Those Rp Moments.

Joseph Marini

Just that cool explorer tin77
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
On the floor
Your rping a big or small event. Suddenly, something happens you didnt expect, someone does something really funny, or its just a event that you couldnt forget. Post many of your favorite rp moments here, and dont post anything offensive. (Im not trying to go by anyones rp names)
Mine are:
During a vampire execution, after Baver dissapeared, the man who was executing the vampires put the next vampire in the gallow. The man who will go unnamed claims that vampires are just aiding the Dark Banshee, but all of a sudden, he drinks the blood of another person standing next to the gallow. The crowd gasps as he jumps off the balcony and rushes out into the city, pursued by a few others.

(This litarely just happened to me.) I walk up into the castle that BBB built in Ithania, and I see Heretic and BBB standing at the door. BBB invites me for "Dinner." I hesistate, but accept. BBB asks me why I have come here and what my views are on the Crimsons. He hands me some stew, but I tell him I actually have to go. A hour later, I return and find BBB, Heretic, and some other person. BBB asks me if I want wine, and I say yes. All of a sudden the chair flips over, dropping me into a maze. BBB tells me I support the Crimsons, which I claim not to. I try to find my way out of the maze, killing myself in the process.

Stormblade and Erabor are having there final battle, deciding that who ever loses a match at Remus gains control of the other factions. The only person to show up for Stormblade, is Watchdog and Puffy, who used to be on Erabor herself. Theres a big battle, and eventually Stormblade wins. One of the members says there not ready to give up there faction just yet, and retreat. Later that day, people are sitting around Erabor, when all of a sudden a bunch of arrows start falling from the sky! Watchdog comes in, kills everyone, and Erabor is reduced to only having 1 member.

So what are your best rp moments? Bost in the comments below!
My friend and i were RP derping around when the castle "blows up" so I quickly dig a hole, and yell, " THE MAYANS WERE RIGHT!!!"
Well I'm not sure which one to take, but the first Crimson attack on Regalia (when Ulu was along ) me and such as Aleixandria and many other people gathered around to plan an attack on them. When they had blocked down the bridges we were stupid enough to accidentally jump into the water when I wanted to show a new player where the docks were. The next moment I see is someone yelling from the bridge that there are vampires in the water, we end up in a room at a tower and at least 20 people were there starring at us, so yeah I freaked out.
Derping about with gnarrf and ulu, it's pouring rain in Regalia, so gnarrf makes a comment about making an offering to the gods. We go to the educational district, where gnarrf fires off some fireworks.

Rain stops, and all I hear over teamspeak is ulu shouting "YOU LUCKER!"
Mine was roleplaying with someone when they are Agni, and in the middle of a heated debate it began to rain. While they were running, they fell into the sewer system.
Was going on an RP adventure, but was being followed by someone. That person was an agni, it started raining and he died. He then asked me in PM to pick up his items and bring them back to him when I went to Regalia. Three times in a row.

