The Steelsong Order: Hunting Guild


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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They say that in the North of Drixagh there are two kinds of men; Those who hunt, and those who are hunted. The wilds breed the strongest, those who will lead their kinsmen on the battlefield. One of the oldest of traditions to breed such men is the hunt. While other peoples have their own ideas of what a hunt is, the men of the North take it to another level. At times it is indistinguishable if a group of men are going to war or to hunt. The House Norrvakt has honored this tradition for generations. Enter the Steelsong Order. A hunting guild established on the principals that only the strongest may lead. Now the Order has landed upon the shores of the capital to take the common man and breed them into the strongest of hunters.


The objective of the Steelsong Order is to create an opportunity for all citizens, both common man and noble alike to partake in various hunts across the Regalian Archipelago, with a high focus on hunting in the Northern regions and the wilderness in the commonwealth. Hunts will be had with many a feast to follow. It is not for the faint of heart nor any who are accustomed to the pamperings of aristocratic life.

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Grand Warden- The leader of the Steelsong Order. A career hunter having spent a majority of his adult life with the Order. Typically held by a Norrvakt bannerman, he is highly influential amongst his peers. A capable fighter and strictly of Northerne descent, he is a formidable fighter to more than just the animals. Currently held by Ingvarr Norrvakt. @Wumpatron

Game Warden- The leader of a hunt within the Steelsong Order. This position is the only one which constantly changes with no true leader. The Game Warden is one who shows prowess in the hunt, whether that be a skilled tracker or a trap master, the position of Game Warden only goes to the competent. The role of the Game Warden is to control all aspects of a hunt with oversight by the Grand Warden to ensure that all adheres to the principles of the Steelsong Order. The Grand Warden assigns who the Game Warden will be prior to each hunt.

Available Game Wardens:

-Baldur Fenross @Wumpatron
-Valbrand Haagenvig @Jouster

Jeger- (Nor) Hunter. Common members of the Steelsong Order.

Current Jeger:
-Baldur Fenross @Wumpatron
-Markus Haagenvig @Cain_et_Abel
-Valbrand Haagenvig @Jouster
-Klaus Ravenstad @Vivamente
-Heikki Freeborne @Arrogantus
-Ulrik @Dragonking14
-Alvaro de Santigo @Belgrade
-Brandt Norrvakt @Patsie
-Birgit Norrvakt @WaterDruppel
-Morrigan Allaway @celticwitch
-Cerridynn Valdemar @celticwitch
-Hjalmar Haaganvig @Swashbuckling
-Wolfgang Drache @Nitesho

The Steelsong Order reserves the right to remove any person for any reason. It will be viewed as an act of betrayal against the Order with seldom an opportunity for redemption.

Open Positions

These are positions which are not applied for directly, but instead are encouraged based on a person's skillset. It is highly recommended to address any of these in your letter to the Grand Warden.

Blacksmith- Able to repair hunting equipment such as swords and traps. Full usage of the Steelsong Forge is permitted.

Available Blacksmiths:
-Jorn of the Fenross tribe (NPC available for IG use. Msg @Wumpatron to utilize)

Skinner/Tanner- Able to skin game animals and tan the hide for sale or usage by members of the Steelsong Order.

Available Skinners/Tanners:

-Leif of the Fenross tribe (NPC available for IG use. Msg @Wumpatron to utilize)

Butcher- Able to break down a whole animal into various cuts of meat. Nothing is to be wasted.

Available Butchers:
-Magnus of the Fenross tribe (NPC available for IG use. Msg @Wumpatron to utilize)

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Skype: (May be either posted here or sent in a PM)
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10):
Knowledge of Lore (1-10):


Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden):
Character Skills:

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IGN: Cain_et_Abel
Skype: (May be either posted here or sent in a PM) I'll pull you out of the merchant chat if approved
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): Gonna say 3 for now. I've hit a point where work is peaking as well as my social life, I'll be back to full swing in about a week or so.
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): Let's say 5 for now.


Name: Markus Haagenvig
Race:Pure ailor
Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden): From a ooc standpoint I want to do more with Markus that just sit in the tavern, drink with strangers, and ruin Valdebrands love life. I figure this could be a chance to make some new relationships and have a good ol time. In character Markus just wants something to do with like minded fellow Northernes.
Character Skills: Other than being a skald, a northern warrior versed in poetry and song that can sing ballads of great deeds by its fellow members, he's a carpender and can do misc woodwork around if needed.


IGN: Cain_et_Abel
Skype: (May be either posted here or sent in a PM) I'll pull you out of the merchant chat if approved
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): Gonna say 3 for now. I've hit a point where work is peaking as well as my social life, I'll be back to full swing in about a week or so.
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): Let's say 5 for now.


Name: Markus Haagenvig
Race:Pure ailor
Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden): From a ooc standpoint I want to do more with Markus that just sit in the tavern, drink with strangers, and ruin Valdebrands love life. I figure this could be a chance to make some new relationships and have a good ol time. In character Markus just wants something to do with like minded fellow Northernes.
Character Skills: Other than being a skald, a northern warrior versed in poetry and song that can sing ballads of great deeds by its fellow members, he's a carpender and can do misc woodwork around if needed.

