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The Sparrow's Funeral

What was Jason van der Veer?

  • The Witch King

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • The Sparrow Knight

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Some Random Guy

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Evil Witchblood

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Idk I'm just here cause I'm bored

    Votes: 7 30.4%

  • Total voters


The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company
The people came into the Cathedral, sitting down in the isles, waiting for the ceremony to start.

There was silence, save only the lacrimose chant of the choir as Reverends Jürgen von Drachenburg and Aelfric Harhold led a procession with just themselves down the Cathedral aisle towards the coffin of the departed: Jason van der Veer. Reverend von Drachenburg chanted along with the choir, as Harhold swayed the pall of incense, and thereafter upon reaching the coffin, placed an eye of union pendant atop it. Reverend von Drachenburg would give a holy eulogy to the man, afterwards Harric van der Veer giving his own:

"Jason van der Veer was born a man of the Veer, of House Carwell. He became a Viridian Knight, and afterwards joined the Claws of Union. He was a man of virtue, and a man of honor, always there to help those in need.

When we first met, it had been after the death of Count Robert Carwell of Norreck. While this hit Jason hard, he remained strong for his brother, and came to me with a plan to unite our people. I was skeptical, yet he stayed resilient in his path, and thus van der Veer was born. Since that day, Jason has had a larger impact on my life than anyone else.

His valiant defense of the weak was something I truly admired of him, always there to help, and always ready to protect. He would put his own life on the line to defend those he cared for, or even those he did not know. He has done that for me on several occasions. When I needed him, he was there, always.

Jason is a man we can all learn a thing or two from, he was, and remains to this day an example of what a man of honor should be. I hadn't known Jason for long when the time came for him to pass, but I know that forever more he will have a large impact on my life, for the memories and lessons he left.

Lastly, I implore you all to stick around afterwards, and hear Jason's final words from which he wrote here." the man would take out a letter from which apparently the words were inside.

Then, Reverend Drachenburg held an opening prayer with the attendants, afterwards retrieving the pendant from the coffin and placing it in Harric van der Veer's hands, with some private words. Thence Reverend von Drachenburg was handed the Aspergillum from Reverend Harhold and solemnly dipped it into the fount of Holy Water.

Sprinkling the Holy Water around and on top of the coffin, Reverend von Drachenburg said a modified version of the Aspergillum Communion: "Receive now this sprinkle of Holy Water, let it reassure you as a called part of the Union, and may the Benevolent Spirit weigh you worthy of the Everwatch."

Reverend von Drachenburg returned the Aspergillum to its box and dried his hands with a soft cloth. He then motioned for the pallbearers to lift the coffin and remain in position as he said thus to the attendants: "Behold now, dear faithful - this man of our own has passed! May he find aiding prayer from you who witness his departure and remain forever in service to the Spirit! As we aide his journey to the Spirit; may he aide ours in our journey to the Great Way! Neben Mir!"

Reverends von Drachenburg and Harhold now took up positions in front of the procession with von Drachenburg leading with a pall of incense and Harhold following with a staff adorned with the Eye of Union on top.

The procession reached the cemetery where then Reverend von Drachenburg had them lay the coffin in the grave and gave a final blessing: "Return now to the Spirit who created you, for in time we all do such. Blessings of the Spirit be upon you Jason van der Veer; Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. We bid thee safe return!"

After Rodrigo Peirgarten, and the rest of the pall bearer's put Jason to rest in his grave, they would say their final goodbyes, and some would leave. Those who remained would get to hear Jason's final words, said out loud by Harric van der Veer, who opened the letter they were 'delivered' to him in.

"To Harric van der Veer,

I do not have much time, so I must be brief. These last days have given me much time to think, some of those thoughts, I put to paper. If you are reading this, I am no longer, the Curse having got to me at last. This letter is not about me, however, it is about you. You the people, who have given me such a joyful life, with its ups and downs in plenty. I wrote this, to thank you for everything everyone has done for me.

Caoimhe Howlester,

You were one of my best friends. You were someone I could always talk too, for no matter how much I ranted, you always listened. I can never thank you enough. Forgive me for not being able to say goodbye in person, I broke that promise to you.

Grand Duke Hengest Harhold,

Even during our family's disruptions, I looked up to you for guidance. I always thought of it funny when I did so, never thought I'd see you as a role model until my last years in life. Always ready, always strong in the face of danger, defending your own, and proving yourself a valuable man for the Empire.

Ser Rodrigo Peirgarten,

You have a bright future ahead of you friend. Rising through the ranks quickly, you have showed yourself to be a strong, valiant, and brilliant man. You reminded me of myself at a younger age. May you continue on your route to success, Rodrigo, my friend.

Duke Erwald Ravenstad, you have given me so much to continue on living with my Curse. You were my greatest idol out of all those I have met, nobody has shown so much courage and strength like yourself. Fight on with honor my friend, fight on.

Harric, you are one of my closest friends. I didn't trust you when our houses first joined together, in fact I disliked you, but when you melted your stoic wall and showed your true side, you revealed yourself to be a true, understanding, kind, wonderful friend. You have a special place in my heart, and I know you will protect and defend those we care for, our people, our friends, and our family. I pray that everything continues well for our house, you were like a brother to me, may you continue to live a gleeful life, Harric.

May you all, continue onward, Spirit Bless you all, and I thank you, for the last time, for the blessing of a life you all have given me.

Spirit Bless,

Jason van der Veer

The Sparrow Knight."

And thus the Sparrow Knight is laid to rest, forever more.
The old Van der Veer Reverend slowly sighed as he'd return to his home after much time staying up from preforming Exorcisms, the first thing he did when he got home was shed tears of sadness and happies for a moment or two until he began to pray. He'd sleep soon after, knowing that both of his nephews were at peace since they now stand at the Spirit's side in the Everwatch.