The Sapphire Sentinels


Archmage of Avgard
Nov 20, 2012
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Minuscule chandeliers of ice swung in the air as they descended from dark ominous clouds above. Their delicate dance soon turned to a frenzied race as they neared the ground. It was as if they were refugees in a great war, fleeing the terror above. They crashed into one another, growing heavier, thicker, faster as they eventually made their way to fields the of white, a mass grave for the now broken and shattered snowflakes.

Olivia turned her attention away from the window, having already dedicated enough time to worrying about death, and looked to the two pieces of parchment at her desk. One was old, barely a century post cataclysm, and it crackled at her touch, the confines of the paper filled with dark long dried ink; a signature of a woman long dead at the bottom. The second could be seen as the opposite as it was made with modern paper making techniques and blemish free, save for the scrawling of blue ink that was her signature at the bottom. It was the signatures that made the papers one in the same; both made by strong charismatic women who had the willpower and vision to do that which was needed. She lifted the quill and sighed, bringing it down to the crisp paper to bring to light an order once lost to the confines of history.


The creature jolted upright at a snowball being thrown at it, screeching and reeling forward towards the source, a small child bundled up in coats and scarves to keep warm in the snowy day. The young boy hid behind the skirts of his mother as the creature inched closer and closer... Only to be yanked back by a thick chain of steel, held by a large guard donning heavy steel armor with an azure cloak whipping in the winter winds. Olivia watched the interaction before raising a gloved hand to settle the crowd and announced, "Citizens of ze Crown!"

Her voice broke through the crowd, crisp and clear as the winds that bit her exposed skin, as she continued, "Ze history of the Azure Order is a simple one as their duty to protect the State and her citizens from magical threats is and always 'as been paramount; thus swaying 'ow and when ze Order has made its mark on history."

"Now is such a time, as not only do enemies of ze state posses a better understanding of ze chaotic forces of magic, another enemy from the past is rumored to return; the Statue of Estel." Muttering and whispers ran rampant at the declaration, and Olivia paused as to allow them to talk amongst themselves, before asking, "How will we fend for ourselves if we do not understand the magical forces at hand? How will can we defeat zat which 'as been tainted by ze Void if we do not understand it?"

She motioned for the guard to yank the chain of the creature, causing it to fly back towards Olivia and co, a few cheers of encouragement came from the crowd at that. "Knowledge, my friends, iz ze key to winning zis war; a war not only on ze Nelfin but also ze magical scoundrels zat run rampant though ze city!" The cheers continued, a few men whooping and hollering, as she asked, "Yet, 'ow can one learn anything if not guided by a strong and steady hand?"

"It is with zese reasons," She said, practically spitting the last word as she glared at the groveling void infested creature, "That I announce ze birth of the Sapphire Sentinels: a child of ze ancient Azure Order, bound by the original creed to protect Regalia from ze threats of magic, and also come to understand and counteract zese threats -- no matter who or what it might be."

"Ze Sapphire Sentinels shall no longer be solely an order of warriors trained in combating and capturing those which would threaten the Holy City with magic, but also one of allies who seek to assist the capital best they can with their own magics. We shall do so by working in tandem with the different men and women of not only our Order, but others that wish to see the defenses of Regalia flourish. It is with these hopes that we wish to provide answers to the unknown, so we may no longer fear it."



The Sapphire Sentinels can be seen as a branch of the Azure Order, aiming to protect citizens from magical threats while simultaneously working to integrate magical citizens into society. Their efforts and work may be seen as more delicate approach than that of the Azure Order.


