The War Rages On

A smuggling ship sailed out of the harbor of Regalia under the cover of night, would not be raising sail early on its leaving of the harbor area. Instead she would remain under oar until they were safe distance away from any patrolling ship. The ship would set sail for the Capitol of Ithania upon which three passengers would depart, being Stylas Tinker, Heinrich Tinker, and Rerik Ulster the Orc.

A parcel containing a letter would be delivered to the Gatehouse of the Ithanian Capitol's court upon which instructions for it to be delivered to Thomas Kade. An Orc named Reric Ulster, Stylas Tinker, and Heinrich Tinker would be together to deliver the parcel to court.

The seal of House Tinker was draped in sea blue wax directly in the middle of the crisp looking envelope. Upon breaking the seal the contents would be a single letter along with the Rescue attempt plans for the rescue on Ulric Typhonus before the capturing of Regalia. The letter would be carefully written with a finely sharpened quill for clear lettering.

Dear Thomas Kade,

This is Zvonimir Tinker, Kyel's next of kin and the new Earl of Greifswald. Dark times have settled upon Regalia since the Qadir have taken over. Slavery has become legalized with the Qadir occupation taking many figureheads as personal slaves. Kyel has been imprisoned along with Christopher Black and other prominent figures whom failed to flee or were met with resistance. Before you go on with this letter call a meeting together with the Crown Prince and whatever council he has. Alas, I believe I have hatched a plan to regain control of Regalia to which I believe will benefit both of our parties in some way. With the armies of the Crown Prince along with the fleet which I presume you have secured when the battle is started on the seas outside in the harbor, I will begin a riot on the inside of the city to gain access to the gates blocking your path into the city. Now in return for my venture I will require a significant favor that I am sure your family will find to be quite small in comparison for throne they once held so dear. This letter will be accompanied by my brother's wife Stylas, whom is with child, my cousin Heinrich, and an Orc. Keep special care of Stylas, I believe this request should be simple to care for. As for Heinrich, do as you please. He has experience with cannoneering so perhaps put him on a vessel for your upcoming combat on the sea's. Don't fear for how I will know when the battle has started outside. I have found many suitable ways to view when we should take the gate. As for the orc you are to write me back a letter stating you have relieved this one. My Orc has ways of getting in and out of Regalia so he will be deliver this letter and bringing my back your own. I hope in due time we may be able to meet again in the the true capitol under a united banner.

Yours Truely,
Zvonimir Tinker, The Earl of Greifswald

In the days to come waiting for a response back he would go about his daily routine keeping up his public view of the people while trying to keep available if any news came back to him from the new Capitol.

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