Government Guild The Vultarin Court


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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Introduction to the Court
The Vultarin Court is an eclectic collection of dysfunctional "Found Family" courtiers serving the Iron Duke of Vultaro, Raffaello I Lamperni. This Court exists to create optional side-content, now that we are no longer in Amontaar, and have no major server plot/event line while the Lore Staff are cooling down and taking a vacation from hosting things. That is to say, the content here exists primarily to entertain the people working with me (MonMarty), but it also acts as a vehicle for other players to have things to do and to log on, if they want to get involved. However, due to its nature as side-content, there is no major story/plotline/events you will miss for not engaging with it, and due to the nature of it being very pro-state, some groups of people will also not be able to engage directly.

The Vultarin court is made up of Player Characters. The only DM position is mine (MonMarty), as the Iron Duke himself. Even if the majority of the Vultarin Court is staff members, they will not have a leg up on knowing what will happen, what the plans are, or how they unfold. Their primary purpose is to fulfill the roles of the colorful courtiers that emulate a (dys)functional court with all its varying members and their unique perspectives and potential ambitions. While the court is mostly filled with Pro-Raffaello members, each member might have a different take on how to best serve the Duke. For example, some might serve him unwaveringly and unquestioningly, taking all of his directives as gospel. Others yet might work with him but have their ambitions and intentions to complete off his back, and then some actively want to protect the Duke from his stupidity and thus may end up working against some of his ambitions.

Because truly, the Iron Duke is a dumbass. He is 23 years old and has no actual ruling experience. His greatest qualities are his seeming inability to be defeated in combat, and his ability to inspire excitement, bravery, and action in his subordinates while having endless energy for his ambitions. He also has the uncanny ability to gather around him hyper-competent people, building a court through meritocratic governance that has brought Vultaro to new heights. Now, he has come to Regalia with his overarching goal: Empower the Empyrean League, a loose organization of Godborn and Arkenborn who believe that their skills and natural talents should be more at home in the Regalian Government because there are things they can do which mundane citizens cannot.

Those goals are indefinite, I, have no real goal of even setting steps towards its completion, its success, or its failure. I will at some point declare it a success of so-so success, but only several months down the line when I feel I have done enough with the Vultarin Court. In the meantime, we will generate many smaller tasks, things like "The Duke wants this Artifact", "The Duke wants this person imprisoned" or "The Duke wants to meet with so and so to solve a problem in this city". The goal is to create activities for the courtiers that require them to reach out to the wider player base commoners and nobles alike, to work with, against, or for those people, and complete these minor tasks. On top of all of that, is a layer of court politics where the Duke's opinions constantly shift and favor is spread thin between the courtiers.

The Court is divided between General Courtiers and Titled Courtiers. General Courtiers are jack-of-all-trades, they have no single set job at Court but freely move around to help (or sabotage) whoever they like. Some of them are also just there to vibe, and as such won't actually do anything but just hang out socially and get involved in social happenings. The title holders don't have actual noble titles (though some of them may be registered Aristocrats and Nobles!), but retain specific jobs within the court. These will be the major vehicles for mobility within the Court, and also the ones that drive engagement outside of it.

The Dysfunctional Found Family
Many of the Courtiers have pre-established relations, some of them may even be familiarly related. The most important thing to remember is that I as DM, but also in part the players in it, will be acting dysfunctional on purpose. A family that works 120% efficiently and uses a mixture of tacit meta and OOC planning, is often not fun to interact with from the outside because there is no way to feel like you made an impact on anything they did, or could act against them. We will intentionally blow up plots, I will intentionally throw a wrench in the courtiers' plans, and intentionally screw with their success. I want failure and mistakes to be common, and while not necessarily predictable, I want them to be abusable both by those who would work against the court and in favor of it. The overarching goal of the Court will be success anyway, we do not have to deal with the anxiety of end-game success, and I would like to create unpredictability by making sure that there continue to be ways for both people in the Court and outside to feel like they have had an impact in the smaller quests and activities that revolve around it. Court-style roleplay is very rare on Massive, and I would like it to seem approachable by having it be kind of like a clown car with three wheels ramming into road signs along the way.

