The Tyrian Lillasus


unenlightened centrist
Jan 22, 2021
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Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order
"... The matter is made evident. In light of the 'nay' votes, either there is insufficient trust in the Crown, or too much greed. We trust that the nobles can contend with their own conscience, and let whatever divine power they believe to resolve their inclinations."

—His Holiness, Emperor Alexander I, at the Upper House Assembly of Jan. 22, 310 AC.
Following the lack of widespread support for the Articles of Protection for citizens of the Empire, in which the Imperial Faction failed to present a consistent front in favor of a proposal that would consent to greater authority to the Imperial Crown, the Imperial Faction is abandoned in abdication of the Tyrian Lillasus faction.

The Tyrian Lillasus represents a shift to a staunch stance of advocating a crown-loyalist attitude that encourages the willful self-sacrifice of the nobility to support the Crown, who guides a stronger empire with wisdom, fairness and pious mercy.

The Tyrian Lillasus stands ready to cooperate with any faction on policy that agrees with its stated agenda, and welcomes outside ideas.

Party Agenda:

  1. To present a united front to advocate for higher Crown authority in the Empire.
  2. To push for higher Crown and State taxes to the nobility in policy, and failing this, greater charitable contributions to the crown and state independent of policy.
  3. To foster a dignified approach to politics.
  4. To acknowledge and advocate Unionism as the true faith of the Empire, and convert non-Unionists by compassionate expression of the Everwatcher's love.
  5. To actively oppose self-interested attempts to compel or obstruct the Emperor.
Any Regalian citizen of good standing may join the Tyrian Lillasus so long as they agree to support the aforementioned agenda. The Tyrian Lillasus has no de facto leader, and merit of suggestion and argumentation is granted to all its members. Merit of decision-making votes is granted to house heads of the aristocratic houses within the faction.

The Lillasus is a party of conviction to its stated agenda, and that agenda may not change unless a simple majority vote is achieved during a scheduled meeting. All faction members agree to support proposals parallel to the faction's expressed agenda items. Proposals that are unrelated to faction agenda items may be supported however members choose.

The Tyrian Lillasus is a faction where unique opinions will be heard, but equally, where one objector will not sway the faction's integrity into subservience to their own personal ambition.

  1. Grand Duke Heinrich von Schwarzkrau of Moritzberg
  2. Duchess Hera van Hal of Huilendom and Baroness of Vlissinghelm
    1. Vassal-Baroness Carmen Marth of Zierikzee
  3. Duke-Celate Abelhard Petrou of Athos
    1. Vassal-Baroness Mother Alexi of Limnos Nisia
    2. Vassal-Baron Valentino Solisti of Kepkua
  4. Duke Markus Delmotte of Bastadon
    1. Count Aldair Delmotte of Halle-Occident
    2. Count Arnauld Delmotte of Irvelle
Supported Policy:
  • "Petition his Imperial Holiness to create a bill of protections and rights for all citizens of the empire, as He is the one who can best capture these founding principles of grace, protection, and compassion whilst extending them to us, His Loyal Subjects and followers. This would serve to protect all from potential corruption, excessive punishment, and undue cruelty from noble, state officials and fellow citizens.
    • Lower House of Nov. 27, 309 AC: PASSED
    • Upper House of Dec. 4, 309 AC: 18-11, proposal fails
    • Lower House of Jan. 15, 310 AC: PASSED
    • Upper House of Jan. 22, 310 AC: 11-11, proposal fails