The Union Dream Of The United Human States


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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The Synopsis
For nearly fifty years after the fall of Nelfpolëon, the Old World knew peace in what the Franctalar would later call La Belle Ëpoque, an idyllic fantasy that was harshly shattered when the Calemberger Union invaded Franctala and humiliated the Nelfin in a short war that not only saw the death of the Franctala Emperor, but also the fall of its government to a republic. Seizing the region of Teled-Lorraine, the Calemberger Union proclaimed itself the new Great Cadarman Empire in the middle of the hall of mirrors of the Mirror Palace in Versaillëlfin. The resulting power struggle between the Great Cadarman and the globalist Brittelvhen Empire would continue to dominate the next 30 years until in 1912 AC, the Great War broke out.

The Austradir-Ceardian Empire's heir to the throne, Karl Franz, was killed by Serb-Allar independence fighters during a tour through the occupied Slizzroatia, setting off a chain of alliances that would eventually culminate in the largest war ever fought in the world. When Austradir-Ceardian troops marched into Serb-Allaria, the Varrussian Empire declared war on the Austradir-Ceardian Empire, triggering an alliance that called in the Great Cadarman Empire, which in turn triggered an alliance that called in Franctala, which in turn resulted in the Brittelvhen Empire also siding against the Central-Human powers. The Songottoman Empire would join on the side of the Central-Human powers after a year, while the Sardwarfi-Pit-monte League would eventually be bribed by the Brittelvhen Empire to side against the Central-Human powers.

War raged in the Old World for many years, reaching far into the southern wastes continent, the Maiïndian sub continent, Ausdrowdar, and even China-ji and Japan-ji waged war on one another for the Central and Allied powers respectively. The war was finally brought to a tentative hold in 1921 when the United Human States from the New World entered the war on the side of the losing Central-Human powers. While the United Human States were unable to turn the tide of the war fully, they stopped a landslide Allied victory and were able to secure a tentative truce that would end the war in a stalemate. Quickly afterwards, the Varrussian Empire completely collapsed as socialist revolts swept away the Purromanov dynasty, while the Songottoman Empire itself fell to the whims of republicanism.

The utter destruction and carnage of the war in the Old World caused a massive influx of immigrants to the United Human Empire, a beacon of freedom and personal liberty in a world dominated by the Empires of the old order and their repressive authoritarian regimes. The Great Union Dream promised a chance for everyone of every race nation and creed, and even citizens of once enemy states dared to seek their fortunes in the land of the free. When the soldiers who fought in the war returned home, the United Human States went into a decade of prosperity, great financial progress as well as technological wonders were invented. When the China-ji developed Dragon machine was implemented in Manhattan, death became a thing of the past. Every person that died in Manhattan, the capital heart of the United Human States, would be revived in the machine, albeit at a cost.

The disappearance of death however did not solve poverty and crime in the pristine city, in fact, it only multiplied it. The Temperance league managed to convince the Human Congress to pass the prohibition act, declaring all opiates, alcohol and other mind altering substances illegal to use, especially Vampirii drinks, all in the name of protecting morality of the people. Since the disappearance of their fear of death, society had become a place of debauchery and wastrels, something the Temperance League attempted to steer away from by denying citizens the substances used to spend their lives in bars and burlesque places. The locals would eventually create secret backroom bars and taps, giving rise to the eternal cat and mouse game between the Manhattan gangs and the Police Force.