List of General Courtiers

  • Yolotlicuate by @LekkuLord, a recent addition to the Court for vibes, and previous hoster of the Repose.
  • Râmu by @LadyLekku, a recent addition to the Court for vibes, is also the bodyguard of Yolotlicuate.
  • Mercia by @MantaRey, a courtier with ambitions in governance, with a pious approach.
  • Sente by @SorryNari, a career criminal who has joined up with the more clandestine part of the court.
  • Joruna by @OkaDoka, a Sarnan-heritage blacksmith who both forges with metal, and keeps it all sober.
  • Vicelin by @fantuinn, a recent addition to the Court who is seeking to climb in relevance.
  • Joules by @Lizmun, a Kathar tavernhoster who will act as the social glue between the courtiers.
  • Vincenzo by @kirishark, a Blackmark Raffaello-fanatic loyalist, acting as a puppet for other courtiers.
List of Titled Courtiers
(Click the names to see descriptions in what they do, their role in Court, and who plays them).

  • Played by @MonMarty, the Iron Duke is the only DM position at the Court. He acts both as a quest-giver and chaos agent in and of himself, his temper and bad behavior being a reason why many activities at the Court happen. The Iron Duke is brutishly unintelligent in the knowledge and insight way, but extremely keen in the art of intimidation and social convention. Even if he does not know how to summarize the tax sheets, he knows how to pick out someone who is being sassy and smarmy with him, and will immediately get vulgar and potentially violent with them. Managing the Duke's behavior is as much a struggle for the Courtiers, as for outsiders who want to get things done inside the Court.

    For more information about the Duke, see his Wiki Article:

  • Played by @Birdsfoot_Violet (on the account BloodborneKart) Ishika is a recent Sapphora Godborn addition who has joined the Court since departing from Amontaar, replacing an aging outgoing diplomat. Ishika's intentions in the Court remain unclear though given her track record of being a conscientious and kind-natured person with a keen interest in Spirits and other things deprived of civil rights, it should not surprise anyone that she may be aiming to improve civil liberties while trailing the Vultarin Court which is generally progressive and seeking new liberties. Ishika is in charge of setting up meetings with the other people in Regalia and also hosting them with the Duke present. When the Duke says something offensive and rude (which is guaranteed to do), Ishika must be the one to smooth out any diplomatic incidents.

  • Played by @booette, is a Pride Arkenborn with mysterious powers who has become the Court Scholar with a keen eye on the potential of Magic. The Court Scholar is responsible for all manners of research, though given Marisol's lean, they will likely be in the direction of Magic. Marisol has her own intentions to profit from being a member of the Court and is likely to clash with Ishika on the nature of her Magic and powers. When it concerns the Duke's whims for Artifacts and the like, Marisol is most likely to either organize or indirectly hire mercenaries to do the dirty work for her, while also making sure she can skim profit for herself off the top.

  • Played by @BeetrootSalad, Goffredo is a man with a history working for the Duke, having played a role in the Milosso Conspiracy that put much of Lorenthaus under the control of the Iron Duke. Goffredo is a clandestine man of which little is known besides his naval ambitions and pirate-hunting in his early days. Goffredo acts both as internal and external police, spying on the other courtiers to make sure they remain loyal and on-task, but also externally to ensure that the Iron Duke does not become the target of nefarious plots by people not part of the Court. Goffredo may contact outsiders to act as unofficial informants for the Court, either Courtiers or outsiders.

  • Played by @WaterDruppel, Dario is a pit-fighter who was picked up by Raffaello and raised to become the Ducal Commander on away missions. Having come from extreme poverty, Dario is fiercely loyal to the Duke and also acts as his official Gladiator representative. Whenever there is a Tournament in which champions are welcome, Dario is sent to represent the Vultarin Court, bearing the burden of its prestige. Outside of this, he also commands the Ducal Guard and will hire warriors from outside the Court to become Ducal Guards. Finally, together with Goffredo, they are also the only duo that is capable of expelling courtiers from the inner Court, when they have been deemed a threat to the Duke.

