The Writers Dilemma...


Beast Tamer
Dec 18, 2012
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I have only attempted to sell one book so far and have already noticed how insanely easy it is to make illegal copies without anyone knowing. With simply an item frame and one copy, a book, even if it is sold in a store for a price and be infinitely copied at an extreme pace and distributed for profit by anyone.

I propose this : A fee, possibly set by the author himself, where if his book is copied via item frame - the massive books plugin stops /book copy for all but the author which is what the real author would use - it will be counted as a purchase of said book and just like a chest shop it will auto deduct money and give it to the author.

If the author chooses to sell the rights to the book then he can unlock it and let the one he is selling the rights to resign it.

This is merely one possibility but if the writers in Massivecraft are to make a living something must be done![DOUBLEPOST=1365185346,1365099779][/DOUBLEPOST]OK so what do we need to be able to do with books:

1.Make it hard to make copies if your not the author
2.Easier way to sell the books
3.Let someone preview the books
... anything else?
The massive books should actually stop the /book copy, I don't see why it doesn't.
the author can use /book copy but if your not the author it says "You don't have permission to copy a book by another author"
so how do non authors copy books then?
They right click the book in a item frame with a normal book and the normal book becomes the book in the item frame :(
While the current system can be abused, it also can be used to do a lot of good. I personally am using item frames in my bookstore to make copies of people's books. Obviously, I COULD steal books and illegally copy them, but I always ask for permission and pay the author. As long as this is the case, there isn't really a problem. The problem is the greedy people that care more about themselves than the hard work of the writers.

Also, as a general note, I've discovered that you seem to be able to sell books in chest shops now. If you use /iteminfo with the book in hand, it gives you a specific ID that seems to work for chest shops.
Rent the books sounds good enough? like 50 copper per day of use. or just let them buy it.
I will point this out to cayorion and see if we can find a solution.