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The Rose Record | Issue Two


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
Sunday, October 6, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Two


4 October

In light of the Duke-Consort Rodrigo Peirgarten's most recent publishing, a letter threatening recompense for revolt in the plague-affected villages of Lorhauser, the Lord Chancellor and Duchess Amelina Peirgarten has seen fit to confine her husband in house arrest. In her eyes, none are above the Law, and public safety is paramount.

2 October

The Iron Duke of Vultaro, His Grace Ryker Lampero, was invited to the Holy City as a guest by the Lord Chancellor, Her Grace the Duchess Amelina Peirgarten. Arriving with the full Lampero fleet all flying red and orange banners, and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of troops, this was a stop for the Duke before moving onto the Dread War's front lines. We had an opportunity to sit down with him and ask a few questions before he left to serve our Empire so dutifully. The Iron Duke of Vultaro is perhaps best well-known as the man behind the Iron Peace, who had enough force to back up a three-month peace affecting all of the then-fighting nobility.

1. What compelled you to begin the Iron Peace?

Soldiers were dying. The war with the Elves needed to be fought more than Veer politics or igloo hunting.

2. What are your current thoughts on the State's stewardship, and the Secretary of Finance's actions in particular?

The State is spineless, but a few people with balls exist that are unfortunately constrained for reasons. The Secretary of Finances is clever, but at some point going to trip over her own cleverness if she constantly tries to outsmart others in front of them.

3. Would you consider yourself a man of negotiation with force behind it, or force as your negotiation?

Whichever you prefer.

4. From what you've seen of the Holy City, what has been most impressionable?

It's not as filthy as the capital of the Ithanian Sovereign, both in terms of sub-surface grime, but also in the way people treat each other.

5. You were invited to the Holy City by the Lord Chancellor, but from the Rose's perspective, you were under no obligation to come to Regalia at all. What do you think you, either personally or politically, have to gain from coming here at this current time?

Making demands. The government ignored my hegemonic position and my presence reminds them of the fact.

6. What political, private, and public issues can we expect you to be vocal about in future?

None. We do things differently in the south.

7. What are your thoughts on the current Peirgarten controversies?

The Peirgarten Duchess is out of her depth in a position of control, and it shows. She needs to decide that she actually wants to lead instead of leaning back and watching her legacy to become the Chancellor who brought the Empire to its knees through not acting, or accept her mediocrity and resign.

8. As a nobleman with one of the largest armies of the Peerage, how would you say you wield this influence? How do you intend to, by contrast, if there is one?

I wield it with as little poise as an Anahera, with as much loyalty to one's own as a Howlester, as much impact as a Kade, and as dedicated to soldier wellbeing as myself.

3 October

For months now the Golden Willow Tavern has seen hardly any customers gracing its counters, but with a new owner, Miss Kai-si'en, there may finally be business back in our central hub of main street. Kai-si'en, previously owning the Beerhall that hosted several small events, has taken over the control of the Golden Willow Tavern, a long beloved staple of Regalian society that has lacked its business from years past. Speaking with Kai-si'en today, she revealed that she plans to turn a new leaf with the Golden Willow by providing frequent seasonal and cultural events to explore the melting pot of differing heritages that fill our Holy City. "I want to get it active and used again," Kai-si'en said. "I want it to be even better than it was in the past, but such lofty goals might not be possible. Nevertheless, I hope to create an inviting place for people at the very least."

Kai-si'en, when asked on how she has already brought change to the Golden Willow in her little time of ownership, stated that "the prices of drinks have gone down [and there are] more job opportunities" than previous reworks of the tavern. She also mentioned that citizens that wish to gain work from the Golden Willow are welcomed to contact her for a position, which can already be seen due to her staff hosting several ex-Nestled Nook employees and associates of groups located in the Undercity, including Molly Daevaar, Gwelurin Vaell'aer, Milo Shinseki, and Kaze Takenaka, who have decided to venture into a more law-abiding community within the Golden Willow.

The Grand Re-Opening Commoner's Ball will be occurring October 17 at 7 pm EST. Best of wishes to Kai-si'en on improving our beloved Golden Willow Tavern and hopefully returning it to its past glory!

The Violet Order is seeking able-bodied and able-minded individuals to serve in the ranks and protect those in the City. Individuals with Shatterology are sought with particular interest.

Blood, sweat, and tears are three things Spriggan's Heart members face daily in a battle against the evils of Aloria. Whether trusted to fight alone, or side by side with comrades, no Spriggan is without loyalty and bonds. If you wish to delve deep into ancient ruins, support businesses, offer charity, or simply fight for a just cause - then pledge yourself to the Spriggans. We'll pledge back.

To the lonely people of Regalia (especially the poor Aristocrat ladies!),

Hi! I'm Abigail and I want to be your friend. Or bachelor! Or bachelorette! I don't care. Whoever you are, however you're doing, if you're down on your luck or just need a friend, I'll be there for you! Please write me letters! I'll write you back! Promise!

Abigail Tucker


Advertisement and subscription requests, as well as comments, questions, concerns, and inquiries into positions should be directed to either Madame Milena du Brierüst or Madame Haeddi Harhold at the new Rose Record building, located at Imperial Isle 47!

OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM me or find @canaaa or @ChurchCat_ ingame for the rest!

Edit made because I forgot the dateline, no content was changed.

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Aleck flipped idly through the pages, slowing his pace as he read through the interview with the Iron Duke. "Inspirational man with wit about him if anything, if he can see that the Lord Chancellor is out of her depth then perhaps she'd do well to heed his advice."
Milo snickered as he read the paper, tossing it over the bridge edge of the wood bridge and into the ravine, which seemed to be his new spot for reading or simply seeking a moment of peace. "Ex-Nook employee, hmm? Surely they don't believe I quit, but it'd be rather humoring if they did."