The Viridian Times Community Spotlight ~ Week 1


S A D B O Y S 
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Massive Craft Community!

As part of the Viridian Times I will be hosting a Community Spotlight in addition to an Editor's Choice Spotlight.

This Community Spotlight is designed to showcase the best and finest people, factions, roleplayers and builders around the world of Massivecraft.

So if you know any...
Exemplary Roleplayers who enhance roleplay and challenge others to better their roleplay skills
Fantastic Factions whether they be hardworking or simply interesting
Brilliantly Beautiful pieces of Architecture that are truly candy to the eye
A PvPer who holds himself true to a code of honor, politeness and chivalry
A Player who constantly tries and help others, donating his/her time selflessly
Or anything else that is noteworthy!

Nominate them below using the following form
Your IGN:
Who You Are Nominating:
Why You Are Nominating Them: (The more descriptive and persuasive you are, the greater chance you have for winning the week's Community Spotlight)

This Week's Rewards:
This week there will be only one winner who will receive the general rewards which are:
- 1 Stack Diamond Blocks
- A Spot in the Next Issue of the Viridian Times and a spot in the record of all past winners in future issues

In addition there will be rewards specific to the Winner's category which include:

Roleplayer Rewards:
- Several Hats from the Destinado Boutique for Hats and Headgear
- 1 Day to use The Viridian Times Newspaper Boy to do whatever errands they need
- 1 Day in Dr. Fong's Abusement Park on me
- A New Skin or Edited Versions of their own skin in various colors and clothes
- Free issues of All Viridian Times and other works of literature delivered to their house

Faction Rewards:
- Defense from Raids by me
- 1 Day of Work on whatever they need from me
- 1 Piece of Architecture built myself

- 1 God Axe renamed to "Honor and Chivalry"
- 1 Collectable Book on The Art of War
- 1 Arc de Triomphe celebrating their last victory in war

- 1 Chest of Supplies they need
- 1 Statue to celebrate their helpfulness
- Help with Helping People
- 1 Day Pass to the Ghiscari Pool and Spa.

So... start nominating and may the best win!
Note: In addition to the Community Spotlight there will be an Editor's Choice Spotlight so if you don't win, don't fret.

To vote on a posted Nominate please use an "Agree"
Hmm well this has got me thinking, and I like this idea. What about a friendly one? Like someone who goes out of their way to make people feel loved and a part of the community? How about the Compassionate Citizen or something of that nature?


I nominate Bsavs for A Player who constantly tries and help others, donating his/her time selflessly, for creating many community drivenresources such as his newspaper and now the community spotlight.
Hmm well this has got me thinking, and I like this idea. What about a friendly one? Like someone who goes out of their way to make people feel loved and a part of the community? How about the Compassionate Citizen or something of that nature?

I think that would fall under the Helper but if you feel there is someone or something that doesn't fall under one of these categories feel free to post it anyway
Your IGN: Film_Noir
Who/What you are Nominating: drfong
Why you are Nominating: (EXEMPLARY ROLEPLAYER) His character the "Mysterious Dr Fong" is a unique addition to the server and his "Fun" House in Regalia provides many different RP opportunities for players, e.g. they can go through the maze with friends, get a fortune telling from Dr. Fong, be a part of the carnival as an act and receive tips, etc.
Your IGN: AaronChuey
Who/What you are Nominating: Favouredzpu
Why you are nominating: A Player who constantly tries and help others
To be honest, I don't know where I'd be without Favoured. After I started up my town in Hisoka, Favoured was the most valuable aid, more often then not recruiting and showing people the ropes. If he wasn't there, I don't think the noob sanctuary of WilderFend would exist, and I might have left the server. Not only helping me, Favoured has helped countless people in many factions, and deserves to be recognized.
Your IGN: Lord_Noodles
Who You Are Nominating: Sentinels
Why You Are Nominating Them: (Fantastic Faction) This faction is friendly towards a majority of the server, welcomes newcomers, and is currently in the process of starting their own academy of roleplay. They on countless occasions have helped myself and many others with role-play, and contribute greatly to maintaining a friendly but interesting atmosphere on the server. I admire them greatly and spend as much time as I possibly can with them. Sentinels has become a second home for me and I greatly appreciate the kindness they have shown me.
Your IGN: Cowboys1919
Who/What you are Nominating: drfong
Why you are Nominating: (Exemplary Roleplayer) I have been checking out some of DrFong's stuff lately and it has enhanced my experience around regalia and the creativity in his projects is astounding and fun to walk through and be a part of. I'd like him to get whatever prizes he can get, he deserves it!
Your IGN: Th3_Drunk_Monk
Who/What you are Nominating: drfong
Why you are Nominating: (Exemplary Roleplayer) Have to agree with the others who also nominated, Me and Desmond_diseos must of spent at least an hour inside the emporium in regalia its a work of art, your freakshow really adds to the atmosphere well. Nothing like running a maze with a rabid clown screeching below.

