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The Silven Reforms - An Arcane Office Announcement


It was no secret that the Office of Arcane Registry & Security was a Charter surrounded by mistrust and controversy, led by the Qadir Silven, Saud Nazari and those he deemed necessary to the Arcane Office's cause, which so happened to be other Silven, half-breeds and even others of darkened skin. Moreover, the Holy City's denizens were left to watch the non-uniformed Office flash their badges of authority, without uniform, seemingly acting from the shadows. If left to stir, these emotions and misgivings would undoubtedly bubble to the top and erupt. Today, however, the Office gave an announcement regarding their investigations, alongside the changes made as a result.

To The People!

Less than a month ago, the Silven Resurgence passed over our Holy City and brought forth from the shadows the colours of Gold and Silver, synonymous with the tales and whispers of demon-children. No productive action has been taken yet against them, and that in itself is a fault. However, the Office of Arcane Registry & Security has, since its conception, been screening and registering these Silven. Measuring the threat they each pose, analysing the necessity of fear towards them, and their ilk. Nearing the end of our screenings, we at the Office of Arcane Registry & Security have this to say.

The nature of Silven in itself pushes them a degree of instability, yes. But they are no different to the true Unionist spirit of the Holy City - they will no longer be exempt from carrying their own weight in dedication to the Great Way! Those deemed able to work, with skill sets cultivated towards supporting the City, screened to be stable and willing to contribute, shall do so!

To The Silven!

Prior to the return of your dormant, unnatural states, you all played your parts in this City. Those who have lived in the Holy City for the past few years are aware of the going-on's of the Silven beneath the street pavements, and those that have arrived in search of others like them will, without the proper systems in place, fall to the behaviours of their predecessors. The Office of Arcane Ministry & Security will not allow that. To ensure this, we will enact a tried and tested method of having recorded Silvens identified in the streets through the means of the Collars of Redemption and Silven Permit from the Arcane Office.

Times have changed, the Silven have been degraded to the level of those infected by a curse, as Aberration-Rank Citizens. Many of you who hold resentment to the State, do so only because you've not been given a chance to prove yourselves as valuable assets. So be it. This is your one and only chance.

Those Silven screened and cleared by the Office of Arcane Registry & Security will earn themselves a Collar of Redemption alongside a Silven Permit. What this defines, is that a Silven has, by the judgement of the O.A.R.S, Arcane Minister and the faith of the Undercrown invested into both, been raised from the status of an Aberration-Rank Citizen. This will elevate them to the Normal Citizen rank the Silven would have as another one of their own race, were they mundane. They will be allowed to work as one of their race, be treated as one of their race, and will even have employment opportunities available at the O.A.R.S to better serve their Empire, regardless of race.

Though Silven Permits are simply Permits that act as Weapon Permits do, allowing Silven to be deemed cleared by the O.A.R.S, the Collars of Redemption will act differently to those issued by the Azure Order long ago. These are the changes:

  • Previously, Silven Collars were an indication that the Silven in question had been cleared through the Azure Order. Collars of Redemption are an indication that the Silven are not only safe but push themselves in benefit of the Empire, in an effort to overturn the misdeeds of their predecessors.
  • Collars of Redemption, for this purpose, are layered into tiers. Each tier is, on the physical collar, designated to an empty slot that will be filled with the adequate mineral.
    • The Trial-Tier deems a Silven as a rehabilitating work-in-progress, typically serving a prerequisite to gauge their value when weighed against potential misbehaviour. These Silven are collared but receive no Indication Stone. Their Silven-Permits, much like their collars, are temporary, and the Silvens themselves are under a great supervising scrutiny.
    • The First-Tier deems a Silven safe for work and comes with a permanent Silven Permit. The requisites for this are a screening by the Arcane Magister at the Arcane Office, following a scheduled appointment. The Indication Stone for this tier is Lazurite.
    • The Second-Tier deems a Silven working in service of the State. The requisites for this includes occupation to one of the State-Sanctioned Charters, i.e: The Bluesteel Order, The Ivory Wardens, The Regalian Sellswords, etc. The Indication Stone for this tier is Amethyst.
    • The Third-Tier deems a Silven's notoriety as an unparalleled contribution to the State. The requisites for this are a measure of prestige, such as service to His Holiness, the Emperor, the Imperial Princes, and so forth. Additionally, it could also be great aptitude in one of the State-Sanctioned Charters. As the Third-Tier is the highest of tiers, it requires the personal recommendation to the O.A.R.S by either the Imperial Power a Silven has served or the Leader of the State-Charter. The Indication Stone for this tier is Kadite.
Collars of Redemption, unlike those used by the Azure Order, are crafted from a thin Bronze sheet, giving the Collar a shining, reflective quality, not to mention a much lighter feel to the Collars used by the Azure Order. On top of this, a lacquer of Solacrox is used as a smooth finish - illuminating the collars in areas of darkness, where they may be obscured. This gives the Collar an overall Golden-Red hue. The Collars also have three empty slots in which the relevant Indication Stones are fitted. These slots are located at the front of the collar, against the windpipe, for the World to see.

To the Guard Charters!

We at the O.A.R.S understand that many Veteran Guards, and even Inquisitors will not be strangers to such laws, as they parallel the Azure Order's very own brand of prosecution. As such, we realise that there may be Silven masquerading with fake collars procured illegally, and there may even come time, when Silven cleared by the O.A.R.S, are found disavowing the trust placed upon them by the State, through partaking in criminal acts and heresies.

As such, to avoid complications, the O.A.R.S wishes to clarify that the Guard Charters are free to prosecute uncollared Silven to the degree of an Aberration-Rank Citizen, whereas Collared Silven are to be prosecuted to the rank that their racial standing indicates. In doing so, we request that the Guard Charters familiarise themselves with the Collar of Redemption system, so they are more aware of the kind of Silven that they might be prosecuting.

Furthermore, we at the O.A.R.S instruct that the Silven, collared and uncollared, be transferred to the Arcane Office Headquarters following their prosecution by the Guard Charter on hand. By doing so, the Arcane Office will be working openly with the relevant Guard Charters of the Holy City, aiding with our expertise where it may be useful, in exchange for this cooperation with Silven.

A Final Note!

Following this, the O.A.R.S will be looking into the investigations and registry of the Arcane-Inclined. Those looking to practice their magics within a safe environment at the behest of Mentors are inclined to seek an appointment with the Arcane Magister, so they may be drafted into the O.A.R.S, to their own benefit and sizeable pension. A Registry for Mages already exists, and being caught as a Grey or Black Mage has its own consequences including, but not limited to, the stripping of one's magical abilities for the foreseeable future. Offering yourselves to the State will allow Grey and Black Mages to be screened by the O.A.R.S for any potential.

We at the O.A.R.S also wish to congratulate the relevant Guard Charters responsible for the lack of Vampirism plaguing the Holy City's streets, as an extensive investigation to find any leads of such by the O.A.R.S were met with little to no evidence of Vampirism on the surface. Should these afflicted peoples show themselves as hostile entities to the good people of the City, they shall be cured or terminated depending on the situation.

Finally, all Silven not registered under the Arcane Office by the Magister or his Sentinels are expected to pen an appointment letter post-haste, should they wish to avoid being escorted to the Arcane Office from their day-to-day activities. Those Silven that have been screened can expect to be fitted with their Collars of Redemption, along with being handed their Silven Permit.
