The University Of Arcana And Natural Sciences


ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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The University of Arcana and Natural Sciences

| U.A.N.S. |
Est. 307 A.C.


[ Discord Link ]


University Covenant

"Knowledge, Scholarship, and Diligence. In the case of Higher Learning, I proclaim dedication. Dedication to Knowledge, as Knowledge is the foundation of the world, and I will be the brave one to assist my colleagues in keeping Aloria held up. Dedication to Scholarship, as Scholarship strives us to continue learning and improving what we know. Dedication to Diligence, as Diligence is what improves my Knowledge and Scholarship. I dedicate to the Three Tenants of the University, and to the life of the Scholar."



University Goals

  • Educate a Student to be:
    • Proficient in his/her Field.
    • Diligent.
    • Cooperative.
    • Versed in the skills of the Scholar.
  • Inspire Education for all People.
    • We wish for anyone who dreams of knowledge to pursue having an education. As a University, we strive promote such, and offer ourselves to the budding student of all walks of life.
  • Conduct Research for Relevant Topics.
    • We offer this institution as a medium for Scholars to further their own research in their field. With a wide array of experts under our employ, we surpass merely education, and encourage students and staff to pursue their work.
  • Assist Scholars in their Work(s).
    • We encourage outside scholars, or ones in the University as well, to use our resources and experts to help them in research.
  • Promote Academics.
    • To many in today's world, a sword is the best weapon a person will wield. We defy that, and promote all people to pursue academia in all of its forms.
  • Promote Cooperation between Colleagues.
    • Scholars must work together in order to achieve greatness. Greed is not welcome in this institution, and we seek to encourage our students and scholars to cooperate with one another in their works.



University Events

At the UANS, a student or visitor can expect a wide array of activities throughout the entire calendar. However, there will be events an outsider will not be allowed to attend without entrance into the University.

Classes will be held at various times throughout the weeks. Depending on a professor, you might have consistent or random times for the relevant courses. To attend a class, you must be enrolled in the University, meaning a visitor or guest can not attend. Those enrolled in classes can expect to be assigned relevant work to do around their field, and will graded on various aspects throughout the course. A passing grade will be required to complete the course. More information can be found directly from Professors.

Lectures are similar to classes, but will be open forums for the general public. They will be more sporadic, yet require no enrollment. Topics will vary depending on the Lecturer is, but can cover any of the disciplines the University offers.

Scholars of the University can use the medium of this institution to organize expeditions for their research and studies. They can range from class-only expeditions to fully-funded ones through the top scholars.



University Organization

RECTOR - Valerie Ravenstad
VICE-RECTOR - Jyggalon of Tohnsa
DEAN OF ARCANA - Placeholder
DEAN OF SCIENCES - Placeholder
STUDENTS - No List Provided

  • Arcana
    • Arkensim
      • To Be Listed
    • Sanguinology
      • To Be Listed
    • Demonology
      • To Be Listed
    • Soullism
      • To Be Listed
    • Dimenthism
      • To Be Listed
    • Racialism
      • To Be Listed
    • Afflicthism
      • To Be Listed
    • Eventism
      • To Be Listed
    • Artifactism
      • To Be Listed
  • Natural Science
    • Medical Sciences
      • To Be Listed
    • Alchemy Sciences
      • To Be Listed
    • Nature Care Sciences
      • To Be Listed
    • Food & Drink Sciences
      • To Be Listed



University Applications

In order to get involved officially with the University, you need to apply to it. An application is rather simple, but must be filled out accurately and honestly. It has a few prerequisites, being:

  • Literacy (Reading and Writing)
  • Basic Education
  • Minor Knowledge of:
    • Any Discipline of Arcana
    • Any Discipline of Science

A prospective student also must pay an entrance fee, so that the University will have the funds to continue its upkeep and sponsor expeditions. The fee must be paid for each class.
(This would be a modest fee, and affordable by most.)

An application must include, foremost, a cover letter, addressed to the Rector and Vice-Rector, documenting your prior skillset in the relevant fields, and detailing relevant information about yourself. Rejecting or accepting an application is up to the discretion of the aforementioned parties.

Student Application
Character Name:
Character Application: Link to Application
Requested Course(s):

To Rector Valerie Ravenstad and Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa,

Blah blah blah.

