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The Tailors Corner First Presentation... Headcoverings!

What should be my next set?

  • Total voters


Barking up a tree but I'm the wrong type of bitch.
Apr 2, 2020
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In your garage freezer.

The Lord Ivonn Circe Presents...


The first set of Regalian Head Coverings!



The Head-coverings are made from Burdigalan cloth with an inner lining of Leutz-Vix silk for a more fashionable and comfortable wear. The Gold used for some of the creations have been imported from Ithania while the Silver was harvested in the Litvinova Silver Mines along with a select few head coverings that have been bejeweled have also been mined from Rumvalia via the Litvinova family company of jewel mining. The threading for these coverings is imported Ithania as well.

Selection of (current) Head Coverings


[Currently the only bejeweled covering available.]



This headdress was inspired by Szabadokian fashion, which can normally be seen sported by Lady Beatrix Litvinova. This is actually the ONLY Head Covering that uses Szabadokian fabric and silk rather than Burdigalic fabric and Ithanian silk. This headdress will do well if you wish to stand out in a crowd, the many shimmering jewels do also tend to draw attention due to the small jingles that can be heard when walking with them!

Price - 175r





Of course starting with the silver line, here we have the blue head covering, though plain it can be easily worn to any event or outing. Though with nothing really special about it, I would recommend wearing such out in the late evening, especially if you are being painted that day. The nice blue would mix very well with a warm splash of fleeting day behind it. With this as well, it can stand alone with a plain dress or outfit. The Blue and the Silver creating just enough contrast on its own.

Price - 125r




Once again here is another piece that contrasts with itself just enough for a simple outfit or dress. Though with my own bias I would quite say that a fire-y red or pretty boy blue would surely match well with this covering. I would recommend wearing this out to a more mature evening. Such as meetings and political gatherings. You could also wear such to mourn a lost loved one. But to be entirely honest pairing it with a high and bright color this would be matched well in a social gathering of parties or festivals. Leaving this headdress to be well at any sort of event- Just be sure to dress properly for the mood!

Price - 125r




Now off to quite the best color of these selections- Red! Who wouldn't want to run around feeling as if they were large red timbling hood? Just make sure not to be caught by the Cahal!

This scarlet red headdress could be best worn out to wine tastings or socials at nobles estate. With the bold color statement and high contrast with the silver I will say getting these red fabrics were much more tricky than any other fabric I could get my hands on. Hopefully red will be in this season for some more bold statements?

Price - 175r




Now just right after the scarlet red, I must say I do love the fabric colors on this head covering. I do believe the Litvinova mined silver has been quite good this entire silver line thus far! Creating all the best contrasts I have seen. Now green is quite commonly a color seen in many conservative houses or sported by the Wirtem culture. I will say wearing such for paintings in the foresty green area would look quite spectacular! The mash of both wearing green and being around nature would mesh very well! Though I do say I would not do such myself, nature and I never really seem to see eye to eye. I would love to see white dresses worn in such a color! I think it would work together quite nicely! I could surely see this being worn at more political meetings though how such is worn is truly up to the wearer.

Price - 125r.




Of course this color will be followed up right after my two favorite ones. Though pink has never quite been my favorite color- I do know many ladies and Madams whos it is. So of course I just had to make it! This headdress could really be worn out in the mornings when the sun is starting to rise and it has the most beautiful purples and oranges. I would LOVE to see these worn at smaller debutante events, or even worn by the ladies who have done to the Countess Nordhjems romantic events!

Price - 100r



Lastly in the silver line- We have brown for those who like to blend in more. In my opinion, browns and greys have been worn to be unseen and more hidden away. Black can have the same effect but has the potential to pop in an outfit. I think what would work best with this head covering would be to wear nice creams and maybe- dare i say it- soft pinks? Now rather than seeing WHERE I would love to see this worn, I personally want to see someone with a bright and bubbly personality to wear this. While browns are typically for those who like to hide away, I would love to see someone break that weird color stereotype most people have. A class of bright and out there and pulled away and dim. Though as I said before, truly it is up to the wearer.

