
Trigger Warning!
This story contains heavy mentions of Gore & Torture! Please read at your own risk.
I will find enjoyment in your misery after this <:
(Quick mention, this is all an illusion and none of it's real. There is an IC character behind Taendross' illusion, however, I doubt anyone will go after 'em.)


It was the night after she'd shared a meeting with the Isldar. She spoke those words she'd regret, and her life was changed.

Agony. That was all she felt as she'd try to take the least shaking breaths that she could to limit her movement. Everyone would survive, they'd all be safe. The others would be able to lead the Isldar on and help legalize the Isldar of Regalia.

They'd be saved. The Isldar would be saved.

That thought was all that kept her going until she'd reach her inevitable end. Something was forced down her system while she knew that they had long plans for her, and her 'immortal' seeming-life to their people. She also knew that she'd never give them the satisfaction of answers and her seething in her blood. But she was terrified, utterly terrified. But the idea of her people, him made her blood flare with power. But Pain surrounded her as she felt it, she'd lose herself in it, digging into her core trying to bury herself in the pain as a means of escape.


She continued to sweat, her body turning into a steam bath as claws pricked at the flesh that dangled from her back. The world around her was flickering in and out, disappearing and reappearing before she hit the bottom of her power. She was depleted, she wanted it all out of her system. Her body was alight with the Soul Essence that danced around her, not able to control her feelings with the pain that surrounded her. She forgot her name as she begged for more and more of the soul essence, to see it, to feel it.. and from far off within Aloria? It responded. It filled her with joy. She wanted more and more of it. So she'd try to force it onto herself, let it take herself over. The further it went, the worse her world would crack, and it rippled through her body, cracking her in half while she'd beg for it to stop.

Taendross' own Soul essence leaked of that crack, growing and maturing toward its final stage, creating a pain-ridden land she could bury herself in.
Taendross? Who was that? She didn't know.
She? Who was she?-
No, she was Taendross.

Her senses began to come back toward her as she tried to grasp onto something, anything to keep her from falling into more pain. She reached out for a Soul River, trying to hold on... But her grip simply moved through it, and she was left to watch as her body began to drift into a Void-like realm, tears burning at her skin.

"Oh, Taendross..~ Wouldn't you like the pain to stop?" That was all that was needed to bring her back. Back toward the world of the living, forcefully tugged forward by the sound of chains aching and raddling. She found her body forced against a table, the chains wrapped around the bases of it. She tried to search around, but she only saw the brief ideal of shimmering silver hair before it felt like something covered over her eyes. Her wrists held back with her eyes covered, she was forced to listen. "Would you like it all to end? Your Kin wouldn't be so happy, but we can make due." this masked one would ask her, tilting her head while she'd listen to the quiet cries of the poor Isldar..- Why was her voice so familiar? How did she know it?

"Piss off." was all that she spoke, growling underneath her tone with the heavy intent set among her lifeless gaze that stared into what felt like an endless void. "Very well then..- Continue." the masked woman spoke, her voice laced with poison as she turned around and made her way off.. And Taendross was surrounded by the void once more, instantly feeling claws, nails, and worse digging into her body, into her flesh and begging to tear it away. She was left bloody, bruised and broken against a table, far away from any sight of hope. Without her people, she felt alone. She'd not hold out much longer.

It had been days since the first upon the table. They all came and went, over and over. It was days since Taendross saw another soul, even the Soul Rivers didn't dare dance around her. Animals didn't care to venture toward or near her, into the cold. Her hunger had reached heights she'd never known, having gone so far she was in pain and dizzy from the feeling. But her body itself had gone numb long ago, ever since the first day on the table where she was continuously tortured and left to die. Her mind slowly began to relapse onto itself as she lost track of time.

She barely heard nor saw things as the days passed. Every day was like a minute, it could've been years.. But she never knew. She'd savor it though, the silence she'd keep in her pain. It meant no more suffering, at least for now. Unfortunately though, every day her mind would break more and more. She'd come back toward her mind being further and further lost, pieces she could never get back.

This process felt like it repeated for days? Weeks? She didn't know. She only knew her dignity was destroyed, any hope of rescue, and her desperate calls of help had never been received, never heard. She felt lost, and she questioned when it would it would all end? When she felt herself being pushed once more, every day began her cries, she pleads to beg for no more. No more of her blood to be spilled, no more darkness of a cell and sightlessness.
No more.


And so, lay her body outside within the woods of Regalia, far off from Metlalaan, near the old home of her family. With a few cuts, scratches, she was completely fine. She was Nauseous and dizzy though and felt the need to regurgitate her lungs when she awoke with a start, instantly dry-heaving against a bush... But she was alive? How long had it been? Surely no longer than a few years?
How wrong she was. It had only been a day. As she began to crawl, slowly trying to stand and make her way home, she pondered if the visions had become so bad she was finally lost completely. Her body was limp, laying within the woods as she finally gave back in.

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