Name Here

Professor Application
Character Name: Tom Johnson
Character Application: Link to Application
Requested Course(s) to Teach: Medicine and Alchemy

To Rector Valerie Ravenstad and Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa,

Blah blah blah.

Name Here

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Character Name: Caoimhe Howlester.
Character Application: Link to Application.
Requested Course(s) to Teach: Medicine.

To the esteemed Rector Valerie Ravenstad and Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa,

I have been working as a medic for over a decade now and request the privilege to teach others in such a profession. I have worked prior under the Regalian Institute of Academia. Furthermore, I have utilized my skills overseas in the effort against the Kathar and as an independent medic. I am proficient in both surgery and treating illnesses with an emphasis on the former. I appreciate you taking the time to consider my involvement. May the Spirit ever prevail and bless.

Best Regards,
Caoimhe E. Howlester
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Character Name: Ulfgar Ironfist
Character Application: Here!
Requested Course(s) to Teach: Medicine

To Rector Valerie Ravenstad 'nd Vice-Rector Jyggalon o' Tohnsa,

I 'ave been workin' wit medicine foe a good forty years, graduatin' from da School of Battlemed at da age o' twenty. I 'ave spent much o' me time ta work wit da science of medicine ta 'elp does in need. I am apart o' da Magnolia Order wit da 'opes o' healin' da ill 'nd injuried, I want ta teach da next generation o' da science o' medicine. May da Spirit bless ya 'nd da University foe many years ta come.

Ulfgar Ironfist

Character Name: Peregrin Lathalas
Character Application: A most wonderful application
Requested Course(s) to Teach: Arcana; [ Artifactism, Eventism, Dimenthism, Demonology, Soulism, and Sanguinology ] of your choice.

To the Esteemed Rector Valerie Ravenstad and Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa of the University of Arcana and Natural Sciences,

Greeting and salutations, my name is Peregrin Lathalas, and I am a applying for a position as a Professor at your University. I have traveled this world for over a century now, and have spent a great deal of that time studying the occult and the arcane in order to better understand the fundamental principles of this world. My official training comes from a multitude of sources; official educations within the Allorn Empire to master Eventism and Dimenthism, toiling under Qadiri masters to learn the ways of Soulism, spending many summers with a blinded Evokar to learn of the mysteries of Demonology and Sanguinology, and have a personal collection of artifacts and studies done to ensure my footing in Artifactism is well rounded. I am a master of my craft, and am committed to expanding our understanding of the way the Forces of the world impact everything around us. Should you need to contact me, my current lodgings are in the Petal Court, at a small in dubbed 'The Grove'. The Innkeeper knows to pass any news onto me. I thank you for your consideration, and I pray to the Spirit that you are showered in its radiant light.

Peregrin 'Peren' Lathalas
Teacher Application

Character Name: Veerle van de Bossen
Character Application: Here
Requested Courses to teach:
Alchemy or Nature Care​

[Letter including A fun little story]
// A person fully shrouded person in a battered cloak barged into Tohnsa on the streets at dawn. Afterwards Thonsa found himself holding a slightly battered scroll which was held shut by a black wax seal bearing a pentacle, likely passed to him discretely with some sleight of hand by whoever it was that walked into him.

Thonsa didn't catch a good glimpse of the stranger yet believed he was hit by a wall of curious scents from dried herbs when the stranger passed him, and saw two lime-green glowing dots peering at him alongside feminine lips smirking at him from underneath the shadows the thick linen hood cast onto the shrouded stranger's face.

The scroll, which has seen slightly better days, reads, in a slightly untidy handwriting: //


the news of a University opening are spreading through the lands like a wildfire.

I am Veerle van de Bossen. I am hereby offering my services to the University of Arcana and Natural Sciences as an educator in alchemic doctrines or on the subject of nature care.

I have been working with and in nature all my life. I bring extensive knowledge and personal documentation over marime and land-based flora, fauna, behaviour study of wildlife and habitats, diverse natural biomes, herbalism and alchemy.

My current profession has been acting as a wildlife specialist in conservation and hunt, in combination with the application of alchemic concoctions alongside personal studies of flora and working as an alchemist and biologist in the field or through contract with clients.

