Archived The Return Of Pvp Chat

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King of Desolation, Emperor of the Isolated Empire
Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
So the reason that PvP chat was removed was because of the sheer amount of flame going on there. I think this chat should be returned, but it would have to be turned on, so the player is voluntarily entering this area. Sort of like disabling the chat filter.

PvP chat would be invisible by default, but with /c pvp [on/off=toggle] you could decide whether or not to see it.

The PvP chat would give PvPers a safe place to mess around with each other, and allow for more interesting combat.
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I personally don't care if its added but why have a channel on massive where you can flame other players? Dont take me the wrong way, as stated before it wouldn't have much of an effect on me if it was re-added, but most PvP'ers have a TS or are in skype call and they vent there and flame other people there, I don't think its necessary for the channel to be re-added just so those other people can see what you say about them and for anyone in the chat to see.
I think we need another channel so we get all PVP stuff OUT of general. Whether or not its moderated for flame... that can be decided by staff.
I personally don't care if its added but why have a channel on massive where you can flame other players? Dont take me the wrong way, as stated before it wouldn't have much of an effect on me if it was re-added, but most PvP'ers have a TS or are in skype call and they vent there and flame other people there, I don't think its necessary for the channel to be re-added just so those other people can see what you say about them and for anyone in the chat to see.
It would not be for anyone, as it would be optionally toggled
I think we need another channel so we get all PVP stuff OUT of general. Whether or not its moderated for flame... that can be decided by staff.

.. Wasn't that the point of it? Aha.

I mean it'd be good for it to return so PvP'er have a place to vent, mm.

Last time PvP chat was added, flame carried over to general chat relatively frequently. This was one of the main goals of PvP chat initially, to remove flame from general and to remove the need to heavily moderate flame for game staff.

At first we saw a decrease, but then after the chat was added for a few days/weeks it began to increase again. Plus the severity of the flame within PvP chat itself began to escalate to such a level that game staff had to start actively moderating it as well. When general still had ongoing flame on top of the flame in PvP chat escalating to personal attacks, slurs (racial/stereotype/gender), and excessive foul language on an essentially daily basis, it was time to go. It failed in its original intention.
I just use ally chat to vent and do it without flaming.
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