Archived Things That I(we) Think Need Fixing

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ex-ceo of Lyrah
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score

Below are some things that need to be addressed. I have collaborated with many people new and veteran on massive.

- Potions/Pearls are broken Potting and pearls are just an easy thing to point out that is wrong.

- Hit detection Please find a way to not make this feel like we are fighting in soup.

- Traits are a cool idea but the PVP geared traits just make things broken - so i suggest maybe a compromise to find a happy medium - they also make the game really buggy is certain situations like feeding.

- Mcmmo Fishing was fixed and that is right - however, this has not followed to other traits - like unarmed (among other traits) where anyone with a somewhat high level can disarm like every second shot. Furthermore, for anyone who wants to join the server and fight - they pretty much need to spend dozens hours on the server just getting their axe/sword level up just to even have a chance at competing with damage, while that time should be spent making armour and weapons to overthrow the elite class on Massive.

- Traits + Strength + mcmmo this combined break pvp (one way or another the damage has to be fixed) you should not have worry about being three shot in full god armour.

- Hacking Massive needs better anti-cheat - the amount of ghost cringe clients circulating the upper echelon of factions is a definite failure of the current anti-cheat system. Hacking should not be a go to in order to fight actual good pvpers (I understand some of you are legit) - and the fact that this volume of cheating goes unanswered is appalling. Also we need more Screen Shares from admins.

All of this has led to a broken pvp system that has created a superb example of elitism, that make it hard for anyone else to stay on this server. I think a lot of these things I have pointed out will help fix each other if they are fixed.

I write this out of love for massive - Please I urge the idling in the PvP sector to be addressed to make this server more competitive and fun for everyone.

Cheers fam,


Leader of the most cringe faction on the server (Night Raid)

P.S Constructive comments only
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yeah there's gonna be a certain point where it's no longer mcmmo holding back the PvP community. I think even now people are pretty used to the new mechanics and when new people come to this server and see it's stuck in the past they're gonna be turned off by it. This server tries so hard at keeping the old dogs happy and nothing to encourage new people.

You can't live in the past forever or you get left behind.
if bungee cord can let people connect to massive in 1.8 then they can change the server so that it is hosted in 1.8
(Although I really wish it was possible) Massive can't downgrade worlds. Bungeecord works by screwing around with packets and things that I don't understand, but if you're running on a 1.8 client playing on a 1.9 server, when you see a 1.9 block the server knows to go "Oh, we can't actually send this to you, so lemme just change this to a block you can see in your client," hence the stone blocks in place of purpur and polar bears being spiders. However, it works a little differently for the server, and if you suddenly have a 1.9 block somewhere one day and decide to change your server jar to a version that can't take care of those blocks the server doesn't really know what to do with that information, and you start running into things like corrupted worlds/chunks. So yeah, it'd be nice, but it's not really possible. (Note that there is a very slight chance I'm wrong, but I'm pretty much almost certain I'm right).
●Commentary Removed - Keeping thread on topic●

But back on topic with this thread. It takes minimal effort to get to 1k axes / acro and 600 unarmed. The exp you get helps you get more God weapons and armour which are necessary for PvP. Every new member who's joined Raptum has put in the effort to up their stats, because we make them feel welcome into a community. Yes, pearls and potions need to be fixed, I completely agree. And the hit registration, especially in kit PvP, is trash sometimes. You need to hit where someone was not where someone is, and that's utterly garbage. So I agree somewhat, about the potions and pearls and hit registration. But McMMO isn't that hard to cap out, and past 1k stats are irrelevant now. Honestly, you can grind to 1k in a day, easily. A few days for the relevant stats and you're good to go

I agree with this - but when mcmmo (not matter how much work you put into grinding) is combined with Strength and Traits its too much.

I think if strength was nerfed or made obsolete that would fix it :P
(Although I really wish it was possible) Massive can't downgrade worlds. Bungeecord works by screwing around with packets and things that I don't understand, but if you're running on a 1.8 client playing on a 1.9 server, when you see a 1.9 block the server knows to go "Oh, we can't actually send this to you, so lemme just change this to a block you can see in your client," hence the stone blocks in place of purpur and polar bears being spiders. However, it works a little differently for the server, and if you suddenly have a 1.9 block somewhere one day and decide to change your server jar to a version that can't take care of those blocks the server doesn't really know what to do with that information, and you start running into things like corrupted worlds/chunks. So yeah, it'd be nice, but it's not really possible. (Note that there is a very slight chance I'm wrong, but I'm pretty much almost certain I'm right).