I offer my services as an educator. I seek to teach the knowledge I were able to accumulate and to teach inspired minds in natural sciences for preservation of the environment and for mutually beneficial interactions between nature and civilization.

Veerle v.d. Bossen"

Javelin#9352 for contact​
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Character Name: Vala Melaya
Character Application: TBA
Requested Course(s): Arkenism, Sanguinology, Demonology, --everything available!

A rather eloquently written response would promptly arrive at the university upon the allowance of students.

To Rector Valerie Ravenstad and Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa,

My name is Vala Melaya if it's of importance... Ever Since my recent arrival in the city of Regalia, I've found myself, well. Lost in my search for knowledge; Nobody within the sewers has yet to take intrigue in my studies, but my have I met some truly fascinating people down there! Anyhow, your university seems just the place I've been looking for this whole time! I knew there would be a place where people had some form of a class in Regalia. I do hope you'll accept me, else I'll simply have to continue my studies in solidarity, though I hope that won't be the case here.

Lastly, I'm perhaps a little uncertain you'll have me, you seem I'm of foreign culture, race-- But I must tell you I am adamant on my education!

Yours sincerely,

Vala Melaya
Character Name: Haeddi Harhold
Character Application: Link
Requested Course(s): Nature Care Sciences

To Rector Valerie Ravenstad and Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa,

Greetings from House Harhold!
I want to join your University of Arcana and Natural Sciences for the course of Nature Care Sciences! I know the names of several flora and fauna specimens, but want to join this class in order to expand my knowledge when I have the free time. Happy to see you soon!

Madame Haeddi Jehanne Harhold
Daughter of the Grand Archduke of Vlissinghelm, Hengest Harhold
Rejection Letters
Lady Howlester,
We appreciate your application, yet we feel your lack of experience and expertise is a problem. While your credentials are respectable for any doctoral profession, we require older and more seasoned practitioners here at the U.A.N.S. However, when we eventually hire a Professor for Medicine, we would welcome you as an assistant to him/her, paid of course, to learn and further your talents. Then perhaps we can revisit this.

Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa
Mr. Ironfist,
Considering your letter is incomprehensible, this application is rejected. We need literate professors here.

Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa
Veerle van de Bossen
Ms. Bossen,
Firstly, my name is not Tohnsa. Secondly, your suspicious and creepy way of applying leads me to not believe you would fit what this University represents.

Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa

Acceptance Letters
Mr. Lathalas,
We would be happy to welcome someone of your expertise into the University's staff. If you do not mind, we will hold off on selecting your official course to teach until we get more professors hired, simply because your talents are so wide. That is, unless, you'd prefer to select one now. We look forward to seeing what you can do.

Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa
Ms or Mr. Melaya,
You have been accepted into the University as a Student of Arkenism, Sanguinology, and Demonology. However, you will not be allowed to take any more courses than those at the moment. We ask you pace yourself in your learning, as one can become overwhelmed with so much work.

Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa
Lady Harhold,
You have been accepted into the University as a Student of Nature Care Sciences. I'd like to add that your age is a slight issue, as we are an institution geared more towards an older and more experienced crowd. Though we are willing to overlook it considering the course you selected, but ask you do your best to conduct yourself as a student among professionals, and not as a child.

Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa
Character Name: Ul no'lessa Oellone
Character Application:’lessa-oellone.73177/#post-906617
Requested Course(s) to Teach: Eventism

To Rector Valerie Ravenstad and Vice-Rector Jyggalon of Tohnsa,

I have seen your post for your University and such has sparked interest. I am Ul no'lessa tin'joa allo jo'ale col'e oellone however, I shall accept Ul no'lessa oellone for short if you so wish. I am a man of history and have studied such throughout my long lifetime as well as taught such in my own University within my homeland. While I am most proficient in history in general, I have also studied Eventism which I shall be applying for as this school is the University of Arcana and Natural Sciences. I have lived for three-hundred sixty-three years and I feel that I could offer various first hand experiences as well as a large amount of knowledge to the UAN's many pupils. So therefore I hope you shall accept my application so I may work with the other Professors as well as you, the Rectors, to educate the masses.
Kind Regards,
Ul no'lessa tin'joa allo jo'ale col'e oellone,