The Weekly Wallhack #2


Magos Errant
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
The Neciminian Empire Disbands!
As many of you may be aware, earlier this week the Neciminian Empire disbanded. You might remember them from the war they were in with the notable faction Pulse and several others. In this reporters opinion it is a extremely sad day to see any empire disband and let us all take a moment of silence to honor their memory.​
Miners Union Of Affinitas is recruiting!​

The good boys at the Miners Union of Affinitas is recruiting good and able bodied workers. If you do not know where they are located, they are located in Daendroc. If you want to apply go to the link provided and fill out the application!


Two New Empires Form! One New and One Old!

The old empire/faction of Aurum is making a revival trip! Will it last a week? A day? A month? Only time can tell, but everyone here at the Weekly WallHack gives you our best! The other Empire that is born is that of the Athyrin Republic! The Republic is built around the factions :
  • Athyra
  • Thunderleg
  • Ryeria
Their Republic is built around peace and unity and might allow you to join if you ask.
Dwarven Lore Requested!
The fourm member "The Shadow King" is looking for lore about the dwaves of the server. If you have any information, contact him on the forums with any information you find usefull.

Reporters wanted!
You have any great Stories that have never been told? Any Adventures that you want people to know about? The apply to the Weekly WallHack today! Contact Hansington on the forums, and you will start on your way to becoming a great reporter!
You lack information and justification. Athyra isn't an empire, you truly need to think more about this.
I'm one guy, with about a hour of research and other notes taken throughout the week, it's Friday after exam week, and i took some me that is like the Mona Lisa. Expect better work when i get help...and am not on ambien :P
Also, a newspaper is supposed to be multiple stories. I only see two.