Good to know. What do you think would help?
I'm also not entirely sure HOW stats could affect PvP. Once you get to 1k for most PvP-related traits, it caps anyway (especially since they capped armor damage at 1000). 1000 in a stat like Axes or Acrobatics isn't hard, and so I don't really even understand your argument about how stats>skill on Massive.

My initial problem was when Traits + Strength + Mcmmo = Crazy damage
My initial problem was when Traits + Strength + Mcmmo = Crazy damage
I always found the damage on this server to be toned down compared to other McMMo servers even with traits. I used to play Prison on another large server and people that had maxed stats there could easily 3 shot you and they didn't have traits at all. If you didn't have God Apples you were screwed.
the fact is i like massive as a server and i don't want to leave but the pvp on this server gives me cancer and if the staff aren't willing to improve then i don't want to be here

I will comment on this because i find this pretty insulting in itself when the staff spent loads of time this year only focusing on pvp. If there is a problem with damage report it to Gethelp or me or any gamestaff admin and we will investigate and test and see if we need to tweak the damage more. But we have literally spent hundreds of hours over the last 4 months improving only pvp. Not 1 plugin was made other then pvp plugins and additions to the combat system to give PvP a boost. Saying we arent willing to improve on it is just rude

The staff made a PvP changes thread which we all follow and watch for any issues occuring with pvp. We are not swimming in active coders so we can't fix everything at once or at all. We try our best to fix what we can and make pvp as balanced based on your reviews and reports along with our own testing as we can.

1 thing i will say is MassiveCraft will never revert back to 1.8 we already changed combat to feel as little as 1.10 as possible due to all the pvpers complaining and screaming how awful 1.10 combat would be. Now you want us to just go for 1.10? I dont think you realise how much time and effort that goes into every change made or every plugin made. We have been increasingly focusing on PvP to better the experience and i for one thought we were doing a good job at it. I no longer see people screaming about being 3 shot in full god armor except this one guy who made this thread. So either he is experiencing something weird or everyone else is just not saying anything or its not happening.

If you have problems with aspects of pvp post them in this thread and you will most likely get a response pretty quick atleast as far as we are able to answer you.
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I will comment on this because i find this pretty insulting in itself when the staff spent loads of time this year only focusing on pvp. If there is a problem with damage report it to Gethelp or me or any gamestaff admin and we will investigate and test and see if we need to tweak the damage more. But we have literally spent hundreds of hours over the last 4 months improving only pvp. Not 1 plugin was made other then pvp plugins and additions to the combat system to give PvP a boost. Saying we arent willing to improve on it is just rude

The staff made a PvP changes thread which we all follow and watch for any issues occuring with pvp. We are not swimming in active coders so we can't fix everything at once or at all. We try our best to fix what we can and make pvp as balanced based on your reviews and reports along with our own testing as we can.

1 thing i will say is MassiveCraft will never revert back to 1.8 we already changed combat to feel as little as 1.10 as possible due to all the pvpers complaining and screaming how awful 1.10 combat would be. Now you want us to just go for 1.10? I dont think you realise how much time and effort that goes into every change made or every plugin made. We have been increasingly focusing on PvP to better the experience and i for one thought we were doing a good job at it. I no longer see people screaming about being 3 shot in full god armor except this one guy who made this thread. So either he is experiencing something weird or everyone else is just not saying anything or its not happening.

If you have problems with aspects of pvp post them in this thread and you will most likely get a response pretty quick atleast as far as we are able to answer you.
Tbh I think he's just inactive and doesn't know what he's talking about. But anyways, damage I'm pretty much okay with, hit reg and pot reg/pearl stuff being better would be nice, but as somewhere above, I don't think those can really be fixed a ton. I personally would just like to see some more pvp on the server. Gj tho tuan <3
I no longer see people screaming about being 3 shot in full god armor except this one guy who made this thread. So either he is experiencing something weird or everyone else is just not saying anything or its not happening.

Was not screaming :/
Some good points, also pretty sure close to nobody on Massive actually use hacks - everything looks sketchy when hit registration is garbage and theres rarely any consistency in terms of damage delt due to traits and mcmmo running at the same time.

