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The Rose Record | Issue Six


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
Wednesday, November 6, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Six


3 November
Penned by Milena du Brierüst, Editor-in-Chief

The Crimson Inquisition, an organization long feared by heretics and enemies of the Synod, has been reformed away from the Synod this week to function as a chapter of the Violet Order. Citing state security and efficiency, Secretary of Faith Jared Kade moved the organization over and replaced the Red General, His Grace the Duke Hengest Harhold, with himself as the current, though temporary, head of the Chapter.

During this transition, Secretary Kade also assumed the title of Grand Commissioner of the Violet Order. The Grand Commissioner is a position that, to the Rose Record's current knowledge, allows for the investigation of any noble house, business, or matter within Regalia, with the issue's investigation led by the Commissioner and the Inquisitors. The Grand Inquisitor of the Crimsons has been named as Father Titus Cretch, and it is expected that they continue to work closely with the Synod, despite not being under them as before. The Crimson Inquisition assumedly functions like the Gilded Templars as a specialist chapter that focuses on enforcing Holy Law in particular, as well as the specific right to start an "Inquisitorial Conquest" on anyone in violation of said Holy Law. The Crimson Inquisition hopes to fulfill the same role as they did in 304 AC.

Also included in the Proclamation reforming the Crimson Inquisition was an echo of the condemnation of His Grace the Duke Garth Viduggla for atheism. Duke Viduggla has seen his own article in Issue Five on the subject, but now faces investigation by Secretary Kade's Crimson Inquisition if he fails to revise his stance on his faith, as Duke Viduggla had in past times referred to himself as Unionist, according to our sources. If he is not, however, he stands to violate Holy Laws IV and IX, and could face a Noble Diet for reprimand if such were backed by three Noble Matriarchs or Patriarchs or their heirs.

3 November
Penned by Haeddi Jehanne Harhold, Editor

During the evening this last Wednesday, our own Editor in Chief, Madame Milena du Brierüst, was attacked in the streets alongside Greywitch and du Brierüst House Guard, Serlida Bermot. The two were viciously bloodied in the Cathedral Gardens and left to die. Madame du Brierüst was attacked with electricity-based Clockwork and stabbed four times in the side, with the blade left on the fourth stab. She was also threatened. Bermot was attacked from the front, but distracted when the Madame was set upon with Clockwork. Bermot was then choked by one of the four assailants, a skeleton with glowing amethyst eyes, and then had a glass object broken over her head. The other three assailants were two Kathar who appeared out of nowhere when the assault began, and the third was one was only seen as a body of smoke with glowing eyes. One Kathar had pink-white hair, brown eyes, and pitch-black skin, but was discernible from her accent to be Kathar. The other had mismatched eyes, a beard, and carried a shovel.

Luckily Madame du Brierüst was able to will herself to find help, even in the state she was in. Duchess Vivana Avalorn was in the area and responded to the screams and alerted the guard. Madame du Brierüst and Bermot were safely taken to the Greygate clinic to receive treatment and have been healing well since then. This attack comes only days after the assault on General Reimar Typhonus, who was also stabbed in not only similar fashion to Madame du Brierüst, but the pink-haired Kathar was involved as the woman with the knife in both attacks, by own confession. General Typhonus was stabbed in the back-shoulder area, and his House Guard was attacked similarly to Bermot.

These attacks aren't stand-alone, either. Just yesterday evening, Duchess-Regent Dianne Black was the victim of an armed robbery and went to the Greygate prison alongside a guard of her estate to file a report after. To her reports, Duchess Black was attacked violently in her own home after it was broken into by a group of individuals dressed similarly also to those that attacked Madame du Brierüst, by reports of nearby Augustin Reinard. Duchess Black was treated for her injuries, some among them a broken nose, and is in good condition. It is unforgivable and concerning that this group is not only targeting nobility in the street but bold enough to invade an estate of the Peerage.

