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Tuesday, December 17, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Eight
All proceeds from this issue will be donated to the Central Government amidst rebellion and refusal of taxation across the Empire.
All proceeds from this issue will be donated to the Central Government amidst rebellion and refusal of taxation across the Empire.
10 December
10 December
On Sunday, December 8th, 307 AC, a vote of no confidence in the Lord Chancellor was called during the witching hour by the Secretary of the Whip. This vote was in response to the mass calls for deposition and the Ravenstad and Prestelle assertions that the government did nothing to curb its inactivity, as well as the threat of widespread rebellion across the Empire, which came true this evening.
The Lord Chancellor called meetings with the swing voters- generally assumed to be the Secretary of War, the Duke Garth Viduggla, the Secretary of the Commons, Graf Kaya Viduggla, and the Vice-Secretary of the Magi, Alexis Morgan. Her Eminence is recorded to have promised Councilwoman Morgan expanded rights and powers of the Magi office in return for her vote, which is one third of the total Magi vote, to keep her in office. These were not specified further than "promising that scholars would finally be 'recognized' for their importance, the Magi would be seen as it rightfully should be, and would no longer have to constantly push around aberrant paperwork" in a meeting on Sunday. During this meeting, Councilwoman Morgan stated that she was not swayed by the promises, and this is the last recording sighting of Councilwoman Morgan before her kidnapping, which is detailed in the next article. Duke Viduggla stated no promises were made towards him or his office.
The vote, which was the first of its kind, was expected to follow the format of a clear Secretary majority either way, with a tie resulting in an Imperial Diet where both sides would argue their cases. However, this vote broke from that expectation, and was given the stipulation that only a clear majority of Secretary votes would result in the deseating of the Chancellor. Any votes not sent were assumed to be votes of confidence. The voting period was 48 hours from the time of the vote being called, opening Sunday and closing Tuesday.
The votes then fell as follows: The Secretary of the Faith, Jared Kade; Secretary of the Whip, Milena du Brierüst; and the Secretary of the Southmark, the Qar-Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl voted not confident in the Chancellor. Councilwoman Morgan, was unable to vote due to her predicament, thus shifting the Magi vote to two-thirds of confidence, along with Vice-Secretary Valarosta Baal'ial. The Duchess Valerie du Brierüst was unable to vote due to the deliverance of her son, though she was planning to vote not confident. The Secretary of the Commons, Graf Kaya Viduggla, and the Secretary of the Army, Duke Garth Viduggla, both did not cast a vote, thereby translating into votes of confidence. While the Lord Chancellor stays in her seat, thirty percent of the Archipelago is refusing to support the State via taxes, and twenty percent has launched into open rebellion. It is unclear what the future holds for the Chancellory or the Empire at large.
A full analysis of the rebellion will be featured in the next issue of the Rose Record.
10 December
10 December
Alexis Morgan, one of the three-headed Cerberus of the Secretaries of the Magi, was kidnapped. The timeline is hazy: it could have been the evening of Sunday the 8th, though it could be the morning of Monday the 9th. She was returned sometime Tuesday evening, after which she sought a meeting to explain her absence and lack of vote in the no-confidence, as seen above. As a Vice-Secretary of the Magi, any crime committed against her should be rightfully taken as an offense on the Governance.
Councilwoman Morgan was apparently under the effects of a most likely criminal substance that interfered with her memories during her kidnapping, and was thus unable to remember much more than being in a cave and speaking about politics. She also could not remember when she had been taken, or where from. It is unknown where this cave could be, only that it was a cave somewhere. Url tracking proved fruitless when attempted. During our meeting, she came wearing Qezfen, assumedly to hide bruising of the face from her entrapment.
It can only be wondered why Councilwoman Morgan was taken as the target of a kidnapping, instead of another member of the Secretariat. As implied by the Lord Chancellor herself, the Magi's office is not one too terribly powerful in the governance. Their sphere controls solely magical research, the dispensation rights of aberrancies in the Holy City and the Empire at large, the control of artifacts, and legality of certain abilities. Councilwoman Morgan also only controls one third of the office, with the other two seats of the Magi held by Duchess Valerie du Brierüst and Councilwoman Valarosta Baal'ial. Both of her compatriots could theoretically have compelling reasons for kidnapping, though the same cannot be said for the quiet Councilwoman Morgan, who, before her appointment, had no traceable reputation or action in the Holy City. She is not of noble birth or affiliation, so her blood or employ outside the Secretariat cannot be held accountable for any political intrigue like every other one of her peers.. This is quite odd, given the above considerations.
