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The Rose Record | Issue Four


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
Monday, October 21, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Four


17 October

Deo dei Termini has once again proven to be a public hazard by an unprompted assault in the Nook this week against an unnamed barmaid and a child later found out to be a Kathar. dei Termini broke a glass over the barmaid's head, and then set upon the child, beating it bloody despite the crying and screaming for him to stop, from not only the child but some of the attendees who were "just trying to have a beer."

When Ironspire Regiment Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten and Margrave Aleck Dunmore attempted to stop the string of assaults, dei Termini instead retaliated against the two noblemen and began to scream nonsense about Kathar, their sympathizers, and death to many. Commander Peirgarten was able to finally subdue dei Termini after much struggle and dei Termini was dealt with accordingly.

It should be noted that dei Termini is one of our Empire's great Generals of the Marshalry Cabinet, and wore the uniform of said Cabinet during his string of assaults. The Marshalry Cabinet "comprises Regalia's top Noble Generals whom are expected to ensure victory abroad and to maintain a strict military etiquette and repertoire within the city, befitting that of a proud and organised military structure," however dei Termini is firstly not noble, nor an aristocrat. Secondly, the actions of unprompted assault on a barmaid in the Nestled Nook is hardly the sort of behavior or etiquette that a man of the Empire should seek to be known for, let alone a General of such an esteemed Marshalry Cabinet. Third, dei Termini has been notably absent from any current listing or logging we have of recent significant action on the front lines of the Dread War. Should we not hold our generals to a higher standard? Should we not look to them to be shining examples, instead of flagrant displays of drunkenness? And, further, does the Empire truly give its graces to Generals whose forces didn't contribute to the heroics of Lurlaven and are wholly unaccounted for in the most recent stage of the Dread War?

dei Termini was publicly punished in front of the Golden Willow tavern Thursday and was given lashings. He was then stoned and turned over to the waiting public for further punishment. One Reyes Velasquez kept any prospective citizens wishing for vengeance at bay until the Lord Commander William Howlester arrived on the scene. He immediately had dei Termini hauled up, and declared him pardoned in the eyes of the Law. This is presumably due to his General status, which allowed him to have a Military trial requested, but we at the Rose Record assume that one man cannot be tried twice for the same crime, thereby making any attempts for a Court Martial null and void. It can only be wondered what lies for dei Termini in future, or rather, who lies on the receiving end of any drunken rages henceforth.

20 October

Beatrice Vedonia found herself bound to a chair in a Claw Court home early Sunday morning, the result of a scheme run by two broods that may have resulted in her murder. According to Vedonia, she was led to the home by a young Sanguine brood named Violetta Gomorrha, no older than seven or eight years old, who was "tanned with raven hair." Vedonia had first approached the little girl because she looked extremely saddened, though she's reported to have perked up once laying eyes on Vedonia.

Gomorrha led Vedonia back to her home, and she offered her a purported "vintage wine." Vedonia was asked repeatedly to taste it, though refused each time. Gomorrha then claimed that her father was home. Vedonia went to go question the father; after all, she had found the girl alone in the streets of Old Town, simply wandering about.

This was ill-fated, however. Vedonia was struck on the head while moving upstairs in the home, and when she tried to escape, the same little girl that had lead her into the trap gave chase and ultimately rushed her. She was stabbed in the side, likely with a piece of glass the child had found laying around and then knocked unconscious.

It is unknown at this time exactly who fetched the Violet Order, but when arriving on the scene, Crown Isle Warden Humaira el-Farah was told it was an attempted murder and home invasion. However, el-Farah encountered Vedonia tied up and bleeding in a chair. Gomorrha claimed to have "subdued" the thief, and that Vedonia allegedly broke into the home to kill her and her father, Azrhael Gomorrha, who is a known gang member and fellow brood with a history of "creepy" and "downright Vampiric" behavior. The child then claimed she had been "healed by a Vampire" to explain why she had no wounds from the woman who had been allegedly trying to kill her.

After investigating, they found no signs of forced entry, and a broken vase hidden away. Vedonia was not dressed for a murder, it was noted, and was instead rather casually dressed. She did not seem to be a fighter in the slightest. Upon further inquiry, Greywitch Captain Eleonora du Kirsch stated that both Gomorrhas had been seen conspiring with a Sanguine earlier in the day and that the crime was most likely committed to abduct the woman to be used as a feeding source by both the broods and the Sanguine they had been consorting with.