Now the question arises: what is the reasoning for these attacks? This is surely not going to be the last one if attackers have struck three important members of the peerage already. General Reimar Typhonus was most likely attacked due to being one of the generals at the forefront of the Dread War, who is responsible, at least in part if not full, for the last two big wins on the Warfront. It is unknown why Madame du Brierüst was attacked specifically, though we can assume it would be due to her status as Secretary of the Whip, owner of this paper, and her relation to Duke Leufred du Brierüst, Commander of the Greywitches, who have executive authority over the Sewers where these Kathar rats most likely hide. Duchess-Regent Black has just assumed Regency of her House, due to Duke Christopher traveling to personally train the newest additions to their naval fleet, and added the Barony of Worthing to House Black's acquisitions. While it is easy enough to assume that the attackers are only looking to harm the upper-class with the reasoning of spite, one should always be on their toes and on the lookout from the possibility that there is another reasoning afoot. Kathar are known to be lovers of anarchy and chaos, truly, and have everything to gain from sowing such, especially on the war front.

Though, who also will be the next to be attacked in this awful string? So far the targets of these assaults have been nobility of high importance: a heroic General, a Secretary of His Imperial Holiness's Government, and a Duchess-Regent. Regardless of who one makes predictions on being next, the Rose Record recommends to the good Peerage that they stay close in numbers to avoid being caught off guard by attackers, or at least not traveling on their own anywhere in the city. A minimum of two guards are recommended for any excursions, given the fact that General Typhonus and Madame du Brierüst were both guarded by one guard each during their incidents.

If you hear or see anything that you believe has any connections to these crimes committed, please submit your report to the Violet Order. Any and all tips that lead us closer to the discovery of these gruesome villains is not only honorable and commendable, but the information will also be backed with Regal rewards from House du Brierüst.

3 November
Penned by Haeddi Jehanne Harhold, Editor

After a long and blistering summer, the cool in the air has arrived and snow has begun to fall! The Rose Record would like to give a few reminders to our fellow Regalians about safe practices in this chilly time of the year. Since it is also the festive months, if anyone has any suggestions for Wintertide traditions that they do in their home that they wish to share through the paper, please write us so that we might include it in an article or write-ins!

Clothing in the winter is a particularly important thing compared to many times of the year. It is recommended that thick gloves be located to keep the fingers and hands warm, and wool socks to keep one's feet warm. Mink fur is also warm and dense, and fox fur less so, though both are good recommendations for warm coats. Frostbite is quickest to occur in the hands and feet and it is always best to keep those parts of you just as bundled up as anywhere else. While it might be tempting, it is highly recommended that you do not pick up any snow with your bare hands, even to throw snowballs at your kin!

Speaking of snowballs, be careful where you throw and where you gather. Always make sure that there are no rocks in your snow if you plan on throwing it as it can and will harm whoever you've thrown it at. Be sure to avoid throwing snowballs at our wonderful guardsmen as well while they are on duty! This may be counted as assault of a guardsman, though not always, so it's recommended to just refrain when you see the Violet armor. However, once they have left armor, it is always an option to start a war with them in the streets.

Lastly, be sure to not spend all day in the cold! This is the perfect time of year to fill the Golden Willow, the Fox's Den, or other kaffee shops around the city for hot chocolate and tea. Take the chance and keep yourself healthy rather than freezing out in the streets. If you see anyone that appears like they cannot afford something to keep themselves warm, be a good Samaritan and give them a few regals to tide themselves over. Have a safe winter, from the Rose Record staff!

Developing Stories
Ex-Manathar now-Isldar Sivna Sinalah committed arson as an act of terrorism Sunday after being suspended from the Gilded Templars. This is being investigated currently.

The Undead menace continues, with an active bounty put out by Ser Marceau Delmotte, heir to the Duchy of Basta and Irvelle.

The next issue, or a stand-alone issue, will have an in-depth exploration of the new rights of the Violet Order charters.

Noble rights have been expanded, with more information next issue.