  • Played by @Coratosh, Hashur is the Court Favorite of the Iron Duke, which means that he is intimately involved with the Duke. Unofficially, he is the Court Artist who sculpts, paints, and molds art into being and nags the Chamberlain for exorbitant finances to support this hobby. The Court Favorite is like the ultimate chaos agent in the Court, nearly immune to any reproach due to being the Duke's personal favorite, the Court Favorite nonetheless has to ensure his position remains secure, and also impress his influence on the other courtiers. The Court Favorite is the easiest way to the Duke's heart if the more conventional means fail.

  • Played by @ETrees, Almar is the Court Chamberlain who has been assigned to the Duke by the Imperial Court, the Kades. Originally an exile from Drixagh, Almar has made himself useful by being the numbers and rules guy of the Vultarin Court, managing its extensive bureaucracy and legislative branches, and being in charge of the Duke's finances. He holds all the tax ledgers and income sheets and is the primary legal representative of the Duke. Since the Duke cannot read, Almar reads for him, and he always secures the Duke's signature on new bills. The Court Chamberlain manages both arbitrary and DM Wealth Token finances in the Court, acting as much of an obstacle to the other courtiers as the Court Favorite is, his archnemesis in financial expenditure. If the Court Favorite represents the Duke's worst qualities, the Court Chamberlain represents his best and is the most likely to convince the Duke by power of words.

  • Played by @ellereller, Luciana is a Corruption Arkenborn who earned fame in Lampeporta as a composer until she sought to expand her repertoire at the Vultarin court. Her affectionate approach to social contacts lauded her the position of Court Hoster, who is responsible for setting up public events like Tournaments, Ballrooms, Museum openings, and so forth. She will be in charge of calendar dating, and hiring entertainers and servers to work at these Events to ensure their success.

  • Played by @slurmancer, Chiara is a Golden Order scion of Sapphora and Armas who eventually developed a keen interest in cultural expression as an artist. Her works lie in the field of literature, the sagas, the scripts, and the epics to stand the test of time. In the Lampero Court, she acts as Herald, which is unofficially known as the Court Propagandist. Her job is not only to produce works that flatter the Iron Duke and speak of his good qualities to convince the people to hold him in good favor, but also to seek out the more common folk that the Diplomat does not reach, and seek out ways that the Iron Duke can foster their loyalty in exchange for making their lives better and richer.

Q&A for Court roleplay
Can I join the Court?

No, not currently. This primarily started as an attempt to create a niche social circle to roleplay with because I generally have a hard time hooking into RP without having a group around me. But, because I intend to do DM things, we cannot have half the server taking up jobs in the Court, then there would be no one to interact with. As such, we would prefer to keep the Court small for now, but the Chamberlain may accept new Courtiers in the future. This thread will be updated when this is the case.

What about Court Informants, Ducal Guards, or entertainers?
Yes, these will be hired, but they aren't classified as Courtiers, they do not get to speak to the Duke directly, and only interact with their immediate hirer. In most cases, they are seasonal freelance workers, while the Courtiers will go back to Vultaro with the Duke when he leaves.

What can the court do for me?
The court itself is a political heavyweight in the city. Dukes rarely go to the capital which means that when they do, there is some political capital to be spent. Let us say for example, your character wants a particular law changed. it is possible to get to the court to act in favour of that change and start lobbying the government or imperial court. In order to do this, the Duke must be convinced that it must happen and in order for that to happen the courtiers must be convinced that it should happen first because it must always travel up the chain. Starts either by deceiving or convincing the courtiers and then lobby them to push it up to the Duke.

I am a Noble, how do I interact?
Either show up at public events or wait to be invited. Most families will be invited by the Diplomat. If you are not being invited, or it is taking too long, try to reach out to the Court Diplomat. The Iron Duke is after all still a Duke, if your Character seeks ways to politically become or be more relevant, a good way to start is to show enthusiasm and seek out ways to be useful.