The Where When and How
We are still building. Needless to say, the AU is going to be done by the best of our abilities, though players should be aware that this is just a mini side project, not an actual attempt of the server to split into different universes. There will be no Wiki lore (save for one page), no applications, no permissions and no specialized rules or systems. We're just gonna roll with it as it comes along, and see what we can do a few weeks in. As for when we have a release date, we cannot give one. We want to build a cool looking Manhattan skyline, even if at the beginning we will only have one street available.
fall of purromanov dynasty leads to cat communist regime

this is the future jacobinists want people
Sylvia was on routine patrol, shining her flashlight into the back-alleys of Manhattan, her hand on the grip of her M1911 at her waist as she moved towards a group of dark figures with bottles in their hands. "Show me your hands!" was all that needed be said.
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'Whitlock' sauntered down the city streets, his mind drilling in thoughts of the now crime-ridden avenue that built itself before him and what the future may hold for the decrepit population that now walked them, just as he did. Perhaps it wasn't quite his place to mull these considerations but within his factory sewn long coat, the man sighed. Winter drew near, thus his once palmed digits curled into fist-like gestures for warmth. Witnessing Sylvia's efforts from afar, he hung his head. The Nation had worked to better it's civilisation and were met with discord and poverty. The Nation saw fit to punish it's denizens under the notion that they were not content, even with machines for revival and the removal of Vices to cease their temptation. Humanity and it's Kinsmen were on a steady decline, and the young Cielothar thought to himself that perhaps things could be better... Just as soon as he had a word with whoever wasn't in poverty at this current time.

"I have so much work to do..." he muttered beneath his frostbitten shivering lips, before moving on with quiet steps.
D.I. Nate Bigley, a veteran to the force, but the new guy in town. He was experienced enough in the job, but previously reserved his skills for busts out in the back country. The city was daunting to him, yet he held his head high. There must be someone to show him the ropes around here, right?

@MonMarty Is the Dragon Machine resurrecting current characters from the past, or are they going to be new?
cant wait

OOh i'm making a new character for this YASY

He pulled his long coat over his shoulders and his black fedora over his eyes as he walked down the manhatten streets, noticing the police officer in the distance, he made a swift turn to a different alley, breaking the arm of the drinker before him, before punching him in the face, and pouring the substance all over the floor.. Before he made his way into the back entrance of the general store he was behind, and none would know that the streets where not only stalked by police and gangsters, but by something else..
Something better
Something vigilant
Human U.S, Elven Britain and France(?), communist cats, Serbian Allars, Japanese and Chinese Ch'ien-Ji, Ottoman Qadirs, Austro-Hungarian Ceardians, and Australian Drowdars. Seems pretty legit to me.
Human U.S, Elven Britain and France(?), communist cats, Serbian Allars, Japanese and Chinese Ch'ien-Ji, Ottoman Qadirs, Austro-Hungarian Ceardians, and Australian Drowdars. Seems pretty legit to me.
I don't think that Britain would be elven, seeing as they have been France's (the elves) enemies and are the ones who colonized the united *human* states. Scotland would definitly be dwarves tho
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Human U.S, Elven Britain and France(?), communist cats, Serbian Allars, Japanese and Chinese Ch'ien-Ji, Ottoman Qadirs, Austro-Hungarian Ceardians, and Australian Drowdars. Seems pretty legit to me.
I don't thinj that Britain would be elven, seeing as they have been France's (the elves) enemies and are the ones who colonized the united *human* states. Scotland would definitly be dwarves tho
Yeah I always thought humans would be Britian, and Elves would be Spanish, and Donald Trump would be like "We cannot let these criminals get through this wall" and stuff because of how Elves are treated as monsters now in Regalia.
Maybe Portugal because of sea-faring.
I was thinking Greece only because it participated in the Great War. Well, when I say participated, the Entente weren't very nice to it. (They made the king abdicate cri). That, and you know how they are with their navy and islands.
Actually, come to think of it, we really need Italians don't we?
I was thinking Greece only because it participated in the Great War. Well, when I say participated, the Entente weren't very nice to it. (They made the king abdicate cri). That, and you know how they are with their navy and islands.
Actually, come to think of it, we really need Italians don't we?
Portugal actually also paticipated.
Portugal actually also paticipated.
Oh I know they did, just certainly not as much as the Italians, who we certainly need in a U.S.-like setting. It's still a work in progress though, and this was well over a week ago, so i'm sure we'll see more soon!
Come this, the Nordmark would become a gang if allowed, for, as Gerold said in his message, "Together, you are notorious."