Was participating in an RP campaign. My character was snorring loudly while sleeping, and another character tried to wake me up. I had to go afk, so in response to being awoken, my character took a lenghty poop in a dark corner.
I was in the middle of negotiating a price for Netherwart, and it began to rain. I was in Daendroc, and at the time I was Agni. I spent about 15 minutes dying constantly. :(
Probably when Stasia and I were pretending to be Paladins (We were vampires) and infiltrated Risingsun, and when we took out a stick, the "All holy emperor" admitted to being a vampire and hid behind his throne. Also, I remember sitting up on that mountain ridge and picking off your factionmates for hours (chuckle) puffy60987 Joseph Marini
Zulgrouth Castle... Me and another... (You know who you are) started the castle instance and couldn't get past the zombies We died like 50 times all trying to rp in the process. (facepalm) We eventually ended up calling in the enemy for help... (Also know who you are, I should hope) Then! At the end of it all! We all died by wither skeletons and I ended up carrying a certain shirtless guy home! :$
Zulgrouth Castle... Me and another... (You know who you are) started the castle instance and couldn't get past the zombies We died like 50 times all trying to rp in the process. (facepalm) We eventually ended up calling in the enemy for help... (Also know who you are, I should hope) Then! At the end of it all! We all died by wither skeletons and I ended up carrying a certain shirtless guy home! :$
I wasn't involved (bandit)
I was wondering in Kelmoria when I saw a person, I followed him and when he saw me he ran to a cliff and shouted, "THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAAAA!!!" He was non-prem and I picked up his stuff. (I was thinking at the time; when life gives you lemons take it, free shits cool.)
Hm... funny things to happen to me...
  • Once I broke the sound on my computer as a creeper spawned behind me mid-RP.
  • I died about 50-75 times during the Cathedral Fire, losing a lot of items including full iron armour and diamond weaponry, and nearly everyone I'd RPed with spent a few minutes just going "SILVER! NOOOOOOO!", even though my character wasn't officially dead.
  • I spent months in a lore-incompliant RP before it was scrapped completely, and I had to temporarily make my character undead for a few months, before realising it was too hard to RP as and disregarded nearly everything to happen so far (like 80% of my 5 months here).
  • Once I wrong-chatted someone telling them that I was going to kill them.
  • I spent hours RPing on my own drunk thinking that someone was going to join me. I logged as someone said "Who wants to RP?"
  • I nearly fell down onto a balcony that I was eavesdropping on mid-RP.
  • I left Vyrneth to join Osai, who I barely realised were enemies, and then I left Osai to join the Laridae, who have recently been attacked by a faction Osai sent after them.
  • I had two skins with similar names (One called WTF and one called WTF1); one was of rainbow dungarees, one was inappropriate. I think my brother swapped the names, and I got banned for an inappropriate skin.
  • I took the RPG Personality Test and got drunkard. I thought I got ranger and left it on there.
  • At the Masquerade, I was rejected by over 5 women.
  • When I joined Darnassia (now Vyrneth), I was allocated the nickname of MetallicBird. It stuck and I am called by it a lot of the time now. Others include TeaCurry (tcarey) and RoseYoghurt (@roseyo2).
Probably more, tell me if I forgot. :)
Oh here is one!

-=- I was once in Stormwind (something like that) and I was speaking in general, spekster told me to stop spamming the chat. I ignored it and he enemies Stormwind all because of me.

-=- I was in TheCoven, I was looking for the darkroom portal for 2 hours

-=- Listening to Mon and Tom shouting things about napalm and cannons while certain people who were in Osai just laughed their heads off in faction chat (most of the time)
Another one was;
I was in the undercity with a random Rping and another random walked up to us with a Superman skin he said; -Flies to the people and shoots them with his laser eyes- and the other guy and I were like "Dafuq?" Then the other guy said again; -Flies away laughing- and he went up the stairs. Unfortunately, the stairs had caved in and he tried to jump over and failed so as an excuse he said; -Trips over Kryptonite and caughs-
Was Rping in Kelmoria derping around saying "give me your liver" when suddenly a group of woping 5 people came and said "That's our job kid, get off this island now." I was like "Is this a Gang Fight? Or are they role playing with me?"
I called my Gang/faction member to Kelmoria and told them "My gang is here now, where do you want to settle this"?
We fought with only fist/stick. as my Gang won in Victory and of course I wasted 5 hour on there....--Dafunde---
Zulgrouth Castle... Me and another... (You know who you are) started the castle instance and couldn't get past the zombies We died like 50 times all trying to rp in the process. (facepalm) We eventually ended up calling in the enemy for help... (Also know who you are, I should hope) Then! At the end of it all! We all died by wither skeletons and I ended up carrying a certain shirtless guy home! :$
How could I have forgotten about Zulgroth? xD That was awesome! But... it wasnt like I was involved or anything.... (bandit)
One time, I was having a drink in the tavern. Two people were fighting over some crap about Crimsons, and one of them knocks over a torch on to the wooden ground. Before you know it the whole taverns on fire. Me and a few other people are drapped on the second floor, as some women comes in and claims that shes going to kill all of us. Shes a werewolf... Then, all of a sudden another werewolf transforms, and it turns into a werewolf cat fight while the buildings on fire. That would of been awesome rp, but sadly the only people who only reall knew how to rp during this event was me and the second werewolf. (You know who you are.)
Was bored, so decided to explore the undercity. Had just gotten back onto the server at the time, so the new spawn was somewhat disorienting, but fun. After a few minutes (ok, maybe it was thirty....) Come across a large group of people, maybe ten or twenty, all talking about killing off the vampire threat. Seeing how i was a vampire at the time, i tried to back away. However, soon all of them (who were facing away) turned to look at me. Deciding that now would be a good time to run, I screeched at them and ran.
Funniest moment I have ever had in the sewers