To the knowledge of the Rose Record, the matter of the kidnapping will be taken up with the Violet Order to investigate. In the meantime, however, please be careful wandering the streets of Regalia. The Vigilant Shield and the Crown City Wardens are always free to provide escorts to the citizenry at any time of day or night, free of personal charge.
14 December
Penned by Augustin Reinard
The Rose Record publishes the following with no editing nor censorship, but does not align itself with the views expressed therein.
14 December
Penned by Augustin Reinard
The Rose Record publishes the following with no editing nor censorship, but does not align itself with the views expressed therein.
It is well-known that the Emperor in times past has been able to declare the Humanum of any living being regardless of their outward appearance, and that being is therefore Humanum in truth. And yet the ramifications of such a truth have long been unexplored, ignored, or otherwise not taken into account.
Why? The answer is simple; foolishness or prejudice. In both realms are all those who do not make use of their Divine-given Reason, and see the truth of the world as only skin-deep. Their faith is simple and unexplored, its theology inept and bereft of logic; they do a disservice to themselves and Reality by not fulfilling their fundamental Essence. They are, in their iniquity, less Human.
Therefore, in order to fulfill the capacity of our Reason, and thus be in truth fully Human, let us consider these things: First, that non-Ailor, even non-Humans, can through circumstance be fully Human in truth. Second, that all Humankind upon death is United with the Spirit, and those who are below Humankind are reborn, that they might again strive to reach Humanity. These two, put together, demonstrate that one who was born a non-Human can in life attain Humanum and thus necessarily are united in nature with the Spirit.
The question must then be posed: Was the declaration that what was outwardly defined as a non-Human is in truth Humanum the cause of their Humanity, or was it the stated recognition of a pre-existing truth? In other words, were they already Human before the declaration? The truth is clear; words alone do not effect Reality. Rather, words have the power to affirm and recognize their subject, but not create the subject. The fundamental Essence of a being or creature cannot be altered by stating that it is so, but rather is altered by what it brings upon itself, or what the Divine - who is the originator and sustainer of Reality - directly brings upon it. While some might argue that a declaration of Humanum is of the latter sort, it is clear even then that the declaration is not so, but rather that the declaration is a verbal recognition of a change that has previously taken place. The Emperor himself is not the Spirit; his declaration in this case does not hold weight because of his own Imperium. Rather, it holds weight because his words are said to align with the actions and will of the Spirit, which may then be ascertained to be the source of the change rather than the words themselves.
It is therefore evident that the declaration itself is not necessary for such a change. In other words, such a change might happen without outward recognition, that either being unnecessary or impossible due to circumstance. The Emperor is and always has been limited by his necessarily Mortal Essence, which have always denied him those things such as omniscience. It is entirely possible that he might lack knowledge of one whose spirit has qualified for a recognition that it has attained Humanum in life. Recognition is not required for Reality, but rather stems from it. It is even true that there are those who have independently gained the outward form of Ailor after fervent prayer to the Spirit, in what is surely a physical sign of spiritual truth. All this being so, we are faced with the truth that there may be those who have a non-Human outward appearance who have, in Essence, attained or been made Humanum. Thus, I urge all knowledgeable and Reasonable people to inquire into the aspects and nature of Humanum itself, so that we might fully ascertain who is and who is not Human. As for myself, I leave that topic to another publication.
14 December
Penned by Henric of Heeresveen
14 December
Penned by Henric of Heeresveen
Tolonne people are spread across Aloria, for they are a maritime people just like the Daen and the Varran are thanks to their proximity to the sea. But while many of those people are rugged pirates, or simple sailors, the Tolonne are merchants like their cousins the Bragacao, and have helped to ferry cargo between Daendroc and Ithanian proper for well over a century. Their homeland of Solacia is a paradise and so the people found there area relaxed and pleasure-seeking lot, quite willing to share their skills and abilities as well as their great and ancient villas with visitors.
Their nobility though, is far more reserved, the ladies in particular layering themselves despite the heat due to long held beliefs of women's chasteness. The Tolonne are also a people known for their stories and music, as their Troubadours and Trobairitzs travel the world seeking out good tales and tunes to return home with. So sail on down to Solacia, or proceed into the lands of Vixhall, and bask in the many oral, aural and food-based pleasures that these people have to offer!
14 December
Penned by Henric of Heeresveen
14 December
Penned by Henric of Heeresveen
Ah, the Ithanians, a people surely none in Aloria do not know for all sorts of reasons. Perhaps you know of their society, and how they have been dominated by a matriarchy for over a century and a half until recent political strife. Perhaps you have heard of their elaborate fashion, which takes colors, texture and themes to extremes not seen among other people all in the name of self expression and decadent self expression at that. Perhaps you've heard of them because of their elaborate food, making use of avians, bovines, fish, fruit and plenty more substances from more far afield in sumptuous platters of interesting tastes.