Rohghash Approves :3
Your IGN: Mattium_
Who/What you are Nominating: drfong
Why you are Nominating: (Exemplary Roleplayer) I was involved in RP with Dr Fong as he first came out. Even from the start he made all issues and struggles Rp based, and that is rarely seen. He has expanded now, and I still see him as a good friend.
Looks like everybody is showing Dr.Fong some brotherly love. So far hes in the obvious lead but the Nominations don't end till the next issue of the Viridian Times comes out so keep 'em coming!
Your IGN: jquaile
Who are you nominating: Saintsdemon
Why you are nominating: (Builder) Algaron...all of it, just everything :P
Your IGN: Ben_2025
Who You Are Nominating: Faewyn
Why You Are Nominating Them: I refuse to be descriptive and detailed, well because erhmagurd!!!! Faewyn's da bomb!!
Your IGN: josephdm
Who you are nominating: spectec [Helper]/[PvPer]
Why are you nominating them: Spectec is a great leader and helper to the community. A couple months ago he led a reward system similar to this titled, "Player of the Week". He also has helped his allies in need. He is active and also a great PvPer, one of the best I've seen.
Your IGN: SkywardSword2011
Who You Are Nominating: spectec [Helper]/[PvPer]
Why You Are Nominating Them: I am going to agree with joseph. Spectec is a great leader who contributes much to the server's PvP and community. He finds the best and most efficient ways of doing things and is one of the best PvPers on the server in my opinion. He does much good for the community such as reporting bugs and glitches. He also plans to make a college for all people to learn the art of PvP.
It would seem that Dr.Fong has the lead, any other Nominations or votes?
Stay on Topic, everyone.

Dr.Fong 9
Saintsdemon 3
Spectec 2
Faewyn 1
Sentinels 1

Any late submissions or votes?
Isn't there different rewards.

And Dr Fong for roleplay.
Your IGN: Saintsdemon
Who You Are Nominating: Sevrish
Why You Are Nominating Them: A very dedicated person and friend who's always willing to help
Because you messed up spectec's vote, I think it should be 6
There are two "agrees" on both the posts for Spectec. I don't see what you mean
Perhaps keep a running Talley in the original post, and use the edit function to update it? But yes, it should be four, as skyward sword both nominated and voted producing the extra "votes",However from my understanding, original nominations don't count as votes unless the author agrees their own post.

I think it would be more conducive in the future to not nominate someone more than once, instead if you would like to add, quote the person. That person could then edit in your comment.
Perhaps keep a running Talley in the original post, and use the edit function to update it? But yes, it should be four, as skyward sword both nominated and voted producing the extra "votes",However from my understanding, original nominations don't count as votes unless the author agrees their own post.

I think it would be more conducive in the future to not nominate someone more than once, instead if you would like to add, quote the person. That person could then edit in your comment.

Good points. Nevertheless Im pretty sure Dr. Fong has this one (party)
Your IGN: TiroTypo777
Who You Are Nominating: SexyRose_
Why You Are Nominating Them: The palace, shes a fun Rper, shes nice and a good leader.

I don't understand how that has so many disagrees?

I find Lady Rose, quite a good Rper. Maybe I've missed some sort of drama, but she's got quite a nice character, and plays it well, regardless of any other behavior.

Not sure about the leading yet, as that has been absent from my sight, but I would agree; Her Palace is just Perfect!
Your IGN: Skully_man
Who You Are Nominating: Sentinels
Why You Are Nominating Them: (Fantastic Faction) Sentinels is a great faction with plenty of great RPer's and a beautiful city. They keep the beauty of Massivecraft alive with expanding the city and RolePlay without degrading themselves as 'weak' or 'raiders'
Who You Are Nominating: SaintsDemon
Why You Are Nominating Them: Great architecture. don't believe me? Click Here: Imgur
Your IGN: Mecharic
Who You Are Nominating: DrFong (Roleplayer)
Why You Are Nominating Them: Well, besides being my favorite RP character so far, Fong is almost always in character and enhances the roleplay of everyone around him with his active effort to roleplay. He even got me to roleplay while trying to figure out his diabolical Abusement Park in Regalia (I've tried them both, pure evil right there). He's also a fun to be with roleplay, unlike many that we see these days, and is without a doubt the best RPer I've seen.
IGN : hullu123456789
Nominating : Sventen
Why : Sven is a person who does everything to help people, more or less people who deserves it. His friends are often made by him helping them with something and I don't think I would have gotten this far without him either. Hes a really nice person and always wants to do good for other people, always friendly, kind and giving.
Thank you all for the many nominations and votes but the winner is...



He will be receiving:
- 1 Stack of Diamond Blocks
- A Spot in the Next Viridian Times
- Several Hats of His Choice from the Destinado Boutique for Hats and Headgear
- 1 Day with the Viridian Times Newspaper Boy as his personal errand boy
- 1 Day in his own Abusement Park on me! xD
- A New Skin or Edited Versions in Various Colors and Clothes of His Choice!
- A Free Lifetime Subscription to the Viridian Times!
- Several Interesting "Souvenirs" for him to sell in his shop including...
A Shrunken Dwarf Head​
A Tear from a Maiar​
A Vial of Vespid Blood​
A Cocoa Gone Loco Creeper Cake​
A Pirate's Wooden Peg-Leg​
A Baby Puke Colored Hat​
Jeeze, I don't know what to say. Thank you! Thank you everyone! I did it mom! I did it!

I would like to thank the academy. All the staff, especially MonMarty for giving me a chance at a new "Fun" House. I would like to thank Vitalis the Rabid_Clown for helping to steer me off my boring track. All the freaks, including Old Beardo, Maryia the Fishy Girl and Hiccup the Rare Slime Girl, Xepap the reluctant wizard, and all the other weirdos and monsters that live in cages at the Abusement Park.

In my time on this server I have met many wonderful people and fun and creative roleplayers. I do my best to stay in character all the time and keep things interesting. I play a very whimsical character and prefer to keep my roleplaying light and borderline silly. Dr. Fong would much rather hunt down a rare enchanted chicken to eat it and gain its power than involve himself in political drama. Though one never knows what life has in store.

Thanks again to everyone for making me feel at home on your server. To those who don't know me. Stop by the Dr. Fong's Abusement Park this week and join us in celebration for this great occasion.

I did it mom! (party)
DrFong Your mother is still alive? Aren't you around 140 years old.