The Rose Record implores all its readers to take heavy care measures around the Holy City and to be incredibly wary around broods in particular. Given the unknown whereabouts of Desprincess Merith Wyrmwood and the recent infections (and prompt curings of) two members of the Noble Peerage, as well as the coordination of this crime with Sanguines, it's clear that they cannot be trusted, and are a threat to public safety. If you feel like you are in danger, a Violet is a shout away, and any member of the Guard is more than happy to escort, as well as any legal Mercenary in the City.

20 October

Leonard Underwood, just 33 years old, was a man who pioneered and slaved endlessly. The owner and Editor-in-Chief of the Imperial Times, Underwood was known by his more than thirty subscribers and three staffers to be a hardworking, principled man who only focused on news and bringing it to the masses. His name will forever be associated with journalism, and the Rose Record owes him a great debt for beginning the modern Regalian news cycle.

Born to Edward and Melanie Underwood in the spring of 275 AC in Brymwood, Narlas, Underwood was the second son and brother to Laurence, Isabella, and Reginald. Underwood took a clear interest in news and writing from childhood, begging his parents for books in the market and fetching pencils and parchment with what little spending money he had.

Underwood took on an apprenticeship in Narlas for a local paper, The Brymwood Herald, and learned under a team how to compress proclamations from local barons into the key things people needed to know. As he grew older, he grew restless and arrived in the Regalian City around 305 AC. He decided, in the City, to open his own paper, citing d'Ortonnaise's paper as an influence because he could do better.

With the Imperial Times, Underwood tried to keep the paper neutral but found himself penning articles, such as the Six Nooks affair, with a hefty bias. He strove to keep news timely and correct, and some of his thoughts often slipped through the cracks. Underwood covered stories such as the Manathar creation, the resignation of Lord Chancellor Constanze du Brierüst, and many other compelling, relevant stories.

The journalistic community of Regalia will never forget Underwood, and we at the Rose Record honestly thank him for creating a legacy we are only too happy to fulfill.

The Violet Order as a whole is seeking able-bodied and able-minded individuals to serve in the ranks and protect those in the City. Individual recruiting charters have been enumerated below.

The Greywitches of the Violet Order are recruiting. Aberrations, magical specialists and bounty hunters in need of consistent work with legal chapter rights are all welcome to apply. Contact the Grand Commander Leufred du Brierüst of the Violet Order through a letter.

The Ironspire Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking to recruit capable men and women willing to utilize their martial talent for the Empire into their ranks. All individuals who are capable of combat prowess and wish to operate under a prestigious Charter may letter Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten to inquire about entry.

The Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking individuals with medical and alchemical knowledge. Nature care is especially sought, as well as magical knowledge pertaining to Shatterology and Sanguinology in specific. We are seeking to make a better City for our patients and provide the best care possible. While the Violets safeguard the City's safety, let us safeguard the City's wellness. Contact Commander Dianne Black for information.

Blood, sweat, and tears are three things Spriggan's Heart members face daily in a battle against the evils of Aloria. Whether trusted to fight alone, or side by side with comrades, no Spriggan is without loyalty and bonds. If you wish to delve deep into ancient ruins, support businesses, offer charity, or simply fight for a just cause - then pledge yourself to the Spriggans. We'll pledge back.

The Golden Hive, located at Imperial Isle31, is your one-stop shop for honey treats and sweet things! Stop by today!

The Bureau of Internal Revenue Enumeration is looking for dedicated employees who specialize in finance and law to assist the Secretary of Finance in dealing with flashpoints around the Archipelago! Bureau workers will be enforcing laws both in the Holy City of Regalia as well as the rest of the isles and will be duly compensated for outstanding and admirable work.

Tungvekt Gym is celebrating their grand opening on the 28th of October! For the opening ceremony only, the general public will be able to utilize the Gym's facilities including the workout equipment, the sparring pit, the sauna & steam room, and a private bar & lounge. Make sure to sign up for a gym membership after the ceremony as the gym will be members only after the opening ceremony day! Contact Torhilde av Kongehjem for more details or job offers.

To the lonely people of Regalia (especially the poor Aristocrat ladies!),

Hi! I'm Abigail and I want to be your friend. Or bachelor! Or bachelorette! I don't care. Whoever you are, however you're doing, if you're down on your luck or just need a friend, I'll be there for you! Please write me letters! I'll write you back! Promise!