You are welcomed within the hallowed ranks of the Steelsong. May the Old God's show favor to you brother.


Baldur Fenross
Grand Warden of the Steelsong Order
Lord of the Ashen Hills


IGN: Jouster.
Skype: You have it.
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): 9, but my activity has been slightly decreasing.
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): 7.


Name: Valbrand Haagenvig.
Race: Ailor.

Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden):

A letter inside a neat, marble white envelope was sent to Ingvarr Norrvakt's residence. A possibly familiar black and orange seal held it shut.
Won't hurt to let me in, right?
Character Skills: (From his character application) Combat, sailing, and horseback riding (But, hunting is obviously a sport he's good at).


IGN: Jouster.
Skype: You have it.
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): 9, but my activity has been slightly decreasing.
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): 7.


Name: Valbrand Haagenvig.
Race: Ailor.

Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden):

A letter inside a neat, marble white envelope was sent to Ingvarr Norrvakt's residence. A possibly familiar black and orange seal held it shut.
Won't hurt to let me in, right?
Character Skills: (From his character application) Combat, sailing, and horseback riding (But, hunting is obviously a sport he's good at).
Talked to the big guy in charge, you're in
New members added under Jeger position.
Valbrand Haagenvig has been allowed the opportunity to prove himself in the roll of Game Warden. @Jouster
First Hunt is in planning phase, a fox hunt in the Regalian wilderness. We will be using a random encounter and roll based system to make the experience interesting. If you were considering joining the Order, now is an excellent time.
NPC's made for a Blacksmith, Tanner, and a Butcher for IG use. They may be used by those outside of the Order. Just message me when I'm online and I can hop on as one of them. This is best used if you want character progression where you need tools repaired or leather for new boots or even a butcher for meat for an event. Merely a service for more immersion should you desire it.


IGN: Swashbuckling
Skype: Chamaset
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): Probably a 2 recently. I'm hopefully going to be more active soon.
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): 6ish.


Name: Hjalmar Haagenvig.
Race: Ailor.
Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden): Rp with other Northerners OOC. Also to rp with new people. IC, Hjalmar just wants to hunt with other Northerners, plus both of his brothers are there.
Character Skills: Combat, hunting, cooking (somewhat).


IGN: Swashbuckling
Skype: Chamaset
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): Probably a 2 recently. I'm hopefully going to be more active soon.
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): 6ish.


Name: Hjalmar Haagenvig.
Race: Ailor.
Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden): Rp with other Northerners OOC. Also to rp with new people. IC, Hjalmar just wants to hunt with other Northerners, plus both of his brothers are there.
Character Skills: Combat, hunting, cooking (somewhat).
Accepted, I'll add you on skype and add you into the chat


IGN: Nitesho
Skype: You have it
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): 6 with a slight decrease soon enough
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): 7


Name: Wolfgang Drache
Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden):
Guten Tag, Herr Fenross, Grand Warden of the Steelsong Order,

I was talking with some fellow friends and they told me that you are hosting a sort of Hunting Guild. I would very much would like to join up seeing it is a good way to take some time from the polluted Crown City. I always did love the fresh air. I am a good cook and rather below average hunter, which I would like to improve. Well, I just aimed to keep this letter brief, thank you for reading it over.

Much thanks,
Sir Wolfgang Drache of Buechner.

Character Skills: Cooking (besides combat)

IGN: Nitesho
Skype: You have it
How active do you consider yourself? (1-10): 6 with a slight decrease soon enough
Knowledge of Lore (1-10): 7


Name: Wolfgang Drache
Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
Reason for Applying (May be a letter to the Grand Warden):
Guten Tag, Herr Fenross, Grand Warden of the Steelsong Order,

I was talking with some fellow friends and they told me that you are hosting a sort of Hunting Guild. I would very much would like to join up seeing it is a good way to take some time from the polluted Crown City. I always did love the fresh air. I am a good cook and rather below average hunter, which I would like to improve. Well, I just aimed to keep this letter brief, thank you for reading it over.

Much thanks,
Sir Wolfgang Drache of Buechner.

Character Skills: Cooking (besides combat)
Lord Drache,

You have only shown respect to myself and my House. I welcome you as a brother into the Steelsong Order. We will aid you in your improvement of skill into a remarkable Jeger.


Lord Baldur Fenross of the Ashen Hills
Roll system established at V.1 members within the Skype chat, feel free to look it over and provide comments on the document where you feel it is needed. Small scale event to occur this coming Saturday EST to test out the rolls. Will be open to the public with minimum entry as it is for testing purposes. For those in the Skype chat, I will be putting details there once I return from work and can access Skype.
Ingvarr Norrvakt is now the Grand Warden of the Steelsong Order. Baldur Fenross has stepped down indefinitely.