Archived The Sultanate's Ultimatum (player Suggestion)

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
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a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
((Just a quick note, thus next section will be written in an in character style, but is not to be taken as lore compliant until a member of staff says so. This has not been written yet, any is only a suggestion as to what an ultimatum issued by the Sultanate to Regalia would/ should look like. This pertains to the war with the Sultanate.))

To Regalia and to people who inhabit it, we declare this final ultimatum unto you. Our Sultan asks of you these things, and as reward for complying with said ultimatum, a cease fire shall occur until one or more of these rules are broken or tested. Our final set of demands for the people and the government of Regalia is that they:
  • Regalia is to work underneath the banner of the Sultanate. Any and all Regalian banners are to be replaced, and the emperor is step down.
  • Are to not hold a formal military. Any guards shall be issued by the Sultanate himself. The Sultanate shall act as the protector of the Regalian isles, and any military will be seen as a sign of rebelion. All current members of the military or guard are to either step down or join the Sultanate militia. Anyone who refuses to comply with either of the two options are to be executed.
  • Qadir are to be the highest class in Regalia. All other races are to be viewed as lower, and any other race that attempts to challenge this is to be forced into slavery for a Qadir or Qadir family.
  • Farah'deen is to have free trade with all former colonies of Regalia. The Sultanate may also choose which colonies they wish to own and what parts they wish to own as well.
  • Any race other then Qadir that own weapons in Regalia are to have the weapons confiscated and their property ransacked in search for any other weapons. If more weapons are found, the owner is to be imprisoned, and, should they attempt to resist arrest, put to death.
  • The Union Church is to be toppled. Any valuable art or jewelry depicting Unionism is to be confiscated and either melted down or sold. Union priests are to step down from their positions and denounce Unionism. Those who still worship the emperors are to be treated as heretics, and are to be punished as such.
  • A Minare is to be built on the grounds of the current Union Cathedral. The bricks that made up the cathedral are to be used to build the Minare, and it is to be adorned with gold, tapestries, and murals depicting the sun. Any defacing of the Minare is to be looked at, and treated as heresy.
  • All mages, other then shadow mages, are to be tolerated within the borders of Regalia. A formal school is to be put in place to teach young mages how to hone their skill.
  • All punishments are to be done in a open field, where those accused of a crime are to be chained to a bolder, tree stump, or similar object for a length of time that depends on the crime committed. This is to allow the sun and sun alone judge those who have sinned, and they are to be cleansed. Those who die are to be seen as unworthy to have lived.
  • Shama-Abdala festivals are to be held within Regalia. All traditions are to be followed and respected.
For accepting our terms, we agree to help you and send you a portion of our military as guards to defend your people. We shall agree to no longer attack your people, and that we shall return the Rim Isles back to you and remove most outposts located there. We shall not impose any taxes on to the government or the people of Regalia, and will give Regalia one seat in our government. They are to inform us on the wishes of Regalia so as to not misuse our power. Regalia will be allowed free trade with Farah'deen, and no current leaders, citizens, or guards of Regalia will be executed unless they show gross insubordination. The citizens of Regalia will not have their land or homes taken away from them. Any homes that have been destroyed due to the war will be rebuilt or relocated.

We shall also supply Regalia with materials in times of need, such as food, iron, and ships. They are to supply us as well when we ask of it.