Price - 125r



Now the Gold line has the same colors along with the silver but for some reason- somehow- there is a new envision for them all!




Now this plain white can be matched with quite literally everything! Any color- Though I would love to see some bold colors such as reds, yellows, oranges and maybe some greens. Though Mostly warm colors to match with the warmer coming season would be quite a delight to see! Now I can see this being worn to those competitive events, though only for those as a spectator. Matched with some nice theater binoculars and you'll have the look all set down and patched!

Price - 175r




Now as the other blue in the Silver set I had stated I would have loved to see at night fall- Really. I would love to see this be worn on a military personel or even on a ranger. I believe that the blue and gold set itself as rather fierce in the way of how one carries themselves.

Price - 175r



Now THIS one is my personal favorite out of the whole collection. It gives me very much Regal fashion aesthetics. And truthfully if I were to bejewel another set I would love to bejewel this one. As I stated with the white one being worn as a spectator- This- This one I can envision someone wearing it as a combatant- a competitors. Differing from the blue one- this one makes me think of winners and go getters. It just has this very bold statement to it that I quite love. Im unsure yet, maybe in the next release I will bejewel this one and release it to the public.

Price - 175r.




Now this one does typically scream fierce, the gold and scarlet. Though to be fully honest this is my least favorite duo. The gold and reds have been very overdone in my opinion. I would love to see reds be done with different metals. Despite my downward opinion on this set, I do think this could be worn in business meetings. Maybe as a visually representation of a fierce and bold buisness person? Or even a political identity.

Price - 200r




This head covering is one of my favorites. Green and gold is a bit overdone but its still in its classic stage. I think it just works so well together. Once again I think it could be best worn in political meetings or to represent house pride through its color. I have not much to say about this one.

Price - 175r




I call this one the pretty in peach, as I stated before I do not have a fondness for pink but for this one- I truly did go out of my way to get rose gold for it. I do hope that those who decide to buy and wear this wear it with a black dress or outfit, I really do think that way it can make the head covering pop the most. Honestly I would love to see event host-ers to wear this, with a both top and black- or even white- dress or outfit would really make them stand out in the crowd I feel.

Price - 175r




Last but not least! Brown and gold. Honestly I like this one much more than the red and gold. The typically shy color of brown and the bold gold really does make this one stand out to me. I think it gives off more assertive sense to me. I think I would like to see some mercenary or group leaders wear this. But I also think this could be seen as another observer at competitions.

Price - 175r

For those who have been able to read through my input and look through this store! I give my thanks. For now if you wish to buy these or even get them tailored in person do feel free to write me a letter to the Litvinova Estate in the Noble district.

If you do letter me, tell me, what would you like to see next?

Tailoring fees - 5r
(Aka if you want tailoring to be done ic and meet the young tailor!)





To letter fill out this format!

Which Color:
Which Line:
Tailoring (Optional):
Total Price:
Letter (Optional):

(Funny money^^)


1. If you do decide to use these skins, please credit me!
2. If you are using these people fill out the format above just so I can keep track of whos using them and whos not!
3. Do not take credit or sell these.
4. Please let me know if you decide to edit on top of these (ex, rips, wine stains, etc)
5. Tell me what else you might wanna see, yes this is mandatory ( /j)​
Also! If you experience anything funky while using the skin (weird random pixel? Can't seem to apply the skin to pre-exisiting skin?)- Dm me on discord! Audi#1978
Character: Liana Litvinova <3 !!
Which Color: Black!
Which Line: silver :)
Total Price: 125r
Letter (Optional):

she just left a note with a smiley face on it.
Character: Joanna von Duerr
Which Color: Black and Green
Which Line: Gold
Total Price: 350 regals
Character: Winifred Marth
Which Color: i may take more than one, but green for now
Which Line: silver
Total Price: 175r +
There was just a scribbled, incomprehensible signature on the page.