The new laws from the Vice-Secretaries of the Magi are out, and will be given more depth next issue.

The Violet Order as a whole is seeking able-bodied and able-minded individuals to serve in the ranks and protect those in the City. Individual recruiting charters have been enumerated below.

The Greywitches of the Violet Order are recruiting. Aberrations, magical specialists and bounty hunters in need of consistent work with legal chapter rights are all welcome to apply. Contact the Grand Commander Leufred du Brierüst of the Violet Order through a letter.

The Ironspire Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking to recruit capable men and women willing to utilize their martial talent for the Empire into their ranks. All individuals who are capable of combat prowess and wish to operate under a prestigious Charter may letter Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten to inquire about entry.

The Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking individuals with medical and alchemical knowledge. Nature care is especially sought, as well as magical knowledge pertaining to Shatterology and Sanguinology in specific. We are seeking to make a better City for our patients and provide the best care possible. While the Violets safeguard the City's safety, let us safeguard the City's wellness. Contact Commander Dianne Black for information.

Blood, sweat, and tears are three things Spriggan's Heart members face daily in a battle against the evils of Aloria. Whether trusted to fight alone, or side by side with comrades, no Spriggan is without loyalty and bonds. If you wish to delve deep into ancient ruins, support businesses, offer charity, or simply fight for a just cause - then pledge yourself to the Spriggans. We'll pledge back.

The Golden Hive is your one-stop-shop for honey treats and sweet things, as well as catering services for tea parties, holiday gatherings, and other events! Write Aesling Syfina at Commercehall1 to arrange a meeting, or stop by today!

The Bureau of Internal Revenue Enumeration is looking for dedicated employees who specialize in finance and law to assist the Secretary of Finance in dealing with flashpoints around the Archipelago! Bureau workers will be enforcing laws both in the Holy City of Regalia as well as the rest of the isles and will be duly compensated for outstanding and admirable work.

Tungvekt Gym is celebrating their grand opening on the 28th of October! For the opening ceremony only, the general public will be able to utilize the Gym's facilities including the workout equipment, the sparring pit, the sauna & steam room, and a private bar & lounge. Make sure to sign up for a gym membership after the ceremony as the gym will be members only after the opening ceremony day! Contact Torhilde av Kongehjem for more details or job offers.

Are you a woman or girl of Ailor descent, bored of the mundane city life, Want to add a bit more flare to your life? If so, join Matrais Order today. Engage in the elegance of the ballroom dance; take up the musical arts in your free time; engage in the theatrics of bill fighting; defend your Empire from the vermin Kathar who seek to overthrow your kin. Seek out Dame Humaira el-Farah to begin your journey as a squire today! Already a Matrais who has made their way to Regalia? Don't be shy! Reunite with your Sisters in Arms.

The Bloodcast Order opens its doors to any youths aspiring for knighthood, regardless of gender or skin. Headmaster Lazarus Lupenzi implores any interested to approach him at the knight quarters or wherever you may see him!

Is there something you'd love to say, but don't know if anyone would listen? Write it down and send it in to the Editor-in-Chief, Milena du Brierüst, for reviewing. Letters should be at a maximum of 350 words. No anonymous write-ins will be accepted.


Staff Alerts

Advertisement and subscription requests, as well as comments, questions, concerns, and inquiries into positions should be directed to either Milena du Brierüst or Haeddi Harhold at their estates or the new Rose Record building, located at Boulevard 2!

The Rose Record is always seeking informants, writers, and staffing! Seek out Milena du Brierüst.

OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM me or find @canaaa or @AtticCat ingame for the rest!

Sorry about the big wait for this issue! A lot of things happened both IC and OOC, so thank you for your patience! The Rose Record could not exist without its readership, and it means a lot to have your support not only now but going forward. Have a Massive day!

Edited within five minutes to fix a formatting issue on the Subscribers bit. Second edit made within fifteen minutes to fix the sentence about the guard count recommendation since it didn't copy in.


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