Criminal Guild The Sunny Pirates


Apr 7, 2018
Reaction score
somewhere on Earth



Guild Information

Colors: Gold Yellow, black and white
Symbols: Burning skull and adorn cutlass/saber
Values: The Most freedom there is and seeking the next best thing.


"Destiny. Fate. Dreams. These unstoppable ideas are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth!"

Background Information

Founded by a young Ailor, Son E. Rogers, January 7, 311 AC. The Sunny Pirates are named after Son E. Rogers name and his hair bleaching from the sun. The crew are supposed to sail outside the Regalian waters, but there are rumors the pirates are also within the Regalia walls. The Sunny Pirates are a band of multiple races, each with their unique background, formed from the same ideas of Thrill and Adventure. While their values seem broad, it is what they truly believe in and are willing to live it out.

They share no interest in the practices of peoples with politics or religion. The Sunny Pirates are either stupid or brave to stand up against any authority figures and seems to have little to no fear, especially at the captain who seems to fiercely smile at just about everything.

The Sunny-men Rankings

Under the leader of the sunny pirate's Captain are his Subordinate captain's each with their own crew. However, besides the subordinate's, there are roles in each captain's crew.
  • Subordinate Captain's
  • Right Hand's
  • Left Hand's
  • Swordsmen's
  • Gunner's
The Sunny-men also have other roles, but such roles are filled in by personal request.
Examples: Doctors, Navigators, Cooks, and Powder Monkey's

Code of Conduct

  • Regarding Business: Making a deal only with the presence of the Head Captain or Subordinate Captain's
  • Regarding Recruitment: Any member of the race or background can join, long as there is honor in their values.
  • Regarding Kin: The Crew looks after one another, and we'll protect the innocence and the weak as well.
  • Regarding Communication: Any Major activates are to be reported to the Captain and his Subordinates, especially in the effects of the Crew Directly.


OOC Rules
  • Regarding OOC Conduct: Follow the rules of Masssivecraft and show respect to the foundations and work of the player's efforts. Honor the dice rolls and understand your actions.
  • Regarding Conflict: Any conflict that is kept OOC will result you in bad reputation for demotions or kicked.
  • Regarding Metagaming: Metagaming is strictly forbidden and will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Regarding Activity: We don't expect a high activity but keeping up with communication is preferred.

"When you decided to go to the sea, it was your own decision. Whatever happens to you on the sea, it depends on what you've done! Don't blame others!"



The Sunny Pirates are always out there looking from above, searching for capable free-born members. If you are seeking a name to get behind with. Come with us and become not just somebody but something in this great world! To the captain, you are important, and willing to protect you. Together you will turn this world upside down and show them what it means to live so freely!

Alliances or Business Partner can reach out me @Krauze or through our Discord information

Member Applications: You don't need any combat skills, but it is beneficial when it comes to fighting an enemy. Approaching using IC is an appropriate method. If you prefer to reach via Discord, you can reach out to me through DM or the server. If you like, feel free to post an application here on our forum page, with a template we have below.
Application Template:
Name | Minecraft Username
Discord | Discord username if applicable
Timezone | Your current Timezone
Character Application | Link to your Character Application sheet
Letter | An IC letter to the captain of the Sunny Pirates (@Krauze) expressing your interest in joining the crew. This is completely Optional; this is not necessary to join the Sunny Men Crew.

Discord Link
[click here]

Contact Via Discord: Krauze#0200


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