Those Who Bear The Burning Eye


the gremlin
Jun 1, 2015
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bastions of the burning eye.webp

"Everwatcher, how many are my foes?"
The Bastions of the Burning Eye are a league of devoted Unionists zealots that formed in 310 AC in a response to the uptick of disasters its members have faulted the increased presence of Daemons for.

What was once a tight, uniform order evolved to become an alliance of several different Unionist groups, fully brought to fruition when the Gloryseeker, his followers, the Beckett family, Mother Alexi's flock and a handful of Villiers-Eclaire knights united. While its founder and first members were exclusively Purist vigilantes, the league has expanded to include almost any of the faithful.

Now, it is a patchwork of followers that hail from sects varying from the Thyemic to the Vierzehn and positions from Celates to laypriests and merely adherents; kept only from infighting and internal collapse by a shared yearning for Paradise and equally shared enemies.


"How many say that your Chosen cannot deliver?"
Initially, the alliance's creation was spurred on with Sangria at its center; formed to keep the Holy Blade out of the hands of the heretics who would see it wasted.

As time has gone on, its purpose as grown and expanded; from combating Arken influence, to avenging the desecrated temples, mass conversions and a plethora of other goals.


"How many stand against the glory of the Great Way?"
While they differ from member to member, the majority of the Bastions follow a code modelled approximately off of the Villiers-Eclaire. Generally, however, members are encouraged to:

- Harm only those who would do harm themselves.
- Lead a life of piety, shying away from lust, gluttony, envy, wrath, pride, sloth and greed.

- Follow closely to the words of the Celates within the order, as well as out.
- Consort and fraternize not what daemons or those aligned.


"... How many would you forgive?"
Recruitment is handled almost entirely ICly, although you are free to message me on Discord to set up meetings.
Given the loose heirarchy, paths to recruitment vary between Erwin Braunschweiger (@BeetrootSalad), the Daughter of Purity (@microwavemmm), Benjamin Beckett (@studsonsc) and any of the Celates in the order (@LeafMC, @bwmwags3).

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