The Support Of Non-premium Users


Confused Sailor
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Your kitchen
I've been sitting here, non-premium for a while, and I've been thinking about how much premiums help to support this most glorious of servers. As a non-premium, I have not had a way to help the server in any way, and I would like to do something. So, my question is: what can non-premiums do to aid Massivecraft? Not things like improvement of role-play (though I realize that is very important) but things that actually help to sustain the server.
  • Vote for the server
  • Tell your friends about Massivecraft
  • Or pay silver for someone else to buy premium for you (I do that ;P )
+Keep other players on
+Show them the art of Roleplay-ism
+Vote for the server
+Stay POSITIVE to other non-premiums and premiums
+Check ideas, how it may effect the server, and vote for or against it.
+Keep the economy running by buying things with silver at reasonable price
+Don't let other premiums say you can't help the server in any way
+Introduce others to premium, by showing them and telling them about the perks about it
+Show others how PVP is for non-premiums if they are, or to premiums if they might need some help
I've been sitting here, non-premium for a while, and I've been thinking about how much premiums help to support this most glorious of servers. As a non-premium, I have not had a way to help the server in any way, and I would like to do something. So, my question is: what can non-premiums do to aid Massivecraft? Not things like improvement of role-play (though I realize that is very important) but things that actually help to sustain the server.

What I do doesn't need Premium: Be friendly, help new players acclimate, gather resources and sell them, roleplay, and just be an all around friendly player.
I help the server by helping any one I can in H:, helping new players get into RP, I recruit a lot of new players because there more likely to say if they are in a good faction. Voting helps aswell.
ą¹–Ū£ŪœI've personally felt that I have always been the helpful type, trying to help new people get around, learn how to hold the gun, and fire it. Sometimes when I see the new players, I approach them right away with RolePlay as though a greeting, like "Get out of the snow, you'll freeze," "Where are you from," I sort of encourage them to try it out from the start so they know it's there. So far, literally everyone I've held under my wing for a while has purchased Premium in the time I haven't done so. So, Cayorion might not have gotten $21, but he certainly got about $84. Let alone, voting for the server encourages people to join. Smart, funny, following the lore or not, there is always a place for at least some type of person. A person can become a PVPer very quickly, and another can become a RPer even faster. Purchasing Premium is a bonus for you and the others around you as well. As a Non-Premium, you can also help the forums as well by helping answer questions other ask, keep forum open RolePlays active, supporting people by ratings, and even applying for some kind of staff.

And if you were willing to read all this, it can also help people around you by supporting yourself. Doing things like reading the lore, purchasing from the market, work to make your faction run well and gain a good reputation, and following what Admins say. Following what admins say is probably the most important thing of these factors...
I bought premium for a skin lol. But it costs from 200-300 silver.
Need to figure out how to make good skins now (headbang)
On a more serious note,
Premium usually costs around 100-150s in my experience, allthough I don't know if the price has gone up lately.
Need to figure out how to make good skins now (headbang)
On a more serious note,
Premium usually costs around 100-150s in my experience, allthough I don't know if the price has gone up lately.

It has gone up with the addition of extra money for person paying the silver for premium.
Need to figure out how to make good skins now (headbang)
On a more serious note,
Premium usually costs around 100-150s in my experience, allthough I don't know if the price has gone up lately.

Haha yeah, since premiums now earn money after buying, its gone up a lot.