Perhaps you've heard of them for their lack of a military and extreme dedication to pacifism, however they are also the birthplace of knighthood and they have many famed individuals who fought in the name of honor and bravery to defeat threats. Finally, perhaps you've heard, or rather seen, Ithanians thanks to their beautiful and uniform appearance of hair in shades of blonde, blue eyes, and pale, fetching faces. Ithanians are everywhere, whether you go to Ithania itself, or into Vixhall, so go and give them a visit to see their beliefs in liberty brought to life.
Developing Stories
A brief look at the next issue!
A brief look at the next issue!
The Tenth Creed has been found, and the Synod is breaking apart into separate churches. To be penned by Augustin Reinard.
Many Bagshaws have been found dead, likely at the hands of a new serial killer. To be penned by William Arnyn.
The Imperial and Dread Dragons are active again, and Secretary of the Faith Jared Kade was shot in the knee by an Isldar at an Imperial Dragon rally. To be penned by Aeralaanys Rhylovhas.
A Noble Diet called by Houses von Drachenburg, Avalorn, Harhold, and Fristadvlom will be occurring tomorrow evening to discuss the Chancellory. To be penned by Novellia Fristadvlom.
The Empire is tearing itself in two at the current moment in response to the Chancellory and other decisions made by the Secretariat. Yet unassigned.
As an extension of this rebellion, particular attention will be given to the Daen-Vultarin conflict by Farina de Massa.
The Rose Record would like to welcome the Citizen's Edit as a fellow newspaper of the Holy City, and looks forward to working with the Edit in future. We hope that you will find the pursuit of truth in news as rewarding as we do, and are excited to cover more stories than ever before.
Is there something you'd love to say, but don't know if anyone would listen? Write it down and send it in to the Editor-in-Chief, Milena du Brierüst, for reviewing. Letters should be at a maximum of 350 words. No anonymous write-ins will be accepted.
The Violet Order as a whole is seeking able-bodied and able-minded individuals to serve in the ranks and protect those in the City. Individual recruiting charters have been enumerated below.
The Greywitches of the Violet Order are recruiting. Aberrations, magical specialists and bounty hunters in need of consistent work with legal chapter rights are all welcome to apply. Contact the Grand Commander Leufred du Brierüst of the Violet Order through a letter. @Ferghoul
The Ironspire Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking to recruit capable men and women willing to utilize their martial talent for the Empire into their ranks. All individuals who are capable of combat prowess and wish to operate under a prestigious Charter may letter Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten to inquire about entry. @Yigit
The Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking individuals with medical and alchemical knowledge. Nature care is especially sought, as well as magical knowledge pertaining to Shatterology and Sanguinology in specific. We are seeking to make a better City for our patients and provide the best care possible. While the Violets safeguard the City's safety, let us safeguard the City's wellness. Contact Commander Dianne Black for information. @darkarely
The Golden Hive is your one-stop shop for honey treats and sweet things, as well as catering services for tea parties, holiday gatherings, and other events! Write Aesling Syfina at Commercehall1 to arrange a meeting, or stop by today! @Bellarmina
Are you a woman or girl of Ailor descent, bored of the mundane city life, Want to add a bit more flare to your life? If so, join Matrais Order today. Engage in the elegance of the ballroom dance; take up the musical arts in your free time; engage in the theatrics of bill fighting; defend your Empire from the vermin Kathar who seek to overthrow your kin. Seek out Dame Humaira el-Farah to begin your journey as a squire today! Already a Matrais who has made their way to Regalia? Don't be shy! Reunite with your Sisters in Arms. @Aurelian30k
The Bloodcast Order opens its doors to any youths aspiring for knighthood, regardless of gender or skin. Headmaster Lazarus Lupenzi implores any interested to approach him at the knight quarters or wherever you may see him! @ZiggyStarDusted
Sizzling with Saffrona: A place for the renowned chef known as Saffrona to make a performance out of her proficiency in the art of cooking! Come watch her perform as she whips you up the meal of a lifetime from seemingly nothing, right in front of your eyes! The special flavoring Saffrona adds in will certainly have you in love with the food! Come to the stall at Virjeon's Market! @SleepyIsVerySlep
The Gilded Orchid, just opposite of the Unionist Cathedral has just recently had its Grand Re-opening and invites all who live within the City to come by and join us for Fine Eating and Drinking! Served by the Ms. Fathiyaa Nasir and the wonderful Orchid Staff! Stop on by. @Mortisian
