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The So Called Protectors Of This City.

Jun 17, 2015
Reaction score
your mum's bed or something
A note was plastered across the city in the late hours of the night. It read;

Dear people of this city,
We are made to believe the guards are our protectors, here to keep us safe. But is that really what they do for everyone?
I was recently brutally beaten by a group of guards for something I did not do. I was thrown down stairs, dragged, kicked in the head, and referred to as 'it'. Now you may not sympathise with me personally, but imagine this happening to your family members. Imagine them believing there was nobody to protect them as they wept surrounded by guards who spoke as if they weren't a person.

Are these really the people we want to be giving power to? Power to beat someone senselessly until they confess to something they never did?

A concerned citizen.
Clementine paused in her walk, reading over the letter when a conflicted expression appeared on her face. After a moment, she released a sigh and said, "While there may be many corrupted guards, there are corrupted people in all circles. Besides, not all of this city's protectors are bad." Her expression again showed confliction for a moment before she turned and carried on her way, shaking her head briefly.
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Maximus Krupp stopped in his stride down the road as he saw one of the notes, he'd chuckle before going to rip it off of the wall " Scum thinks it's important".
Hunsi Na'im would stare at the poster rather blankly as he pondered the point of the writer before letting out a half-hearted chuckle "The guard keep this city from chaos. Without them, there would be no you to beat in the first place." The Qadir had merely thought before tearing off the poster and heading on down the main road tearing any other posters in sight
Solan would walk past it and stop to glance at it while carrying a stack of books. He shook his head and kept walking. But that night a sprig of Nightshade leaves would be left under the notice a figure in a cloak moving away into the storm, he had someone to visit.
Solan would walk past it and stop to glance at it while carrying a stack of books. He shook his head and kept walking. But that night a sprig of Nightshade leaves would be left under the notice a figure in a cloak moving away into the storm, he had someone to visit.
While he was placing down the Nighshade a 15 year old Shendar ran over and shoved him "Stop giving me medical stuff!" before running off ;)
Conf grumbled as he skimmed over the note. "Hearts and minds people, hearts and minds... preferably in their proper places mind you... Some guardsmen could learn that lesson..."
Berwin slowly went to read the poster, then, realising it was in common, he went to tear it down and take it too his friends, the young Cielothar jingled along, with all his jewels and bells. *clinky clank*
Marcus Bigge passed the notice, shrugging "You have not mentioned your race. Likely being beaten and called it because you are not Ailor." Marcus sighed, soon continuing on his way.
Various official looking posters would be plastered over many of the posters, though not all.


"Any information concerning the plague of Jacobin posters plaguing the city will be rewarded by the Blackshield Brigade with a lump sum of regals. Pen all letters to the Blackshield Secretary, Gianluca Fabrizzi."
Various official looking posters would be plastered over many of the posters, though not all.


"Any information concerning the plague of Jacobin posters plaguing the city will be rewarded by the Blackshield Brigade with a lump sum of regals. Pen all letters to the Blackshield Secretary, Gianluca Fabrizzi."
nnnnnno stop
The Avanthar dressed in her normal red and bronze vest puttered on past before retracing her steps on back to the post. Her eyes flicked on over the notice and she cocked a brow. "Sounds like corruption. Sounds like people doing their job. Suppose it just depends upon who jou ask." Seraphina eyed the posting below it, the one from the Blackshield Brigade and she let out a small chuckle. "Ah lovely. This should be fun." And after speaking, she continued on her merry way, totting her grocery basket.
Various official looking posters would be plastered over many of the posters, though not all.


"Any information concerning the plague of Jacobin posters plaguing the city will be rewarded by the Blackshield Brigade with a lump sum of regals. Pen all letters to the Blackshield Secretary, Gianluca Fabrizzi."
Several more papers would be found under these notices, but not all, of course.
What information is there to find besides our notes?
They lead you no closer nor farther from your grand goal.
Forget us, unless your pride be so high that you can't stand the outspoken.
-Icarus Albatross
Ragnhild Ulfurtonn shrugged, staring blankly at the poster before letting out a slow sigh. She tore down the letter and crumpled it into a ball.
"Some people ought to stop complaining. This is a waste of good parchment."
She then just continued about her day.
A note was plastered across the city in the late hours of the night. It read;

Dear people of this city,
We are made to believe the guards are our protectors, here to keep us safe. But is that really what they do for everyone?
I was recently brutally beaten by a group of guards for something I did not do. I was thrown down stairs, dragged, kicked in the head, and referred to as 'it'. Now you may not sympathise with me personally, but imagine this happening to your family members. Imagine them believing there was nobody to protect them as they wept surrounded by guards who spoke as if they weren't a person.

Are these really the people we want to be giving power to? Power to beat someone senselessly until they confess to something they never did?

A concerned citizen.
He's still sad.