Charter Goals
To protect Regalia and her citizens from magical threats.
To capture, detain, or otherwise arrest unregistered Mages.
To execute and/or maim violent or otherwise aggressive Mages.​
To capture, detain, or otherwise arrest unregistered Silven.
To execute and/or maim violent or otherwise aggressive Silven.​
To capture, detain, or otherwise arrest supernatural creatures.
To execute and/or maim violent or otherwise aggressive creatures.​

To handle and manage magical beings.
To register Mages, Silven, and other magical creatures.
To search and seize illegally hidden or obtained Mages, Silven, and other magical creatures.
To educate or reeducate registered Mages in Regalian views and laws of magic.
To train and utilize registered Mages as Sapphire Mages.
To smoothly integrate law abiding Mages and Silven into Regalian society under Sapphire supervision.
To protect registered Mages, Silven, and other magical creatures from unwarranted and discriminatory harm.
To maintain a charter house/headquarters within Regalia.
To house detainees and those being reeducated.
To train and educate order members.
To reeducate detainees.
To maintain an office for logistics.
To maintain records.
To house order members.
To recruit new members.​


Rules & Regulations

Members of the Sapphire Sentinels shall...
Use violence against unregistered Silven and Mages as a last resort, preferring to allow those who wish to comply to do so.*
*Any other magical beings are not given the same privileges and may be engaged by the discretion of Order members.​
Uphold the magical laws of Regalia.
Protect registered Silven and Mages from unwarranted violence.
Protect citizens against any and all magical threats.​


The Grand Clarity
The leader of the Sapphire Sentinels, the Grand Clarity takes full responsibility for the actions of the Order and those within it. They are in charge of making major decisions within the Order as well as regulating and augmenting the rules of the Order. It is also the responsibility to assign new Lesser Vigils upon being promoted.
The Lesser Clarities
A group of individuals that serve to advise and assist the Grand Clarity. They act as the highest ranking representatives of the other groups, and offer guidance in their particular area of focus. They also reelect a Grand Clarity upon his or her death, after electing the next they are dismissed from their office.
By far the most secretive sect of the Order, the Sentinels strive to ensure compliancy to the laws and rules of Regalia regarding magic. They are the "educators" of the charter, and are the ones that register, educate, and release Mages and Silven from Sapphire captivity.​

On the flip side of the Sentinels are the Seers, those who actively work with Mages and Silven to help them integrate into Regalian life with gentler approaches should they be cooperative.​

Sapphire Knights
The Sapphire Knights are the public face of the Order, patrolling the streets in order to protect the people of Regalia from magical threats.​

Sapphire Mages
Sapphire Mages are registered mages who wish to better serve the Empire with their unique skills. They may patrol, always with a Knight present, or more often than not, are assisting the Sentinels in reeducation.​



While anyone is allowed to apply, do note that those with magical experience & knowledge and/or combat experience will be preferred, especially Mages and Silven.

(Please tag @Posidem in your application.)

Character Name:
Character App*:
Magical lore knowledge (1-10):
Knight, Mage, or Sentinel/Seer:
Discord (y/n):
Skype (y/n):
In character letter to Grand Vigil Olivia:

* A character application is required for any Mage or Silven applying.
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Registry of Members
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IGN: MugKing
Character Name: Vidarr Ulfurtonn
Character App*: Boop
Magical lore knowledge (1-10): 4-6.
Knight, Mage, or Sentinel/Seer: Knight.
Discord (y/n): Of course.
Skype (y/n): Ewh. But, yes.
In character letter to Grand Vigil Olivia:
I write to request admittance into your Sapphire Sentinels. We both know I am a trained warrior, and not particularly a fan of magic. Especially when it threatens the citizens of Regalia. Due to recent events people think off of me, but I am here to assure you that I only serve Regalia. All of my military effort are for the good of the city. I want to help protect Regalia with you, and clear my name. I am further willing to put forth the men and women backing me if need be.

Write back soon,
Imperial Knight Vidarr Ulfurtonn
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IGN: Eternal_Wrath
Character Name: Keagan Norwood
Character App: Tah-dah!~
Magical lore knowledge (1-10): 6-7ish
Knight, Mage, or Sentinel/Seer: Knight
Discord (y/n): Yes
Skype (y/n): Yes
In character letter to Grand Vigil Olivia:

Dear Baroness and Grand Vigil Olivia Ombre,

I seek admittance into the Sapphire Sentinels. I'm a Bloodcast Knight trained to combat mages, I believe I could be of great use to your Order as I both know about the Arcane arts and have fought against them before. I only wish you do not think less of me due to my skin affliction. I wish to help rid the world of those who would use magic for harm and evil, allow me to do so under your banner.

Knight of the Bloodcast Order,
Keagan Norwood