I am a Commoner, how do I interact?
All of these Characters will be around in Regalia, they will not be cooped up in the Red Manor (the large building opposite the All-Beacon Temple, which is the Iron Duke's home). You can meet them in the streets and talk to them to discover more about them or request meetings with them. Alternatively, you may also want to work for some of them, or even work against them.

I want to oppose the Iron Duke, how do I?
You can just try to make yourself aware of what his plans are and what his courtiers are doing, and making that harder on the ground. Keep in mind that the Duke will eventually notice people, and probably send hitmen after them because he does not tolerate opposition. I am not interested in assassination plots or random acts of violence, stupid murder-hobo behavior will be ejected.

What parts of the Red Manor are accessible?
You can freely move around the ground floor of the Red Manor even as a guest, though it is courteous to introduce yourself to anyone present in any room you are passing through, or entering. The Courtiers may already be engaging in a social interaction inside, and in such situations, it may be courteous to request to be invited into it, rather than imposing or just gawking. The upper floors are strictly off-limits, and when the Duke is holding a session in the throne room, that place is also off-limits to non-Courtiers.

Can I meet the Duke?
Yes and no. The Iron Duke is unlikely to leave the Red Manor aside from rare cases, but he can also be met. That being said, in the Red Manor, court etiquette is applied, one cannot just walk up to the Duke and start talking politics, this is deeply inappropriate. Social interactions are permitted respectably and with the correct title address, even if the Duke behaves uncourtly or rudely. Never imitate the gestures or attitude of the Duke, pretend he is the most gracious and refined noble. If you want to do business, you must always go through the Court Diplomat in official channels, or the other Courtiers in unofficial channels.

Can I conspire against the Courtiers?
Yes, you can make their life harder, but you cannot expressly get them fired. This is not a noble system, this is a group of friends organizing a roleplay group together. You can act against their little ambitions and plans for whatever reason you like, you should just stop short of trying to get them fired because we simply will not. We emulate the danger of them getting fired internally to encourage found-family drama, but there is no actual threat.

Can I conspire with the Courtiers?
Yes, and you are heartily encouraged to do so. Many of the courtiers have their ambitions while attached to the Duke's court, only very few of them are so loyal to the Duke that they just serve him out of his best interests. You should keep in mind however that these courtiers are real people, and many of them will just lie if pressed for their ambitions by people who they do not trust. Enjoy the roleplay with them, and they might open up pathways to help your Character conspire.

Is there some sort of notoriety/prestige?
Yes, the Duke is an asshole and intentionally forgets people's names if they do not leave an impact on him. However, people who help the Court, achieve things for the Court, or clown on some of the courtiers with their skills (for example, defeating the Court Gladiator in a Tournament), will start building rapport with the Duke. Those who have a rapport with the Duke, may unlock additional functions with the Court, be outright invited to join, or work with the members inside of it for additional benefits. The Duke greatly rewards loyalty and dedication, and those who seek to serve truthfully and competently will be rewarded. Incidentally, those who work against the Court or annoy/aggravate the Duke can expect a visit from Goffredo.

Closing Statements
The purpose of this all is primarily to have good roleplay with my friends while generating small quests for them to engage them in RP daily, and the wider player base. I want this to also benefit the wider player base, but unlike Event hosting, these Staff members are not responsible for including everyone. We will be operating on good vibes and try to be as inclusive as possible, but for some things, we ask that privacy be respected. If you would like to interact with the Court in a particular way, you can for now contact me (Forum DM, my Discord Inbox is closed), or any other Courtiers that you may have an interest in interacting with. I do not mind planning Roleplay OOC (for example if you would like some sort of long-term interaction or goal with the Court), but it will mostly happen on my terms because I am putting in the work to organize everything with the time that I have available. I hope that we can make this low-stakes fun for everyone involved.
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