facing down, communicates that one is very sorry and wishes to apologize.
  • Covering one's entire face with an opened fan is an abrupt and crude message that they want the person in front of her to go away immediately.
  • Covering the lower half of one's face, with just the eyes poking out from behind the fan, communicates that they are very intrigued by the person they are staring at, and wishes to beckon them over for conversation.
  • Covering either the left or right side of the face, with no regard given to which side, implies that one is feeling shy in the moment.
  • Raising a closed fan just under one's right eye subtly communicates that the user and those they converse with are being watched, or that the conversation is being listened to by an unwanted party member. This is a subtle suggestion to change the conversation in a natural way.

This post heavily based off of the wonderful work of @seoulmate and @canaaa!

This list is subject to change if I feel like something's missing over time. I just hope this will encourage more people to use fans in RP, and help others understand their cryptic sign language :')
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  • Clasping both hands together over an opened fan held downwards, with the patterning facing down, communicates that one is very sorry and wishes to apologize.
Howland von Moritz holds the notice in his living room, clumsily practicing this particular technique on a tawdry green fan with little success. He figured he'd have to learn this move first, to ask forgiveness for his inexperience.
  • Pressing the rounded edge of the fan to one's collarbone communicates that they wish to become friends with the person they are conversing with.

Merowald Risberg has pinned the notice to the wall beside her vanity. She stands before the mirror with a makeshift paper fan, repeatedly placing its tip against her collarbone with a practiced grin. Eventually, the weak paper is crumpled in her coarse hands, and she concedes that she'll have to get a real one made.
A lone Sihai would cradle in her hands a republishing of this guide, printed in pamphlet form and sold by some hole-in-the-wall Ithanian shop. She locks herself in her tiny apartment, reading the Countess' text over, and over, hunched over her cluttered study. Wait a minute... 'Countess'. 'Viscountess'. These were women of wealth.
The Sihai would pour water into a small stone mortar, and grind a strange black stick into it - until the water itself grew dark and viscous, before retrieving a stack of loose parchments from a drawer. Wetting her brush, the Sihai would begin to write in strong, practiced, strokes.

Attention Regalians
I am producing folding fans

with ribs of: bone, ivory, ebony, and common Regalian woods
and with panels of: paper, silk, and common Regalian fabrics
For a small additional charge, I will decorate the panels
with paint, or by other means.
Heed Countess du Poncaire's wisdom; be dignified and
purchase your own unique fan of exquisite craftsmanship.
Write to the New Town complex.

The Sihai would glue her message up on various street corners, in New Town, on the Imperial Isle, and around the Arena District, though she would not tread too far into Old Town in her endeavor to advertise.
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Howland von Moritz holds the notice in his living room, clumsily practicing this particular technique on a tawdry green fan with little success. He figured he'd have to learn this move first, to ask forgiveness for his inexperience.

On the other side of the barn door, a Bel'Yalaune practices with little success as well, with a noble's fan gifted to her by her husband, Gregior. She mutters to herself. "How the heck do you memorize all these funny gestures?"
Madileine Fortier fanned herself with easy practiced motions of the blue floral accessory. "And so begins the work of bringing civility back to the capital. At the very least every dignified woman should find herself a fan and know how to use it appropriately. In fact..."
The Ithanian began writing a notice in a looping ornate cursive:

Ladies and gentlemen of the capital city
--and those aspiring to be one--
Madileine Fortier of Grand Vertu will be offering periodic etiquette lessons to be held at the High Willow. They will address fan language, dinner party behavior, and basic social graces. All those wishing to enlighten themselves in the ways of decency and class should write to her or attend when they are announced.
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An Eronidas nobleman would sit in the Abansaddi estate, a brand new customized fan sitting in his lap. His brows furrowed as he glanced over the notice in his hands, fumbling the fan as he picked it up, "Hmm~" He mused, "I suppose this will take some practice."
If one very suddenly and harshly shuts an opened fan, they are suggesting that they have become angered and displeased by the person infront of them.
Ivonn could be heard grumbling in the du Poncaire estate quickly snapping fans in practice. The array of broken fans around him indicate the man having a rather hard time grasping the concept without magic.