OOC: Remember, this i just what I think a peace treaty/ ultimatum would look like between the Sultanate and Regalia. If you have any ideas for what you think it should look like, post them below! Also, if you see any claims here that seem like they would be something the Sultanate would never do, post them below as well! And leave a comment on what you think Regalia's response to this would be.
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A few of my thoughts:
1. Why are you writing this, I am confused.
2. Too many pronouns, the familiar pronouns hurt the formality of the text
3. This seems a little harsh, usually, when major powers go to war one does not conquer the other (Britian v France in 100 year war for example. Or the Japanese and Chinese in the Sino-Japanese War)
A few of my thoughts:
1. Why are you writing this, I am confused.
2. Too many pronouns, the familiar pronouns hurt the formality of the text
3. This seems a little harsh, usually, when major powers go to war one does not conquer the other (Britian v France in 100 year war for example. Or the Japanese and Chinese in the Sino-Japanese War)
1. I wrote this to get my ideas out there of what I think an ultimatum between the two powers would look like.
2. Do remember that the Sultanate would be writing this. Even the best Common speakers there would probably have the ability to speak at the level shown here. Yes, it would be quite good, and and possible to understand, but not as great as the greatest scribes of the Empire.
3. Do remember that this is the middle ages. Terms were very cruel back then, and this would only be realistic. And since this also has religion attached to it as well, the Sultanate would probably try to blow Regalia off the map. Do not the final paragraph noting the benefits that Regalia would have.
1. I wrote this to get my ideas out there of what I think an ultimatum between the two powers would look like.
2. Do remember that the Sultanate would be writing this. Even the best Common speakers there would probably have the ability to speak at the level shown here. Yes, it would be quite good, and and possible to understand, but not as great as the greatest scribes of the Empire.
3. Do remember that this is the middle ages. Terms were very cruel back then, and this would only be realistic. And since this also has religion attached to it as well, the Sultanate would probably try to blow Regalia off the map. Do not the final paragraph noting the benefits that Regalia would have.
To respond to these things....
1. I still don't get why you are writing what you think the ultimatum would look like? Are you trying to influence the lore staff?
2. Are you suggesting the Sultanate would not be able to afford a good enough translate to understand grammar and writing skill for common? Also, these formality rules extend over most languages.
3. Both of my examples were of countries and wars fought when the countries were in their medieval times. It was actually customary for both nations to benefit from the treaty, with the American Civil War being the first major conflict to issue a treaty of complete surrender, one of the reasons it is the first modern war. Many treaties of the time were compromises benefiting the victor.
Not to put the mood down, ruin your interesting suggestions, or speak for the lore staff, though wouldn't you think maybe they already have something of the sort planned out?
To respond to these things....
1. I still don't get why you are writing what you think the ultimatum would look like? Are you trying to influence the lore staff?
2. Are you suggesting the Sultanate would not be able to afford a good enough translate to understand grammar and writing skill for common? Also, these formality rules extend over most languages.
3. Both of my examples were of countries and wars fought when the countries were in their medieval times. It was actually customary for both nations to benefit from the treaty, with the American Civil War being the first major conflict to issue a treaty of complete surrender, one of the reasons it is the first modern war. Many treaties of the time were compromises benefiting the victor.
1. No. It's just for fun.
2. The sultanate would probably never pay for a common speaker to write for them. The best scribes would probably never help the Sultanate, and most commoners were illiterate or not good writers, so the best they could get is someone from their kingdom. Learning languages back then was very hard, as you needed a teacher, which was rare, or a book, which were even rarer.
3. True, but this also gives benefits to Regalia, such as helping rebuild, supplying an army and guard, and giving materials through open trade. These are actually based loosely off of the ultimatum from after WWII.
-Coughs- Crusades. Two very vast differences in Religion. Example maybe? Just for that third topic there. -Cough-

I feel like some of these are purely to parody and mock Regalia's treatment towards it's citizens. If this were to happen, the only differences I'd notice are the Quadirs who would have taken the human's place, and the increased bitterness on a racial/religious level.

Though the sudden acceptance of mages wouldn't be half bad.
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I feel like some of these are purely to parody and mock Regalia's treatment towards it's citizens. If this were to happen, the only differences I'd notice are the Quadirs who would have taken the human's place, and the increased bitterness on a racial/religious level.

Though the sudden acceptance of mages wouldn't be half bad.
Although Quadir ARE a human subrace?
Personal opinion:

(Or at least how I think the ultimatum should be handled if it actually does get put it in.)
I personally think a great, realistic treaty between the Sultanate and Regalia would be for a Qadir family to be given an earldom in Regalia, and maybe a large sum of money from the Sultanate to balance it out. It would be interesting to see the other nobility's response to a non-Ailor family gaining land. But I don't really care, just can't wait to see how the lore staff resolve the war.
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