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The Rose Record | Issue One


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
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27 September

As the paper begins to launch, we'd like to welcome and thank some of our staffers and best contributors. The Editor-in-Chief is Madame Milena du Brierüst, fresh from her Editor-in-Chief position at the Imperial Times. Making her debut is the Madame Haeddi Harhold, as an Editor. General Reimar Typhonus will be providing exclusive commentary on the war from a general's perspective. We'd like to thank our extensive ranks of informants as well, who single-handedly keep this paper in the know with the news. Over the coming days, we'll be providing interviews with the Secretaries of Finance and Faith.

We'd like to impress upon the public that we hold truth in journalism highly, and that there will be no censorship or holds barred for this paper. With that said, we will be avoiding the highly contentious topic of the Manathar and any news relating due to the extreme controversial nature and personal biases that cannot be written around. In the interest of providing an ultimately fair paper, we hope that you will understand.

27 September

Sitting down with the Lady Grace Genevieve Howlester, it's almost impossible to avoid the sheer presence she has. Here is a woman who knows who she is, and feels no need to explain herself the way others do. She unapologetically is. We had the lucky chance to interview her and ask her thoughts on a myriad of subjects, hot off the heels of an impromptu charity event she held for the less fortunate at the Cathedral earlier today.

On the Court, the Lady Grace is currently preparing for the Harvest Festival but finds her heart to be with New Year's Eve in particular. When asked if she was satisfied with the Court's workings, Howlester said, "Oh, not at all. But satisfaction is a dangerous thing. It leads to idleness and lazy behavior." When asked about the goals of the court, Howlester said, "Due to the restraints necessary for the state coffers, we are somewhat limited as to how much we can strive for." Therefore, Courtiers Palatine are the current leaders of the court and lead it to its goals, whatever those may be.

The Lady Grace enjoys green, writing, reading, horseback riding, and charity. She says it's one of her favorite activities, and she enjoys the good feeling she obtains from it. Her charity event earlier today was a success in sharing the Harvest's bounty, and she looks forward to a winter without any starvation this year. When not managing the Imperial Court, the Lady Grace can be found planting gardens for the less fortunate across the City in conjunction with the Secretary of the City.

27 September

Note: these opinion pieces will be rare in the first few issues, but I felt that this was important.

I'm incredibly honored and pleased to be continuing to provide the Holy City with quality news and journalism. Being the sole writer, editor, and producer of the last three or so issues of the Imperial Times, providing the truth to the public has always been my priority. With that in mind, here is the story of why I left the Imperial Times to begin my own paper.

Today, in light of the Manathar accusations and proceedings by both the Lord Commander William Howlester and Secretary for the Magi Aeralaanys Rhylovhas, I decided to issue a statement of non-coverage over the Manathar.

This was met by a nigh-immediate outcry from Leonard Underwood, inactive owner of the Imperial Times. He surfaced for one of two times I've ever laid eyes on the man, truth be told, and pulled me from the Lady Grace's charity effort to tell me that he was "unsatisfied" with how I was writing and running the paper in recent weeks and would be demoting me.

Having done everything for the past few issues, I simply decided to begin my own paper, the Rose. Underwood responded with a "Do what you will, but we'll see how long you last," in response. It is at this time that the Rose wishes to state: one, that this is not meant to slander Underwood in any way, shape, or form; simply to present my side of this story. Two, that we are here to stay, and will be opening a physical location across the road from Greygate soon.


Advertisement and subscription requests, as well as comments, questions, concerns, and inquiries into positions should be directed to either Madame Haeddi Harhold (@AtticCat) at the Harhold Estate or Madame Milena du Brierüst (@canaaa)at the du Brierüst estate.
{OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM us the rest! If we forget, please correct us- we're human!}

We will be attempting to publish on Sundays!

"Rest in peace The Imperial Times," remarked Marceau Delmotte, immediately writing to Milena du Brierust to request a subscription.

Haeddi lifted her hand to slap it lightly against one of Milena's own in a high-five once the paper had been released, regardless of the fact that it wasn't particular within the etiquette to do such.

"What a delightful name for a paper! And a fitting editor-in-chief, too." Novellia wrote up the letter with a smile, rolling it and placing it in the cylinder attached to her kestrel. The bird flew off. "There, that should have my subscription settled."
"Ah..Reimar has taken to the Quill now. Well, suppose it can do well for a voice in the Parchment, si?"

@Corgi Jesus

@canaaa Blz give Subscription
Aleck grumbled lowly, idly flicking through the pages of the paper. "Better than Leonard's writing in the TIT, that's for sure." He was swift to pen in for a subscription to the paper.

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Catherine read of the creation of the Rose Record, ordering the newspaper some time after that. She would inspect its contents carefully, smiling lightly to the parchment afterwards. The woman gestured over a servant of her house, handing the newspaper back to them.

"Store it in the library for the week, and have a subscription arranged. This seems a uniquely valuable source of information."
After reading a copy of The Rose Record, a certain Altalar in a Spriggan's Heart uniform would write up a subscription letter to the Madame du Brierüst. Calling forth her albino dragged crow, Echo, she placed a harness around the crow's chest and slipped the rolled letter inside. Giving Echo a slight pat on the head, she'd take her faithful bird to the window and watched as she flew off.

"I think the real question that old fartbag oughta worry about is how long till folks start ditching their outlet for the better one." A certain Yanar chuckled mischeviously to herself, immediately lurching forth from her seat to grab the nearest scrunched paper to scribble a sloppy letter of subscription. "They will outdo you in every regard, Underwood. It was a mistake to let her go like that. Y'may as well shut down your paper to save the bills, you feel me?" She muttered. Her words would not fall on any ears, but it's not like it mattered to her. To her, this new up and coming magazine would be worth every penny to satisfy her gossiping needs.

Once Aska was satisfied with her careless handiwork that just oozed of her bubbly personality, she leaned back into the lounging chair with intertwined fingers on her lap.

"Hohoh, man, what a riot. Wait till Sunshine hears about this one."

Leonard Underwood grumbled, "Done everything have you? I guess paying for the printing and conducting polls is worthless, to say nothing of founding this paper. If you had run things by me like you were supposed to then this silly little thing wouldn't have happened." Underwood shook his head in disgust, "Pfft, 'no censorship' I suppose that is proof this will degenerate into gossip." Now he was getting irked as he comprehended the full article. "The statement of non-coverage was redundant; just don't talk about the Manathar. You made us look like shills without my approval." Leonard crumbled up the paper and threw it into the fire as so many have done to his own paper that he worked hard to build up. "I will not yield to some insubordinate tea cake that's never worked an honest job in their life." Now he stood up and looked in the mirror, working himself into a fury, "I reserved the right to have final check on all issues and she ignored it. Now she steals my customers!" He breathed out, recalling his sentence to her the night before but now modifying it: "Do what you will, but you will not last long."

OOC: From what it's looking like this may shape up to be a nobility paper versus a commoner paper which is exciting! I'm loving the quality of the piece and this will certainly kick me to produce issues on par.
A Palpatine laugh echoes from the windows of Lord Valentino's tower in Eleng.