Its not nearly as bad as it used to be though, feels like staff are really working on the pvp aspect right now.
Tbh I think he's just inactive and doesn't know what he's talking about. But anyways, damage I'm pretty much okay with, hit reg and pot reg/pearl stuff being better would be nice, but as somewhere above, I don't think those can really be fixed a ton. I personally would just like to see some more pvp on the server. Gj tho tuan <3
Yeah we are investigating if we can make it better with the hit detection.
- Potions/Pearls are broken Potting and pearls are just an easy thing to point out that is wrong.

give more info dont just say something is wrong cant fix what we dont no

- Hit detection Please find a way to not make this feel like we are fighting in soup..

We have tryed to fix this more then onces and are working on this all the time

- Traits are a cool idea but the PVP geared traits just make things broken - so i suggest maybe a compromise to find a happy medium - they also make the game really buggy is certain situations like feeding.
dont just say "things are broken" give more info on what you feel is broken and how you think it would be best to fix it

- Mcmmo Fishing was fixed and that is right - however, this has not followed to other traits - like unarmed (among other traits) where anyone with a somewhat high level can disarm like every second shot. Furthermore, for anyone who wants to join the server and fight - they pretty much need to spend dozens hours on the server just getting their axe/sword level up just to even have a chance at competing with damage, while that time should be spent making armour and weapons to overthrow the elite class on Massive.


- Traits + Strength + mcmmo this combined break pvp (one way or another the damage has to be fixed) you should not have worry about being three shot in full god armour.

The damage at this point is where the main pvpers wanted it we tested for hours with a lot of the players on this

- Hacking Massive needs better anti-cheat - the amount of ghost cringe clients circulating the upper echelon of factions is a definite failure of the current anti-cheat system. Hacking should not be a go to in order to fight actual good pvpers (I understand some of you are legit) - and the fact that this volume of cheating goes unanswered is appalling. Also we need more Screen Shares from admins.

If you think someone is hacking you can always report it with proof
More info so this can be fixed

blame redstone/hopper/chests for this out side of kitpvp
The issues being when you jump while pearling, pearls get thrown into the ground rather than where they're aimed. And potions seem to be thrown slower than before, landing further back. I believe projectile motion was changed in the 1.9 update, which is possibly causing these glitches.
As for hit registration, kit PvP is worse than anywhere else on massive for hits not registering.
The issues being when you jump while pearling, pearls get thrown into the ground rather than where they're aimed. And potions seem to be thrown slower than before, landing further back. I believe projectile motion was changed in the 1.9 update, which is possibly causing these glitches.
As for hit registration, kit PvP is worse than anywhere else on massive for hits not registering.

what Version of minecraft are you on?
I agree with this - but when mcmmo (not matter how much work you put into grinding) is combined with Strength and Traits its too much.

I think if strength was nerfed or made obsolete that would fix it :P
I honestly don't find damage that ridiculous, although I absolutely HATE the critical hit ability with axes. The current damage model makes traits such as HealStrike, HealRevenge, and HealAlways viable and make potions like Absorption 2 and Resistance actually useful. I think most of the issue comes from multiple critical hits chaining together with axes, massively increasing damage and making the fight extremely one-sided unless the opponent knows how to pot.
@Thortuna Please don't be offended- I love this Server and there there is a reason that my wife and I both pay $8 every single month for premium. We love this server and we love the staff and we love all of the things that make it uniquely Massivecraft. To be fair, I was never one of the advocates for trying to make things feel like it wasn't 1.10 and I think the place it is at now is a great compromise for my viewpoint and those diehard fans of previous versions. My biggest point was that we shouldn't try to push farther in the past or keep fighting future updates and we shouldn't get rid of the other things that make the server "massivecraft" instead of "minecraft" You're all's work on McMMO and traits to make the full experience MASSIVE is great! Keep up the great work!