Abigail Tucker
Abigail Tucker can be found at the Hidden Dragon upon request. ;)


Staff Alerts

Advertisement and subscription requests, as well as comments, questions, concerns, and inquiries into positions should be directed to either Milena du Brierüst or Haeddi Harhold at their estates or the new Rose Record building, located at Imperial Isle 47!
OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM me or find @canaaa or @ChurchCat_ ingame for the rest!


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"Bold of the press to presume so much of the military. It is almost as though the operations of the marshalry are at the discretion of a select few."

The Lion bellowed from behind his copy of the paper. He would set it down on the table before going to press the garette that rested between his meaty fingers into the ashtray near him.
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"Was that the same man at the Commons Meeting?" Mustafa asked himself as he read the first story, sitting in his small apartment, "perhaps I really do need to be updated about the goings-on in this city. While I'm at it, I may need to pen something else."

The Rose Record would later receive a subscription under Mustafa's name.

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"Termini's making a fast approach towards the loss of his position. This is hardly the first time he's assaulted women, or even children, of any type. The damn man's a barbarian- Or insane," Freya cursed, scowling at the issue as she thought through the comments on the General's crimes, abrupt pardon, and even her own first hand experiences with his violent tendencies. She bitterly pondered the subject for the rest of the afternoon.
Milo Shinseki held the paper in his right hand, constantly reading over the last bit of the Brood section. He furrowed a brow in disbelief before he stabbed his piercing sai into it. "Fucking...this is fucking bullshi- [long line of cursing and swearing in Wa'an]!" he complained before chucking the paper over the bridge and into the ravine he seemed to have found himself on each time he read the paper.
"If they drag me into this shit I swear..."
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Fen'nan read this over and made an over-dramatic, exaggerated groan. "Oh gads I know Deo's the bloody worst but...Agh! Stop painting Rodrigo like a fucking hero!" She seethed, slapping the paper down on her desk with an angry huff, the redhead peering down at it with a scowl. She swiped up the half empty bottle of rum from the desk and took a very typical, unladylike swig from her bottle.
A certain Witchblood sat beside a fellow guardsman, pausing from the equip of their chestplate as one of their colleagues read aloud one of the passages in the newest paper, a wry grin spreading across the witchblood's own features as they spoke out "Despite making up 3% of the population, broods commit roughly half the violent crimes in the Holy City."
Sylvi snickers into her hand, muttering past it. "Oh, that poor Termini.." The Velheim leans back, letting off a dramatic sigh as she kicks up her legs up on a low table,"I tried to warn him about not spilling blood on my floors! I really did! Pfthah.. I sure do love these gossip-y noble ladies..."
Looked over the newspaper to only crumble it up. "BULLSHIT he would never attempt to murder! None of the broods in my watch would do such a thing! Who is this illustrator!" The brood pissed off stormed out.
Thea Rote pulled on her gloves and strapped on her boots, stomping into Greygate with a purpose. "Well, time for a Brood Hunt.." she muttered, waving along her fellow guards.
Damon read the paper in his families study and chuckled, "Surprised the Regalians give a damn about the plights of a kathar child," he sighed, "Pardoned? He was still lashed," the man rolled his eyes. "At least dear Milena is better at her job as whip than reporter."
Alexander read over the paper as he waited behind the counter of the Willow for customers, the man offered a small chuckle as he read over the Dei Termini part of the paper, carefully cutting it out, and pinning it to the Willow's bar. "There we are, something to brighten up the customers day, pfah!"
The Elder rode along in his Narggoth, a bodyguard by his side as he read the newspaper, particularly at the demonization of General dei Termini, he did not know the man personally yet he would still find a justification of some kind. He read it over one last time before he saw the advertisement for the Beehive, smirking to himself because that was where he was heading before turning to his guard. "So this is how the Regalian public treats their generals? The man has done so much for them and is likely scarred terribly from this god forsaken war. He likely had a mental episode, you know what I speak of Azzidi? Bah, either way I think the humiliation at Regalia's biggest tavern is quite enough and now they make it known on how fast an Ailor can turn on a previous idol once they show one aspect of the humanity in which they have every right to express. This does not excuse the beating of a woman or child, I simply think that more people need to put themselves in his shoes"


