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The Sunday Scratch Exclusive| Extra Issue #1


CS_Birb Impersonator
Staff member
Nov 4, 2019
Reaction score


March 21st, 308 AC

Hochmeister Wilheim emerged victorious in a duel with Admiral Abelhard Latimer late Friday evening in the Regalian Colosseum. This victory comes after repeated inquests into the Order's activities and an official Inquisitorial Conquest issued by Ser Karp Kippings who was relieved of his position as the Crimson Inquisition's Commander.

Ser Kippings, along with individuals who have not had the bravery to issue challenges as Latimer did, take fault with the Marienritter Order's intentions. The following information should rest the mind of those following their activities. In an interview, Hochmeister Wilhelm said, "The Marienritter Order is a monastic order under the Imperial Church of the Holy Divine," which the Hochmeister leads. Wilheim was canonically knighted as a holy warrior under the church and is known as the First Defender of Marien, founder of the Marienritter Order.

"In the current era, the Order's Knights are dedicated to ensuring the prosperity of all Humanum and the Empire," Wilhelm said "We defend against the Faith's and the Empire's enemies—Void worshippers, Sanguine, Werebeasts and the like— in equal measure. Our ultimate enemy is those who seek the destruction of divinity." Prideful the Order is not; their success lies in the unification of Humanum. The difficulty of their mission doesn't stop them in their quest to see Humanum stronger than ever.

Hochmeister Wilheim, when asked how his Order's mission coincided with the peoples of Regalia, responded with the following, "We recognize the good presences of the other races in this realm, and if they work for the Empire's goals with an honest heart, they are true allies of our Regalia."

It remains to be seen what kind of long term presence the Order will have, but like those that have come before them their fate will be decided by the faithful or especially proactive.


The Sunday Scratch is hiring all interested individuals and accepting articles. Comments, concerns, and compliments should be sent to the Editor.

Write subscriptions on the thread! PM me (@Ocularum) or find me in-game for anything else.

Alternative Title: Avanthar Hate Him!
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Ciel'thrascae stole a pen from her partner, scribbling down a subscription and mailing it in.