blame redstone/hopper/chests for this out side of kitpvp
You're a ***king boss. But why PVP if you can't have a room full of double chests to store your loot! <3
what Version of minecraft are you on?
It happens in all versions, 1.8-1.10, I tested it. The equations Mojang uses for projectile motion was changed, so it effects all the moving entities that are affected by gravity, i.e. Arrows, potions, and pearls. It's really the most visible when you jump, for example if you jump and shoot a bow or throw a pearl, but I've also noticed it can screw up your pots if you get hit while throwing a pot (Like more than usual, it'll basically go in a straight line way ahead of you rather than still give you a partial splash). It's somewhat difficult to describe, but you can probably figure out what we're talking about if you just shoot some arrows around while jumping/throw pearls while jumping.
@Thortuna Please don't be offended- I love this Server and there there is a reason that my wife and I both pay $8 every single month for premium. We love this server and we love the staff and we love all of the things that make it uniquely Massivecraft. To be fair, I was never one of the advocates for trying to make things feel like it wasn't 1.10 and I think the place it is at now is a great compromise for my viewpoint and those diehard fans of previous versions. My biggest point was that we shouldn't try to push farther in the past or keep fighting future updates and we shouldn't get rid of the other things that make the server "massivecraft" instead of "minecraft" You're all's work on McMMO and traits to make the full experience MASSIVE is great! Keep up the great work!

You're a ***king boss. But why PVP if you can't have a room full of double chests to store your loot! <3

I have put 100$ into this server - and for a student thats a big stretch, Its not like i hate it here haha
@Gethelp - Im not to technically advanced but I find my self getting a lot of pot lag it might just be my connection - also I just remembered say you have feedwater it makes eating buggy.

Below are some things that need to be addressed. I have collaborated with many people new and veteran on massive.

- Potions/Pearls are broken Potting and pearls are just an easy thing to point out that is wrong.

- Hit detection Please find a way to not make this feel like we are fighting in soup.

- Traits are a cool idea but the PVP geared traits just make things broken - so i suggest maybe a compromise to find a happy medium - they also make the game really buggy is certain situations like feeding.

- Mcmmo Fishing was fixed and that is right - however, this has not followed to other traits - like unarmed (among other traits) where anyone with a somewhat high level can disarm like every second shot. Furthermore, for anyone who wants to join the server and fight - they pretty much need to spend dozens hours on the server just getting their axe/sword level up just to even have a chance at competing with damage, while that time should be spent making armour and weapons to overthrow the elite class on Massive.

- Traits + Strength + mcmmo this combined break pvp (one way or another the damage has to be fixed) you should not have worry about being three shot in full god armour.

- Hacking Massive needs better anti-cheat - the amount of ghost cringe clients circulating the upper echelon of factions is a definite failure of the current anti-cheat system. Hacking should not be a go to in order to fight actual good pvpers (I understand some of you are legit) - and the fact that this volume of cheating goes unanswered is appalling. Also we need more Screen Shares from admins.

All of this has led to a broken pvp system that has created a superb example of elitism, that make it hard for anyone else to stay on this server. I think a lot of these things I have pointed out will help fix each other if they are fixed.

I write this out of love for massive - Please I urge the idling in the PvP sector to be addressed to make this server more competitive and fun for everyone.

Cheers fam,


Leader of the most cringe faction on the server (Night Raid)

P.S Constructive comments only
Potions/Pearls - Not exactly sure what you mean but they work fine for me.
Hit Detection - Hit detection is better than it has ever been as long as you're not fighting in Hyarroc/ Fendarfell.
Traits - Traits don't cause the eating glitch, if anything they help it giving you the option to use feedalways. Also traits aren't broken. No traits cause you to do more damage anymore apart from the experts. No one does more damage than anyone else and 3 shots don't happen.
Unarmed - I agree. I don't really care for unarmed being a requirement to fight.
Hacking? - I don't know who specifically you're talking about but none of the "upper echelon" in my faction or Raptum use a hacked client. But if you think so you should start recording and getting evidence.
Just going to put emphasis on this one more time. 3 shotting doesn't happen. Anyone who says that is making an excuse. Sorry but its true.
It happens in all versions, 1.8-1.10, I tested it. The equations Mojang uses for projectile motion was changed, so it effects all the moving entities that are affected by gravity, i.e. Arrows, potions, and pearls. It's really the most visible when you jump, for example if you jump and shoot a bow or throw a pearl, but I've also noticed it can screw up your pots if you get hit while throwing a pot (Like more than usual, it'll basically go in a straight line way ahead of you rather than still give you a partial splash). It's somewhat difficult to describe, but you can probably figure out what we're talking about if you just shoot some arrows around while jumping/throw pearls while jumping.

can you test it on 1.10.2 for me?