"Typical woman. The double jeopardy rule only applies to being tried for the same crime in the same court. Handbags and shoes on the mind, clearly" William Howlester scoffed, going back to sipping cognac and smoking siggs in a toxically masculine fashion. Jingo Jingo jingo.​
A newspaper had been shoved into Abigail's hands during one of her breaks. She'd been lounging on a bench in back halls of the hidden dragon and enjoying some apple juice while she relaxed. A friend had forced the news paper into her hand - and after taking a painstakingly long time to read through the stories, the little silven found a frown gripping her face. "Oh." she started, "Oh, that's terrible! I feel bad - poor girl." her expression soured with a certain sadness as she slowly re-read of Violetta's attempted murder, and Azrhael's prosecution. She ran a hand through her hair in thought. Though, she did manage to read on, and her eyes fell upon the write-ins section.

"Oh!" Abigail exclaimed, some joy finding her voice again, "She got my letter. Great." she hummed happily, folding news paper in half. And although she was smiling again, that sad, sad story stewed in the back of her mind.
Benjamin Syldove would pay for the paper, turning about to look and see what news was held for the day. He'd stare for a few moments, changing his tone from a serious man into a chuckling one. "The man calls me a cow from the stands.. yet, look at him. Once a good man, now a laughing stalk. The irony in this world is true. Perhaps I feel sorry for the man.. maybe I don't. However, he got what he deserved." Benjamin went to walk home, carrying the newspaper with him.
Maridenne purchased her copy of the gossipping housewive's drivvel after noting the name of her partner upon it's front page, promptly tossing it into the fire after reading the article.

"Has the Empire forgotten that Kathar shouldn't even be allowed to breathe within these Regalian walls? Let alone granting them legal protections in the form of reprimanding an attacker. Being a woman or a child only matters when you're furthering the Ailor race, not being an active detriment to society."

She said, pouring another glass of Loiree for herself and Deo.

"Well, we see where the loyalty of some individuals lie."

The fully healed and unscarred Man sat at his desk, his hand clutching the glass as she poured, "Aahhh my dear Maridenne. The world will shake and quiver and churn at the sound of hatred towards the enemy. However who then should I ask is worse? He who kills a demonic beast or he who defends it?" He took a sip at that with a shrug, "You kill the Mother Deer of a Fawn and never ask if it's more humane to let it's child fend for itself so that you may come to slaughter it when it's older. Is it more humane to skip causing the anguish and suffering of the Fawn? You must eat what you kill, but who profits from the animals pain save for your temporary relief from hunger? In any case, let the world shake and shudder. I am not so cruel to let a Beasts child live in this world of ours when it shall so soon be alone."

A rather familiar Sihai peered towards the part of the paper Alexander had put up, crossing her arms as an unamused look crossed her features as she paid another to read through the full paper. "..Well. At least I hired the competent broods at the very least. I just want all of this chaos staying out of the Willow. Do you think it'll stay out of here, Sera?" The Willowmaster asked her dear customer and friend.
Kai would also put in a subscription to the newspaper. @canaaa
Sipping the tea from her mug, her eyebrows went upwards as she listened to Kai's words and glanced towards the paper Alexander had tacked nearby. Swiping the paper from beneath her friend's gaze, she glanced over it and shrugged her shoulders. "Broods, vampires, werebeasts. Just different names and different abilities, eh? But if they know what's good for them, they'll stick to the Wraith and won't come poking their dirty snouts in here." Her words creaking and her voice cracking, a pout sliding over her features, making the woman take another sip of her tea.
An impish man in a green cloak and mask would snag a paper to read for themselves, neatly folding it up to tuck away afterwards. "Tch.. Didn't even make the news." Nevertheless, a subscription would be sent in.
Merdoc read the paper silently from within the Slumberwood estate "Pfff. A dull man and a smarter woman" laughing to himself in the empty building.
"Good, serves that arse right." He mutters to himself, as he scans the page. Asan starts to read the next article, sighing as he did so. Assuming it was just another racist article. He slowly reads the last name Gahmorra and the term abduction. He starts to choke on his drink. He goes to curse in Fenikin for a long minute. "Really hope that ain't true Az."
He then starts to write a request for a subscription for the paper.

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Lina frowns as she reads the paper "Oh dear, nothing good will come of any of this. I refuse to make assumptions on such little evidence. Meanwhile peoples names are being tainted." she huffs.
Lina would then request a subscription. @canaaa

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