The Greywitches of the Violet Order are recruiting. Aberrations, magical specialists and bounty hunters in need of consistent work with legal chapter rights are all welcome to apply. Contact the Grand Commander Leufred du Brierüst of the Violet Order through a letter. @Ferghoul
The Ironspire Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking to recruit capable men and women willing to utilize their martial talent for the Empire into their ranks. All individuals who are capable of combat prowess and wish to operate under a prestigious Charter may letter Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten to inquire about entry. @Yigit
The Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking individuals with medical and alchemical knowledge. Nature care is especially sought, as well as magical knowledge pertaining to Shatterology and Sanguinology in specific. We are seeking to make a better City for our patients and provide the best care possible. While the Violets safeguard the City's safety, let us safeguard the City's wellness. Contact Commander Dianne Black for information. @darkarely
The Golden Hive is your one-stop shop for honey treats and sweet things, as well as catering services for tea parties, holiday gatherings, and other events! Write Aesling Syfina at Commercehall1 to arrange a meeting, or stop by today! @Bellarmina
Are you a woman or girl of Ailor descent, bored of the mundane city life, Want to add a bit more flare to your life? If so, join Matrais Order today. Engage in the elegance of the ballroom dance; take up the musical arts in your free time; engage in the theatrics of bill fighting; defend your Empire from the vermin Kathar who seek to overthrow your kin. Seek out Dame Humaira el-Farah to begin your journey as a squire today! Already a Matrais who has made their way to Regalia? Don't be shy! Reunite with your Sisters in Arms. @Aurelian30k
The Bloodcast Order opens its doors to any youths aspiring for knighthood, regardless of gender or skin. Headmaster Lazarus Lupenzi implores any interested to approach him at the knight quarters or wherever you may see him! @ZiggyStarDusted
Sizzling with Saffrona: A place for the renowned chef known as Saffrona to make a performance out of her proficiency in the art of cooking! Come watch her perform as she whips you up the meal of a lifetime from seemingly nothing, right in front of your eyes! The special flavoring Saffrona adds in will certainly have you in love with the food! Come to the stall at Virjeon's Market! @SleepyIsVerySlep
The Gilded Orchid, just opposite of the Unionist Cathedral has just recently had its Grand Re-opening and invites all who live within the City to come by and join us for Fine Eating and Drinking! Served by the Ms. Fathiyaa Nasir and the wonderful Orchid Staff! Stop on by. @Mortisian
The Rose Record would like to welcome the Citizen's Edit as a fellow newspaper of the Holy City, and looks forward to working with the Edit in future. We hope that you will find the pursuit of truth in news as rewarding as we do, and are excited to cover more stories than ever before.
Is there something you'd love to say, but don't know if anyone would listen? Write it down and send it in to the Editor-in-Chief, Milena du Brierüst, for reviewing. Letters should be at a maximum of 350 words. No anonymous write-ins will be accepted.
@AtomicKarate @ChapterDeath @Arhbi @CrimsletMonarch @Mortisian @Magivore @Vivamente @ItsAnother @Walnoodle @_GoldWolf_ @Chapstxcks @SheepieBaby @Lutowski @skullpanda90 @Atraxia @MrScafuto @Sanfedista @MrHasagi @Katiesc @Nesstro @Dedjok @Aurelian30k @mcmann @creaturestar123 @Lady Lina @sadsoda @SleepyIsVerySlep @darkarely@Lizmun @TheBearistotle
Staff Alerts
@Fergoff @WaterDruppel @AtticCat @ChapterDeath @Walrusaur @CrimsletMonarch @AprilBlossoms @mcmann @Woodwork @Eronoc @Bunemma @AtomicKarate @SnashuuPomaymay @MantaRey @HydraLana @AWildResi @abberrants @Battlebrawn @Sanfedista @Winterless
Advertisers: @Bellarmina @Lord_Immortal @Yigit @darkarely @ZiggyStarDusted @SleepyIsVerySlep @Mortisian
Advertisers: @Bellarmina @Lord_Immortal @Yigit @darkarely @ZiggyStarDusted @SleepyIsVerySlep @Mortisian
Advertisement and subscription requests, as well as comments, questions, concerns, and inquiries into positions should be directed to either Milena du Brierüst or Haeddi Harhold at their estates or the new Rose Record building, located at Boulevard 2!
The Rose Record is always seeking informants, writers, and staffing! Seek out Milena du Brierüst.
OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM me or find @canaaa or @AtticCat ingame for the rest!
OOC: Edit made within five minutes to fix unfinished sentence in the Alexis Morgan article.
The Rose Record is always seeking informants, writers, and staffing! Seek out Milena du Brierüst.
OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM me or find @canaaa or @AtticCat ingame for the rest!
OOC: Edit made within five minutes to fix unfinished sentence in the Alexis Morgan article.