Archived The Removal Of /fix And My Alternative Solution.

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Former Leader of Tyberia
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberian Empire
Fix is an interesting feature on massivecraft, it allows the free (with a limit factor of how much you can do daily) repair of any item you want, while also keeping all of the enchants. This has many flaws. Namely in that it can keep items preserved indefinitely, without costing any resources (excluding real life money to get premium). This is problematic, as it allows a large build up in supply, which will eventually come to a point where items that are typically worth quite a large sum of money, become next to worthless. We've seen this happen on the server in recent months, with the massive dropping of the value of all god tools and weapons. This is caused solely (as demand has not changed) by the massive amount of supply, and we didn't get that massive amount of supply through just an increase of production means, we gained it through a lack of removal from the economy, and an infinite amount of resources.
So, what do we do? Some people's proposed solution is to create sinks for objects such as diamonds, and set a minimum price for them. The idea would certainly get rid of diamonds, and prevent people from selling them for extremely low prices. Other people oppose that idea, as it would lead to a less player-run economy, which to some is a selling point in the server in general. I personally sit in the middle, with a slight leaning toward implementation. While it would definitely assist with the economic situation of the server, I believe that there are better alternatives that do not infringe upon the lassiez-faire economic model we have at the moment.
My suggestion in this thread, is to completely remove the /fix feature, and edit the McMMO repair skill so that, at level 8/8 arcane forging (which is level 1k, but can be changed) enchantments are not lost or reduced, at all. Here are my reasons for why I think this would be the best course of action. Keep in mind I have already explained why fix is hurting the economy, so you may refer to the above for comparison.
First, the repair skill costs resources. When you repair something with McMMO, it takes the resources directly from your inventory to fix it. While this amount may be small at 1k (I do not have 1k repair, so maybe someone with higher fix would know exactly how much you can fix with how much resources at that level) it will still add up, and more importantly, it will cost resources to train in the first place, a lot of resources. This will create an effective sink for resources, not only diamond, but also iron and gold, for those who are training it up to get level 8/8 (they would use those resources as they are considerably cheaper) and increase the demand for them which would of course, raise the price. This is all done without any staff intervention, and keeps the economy the same model. YOU choose to level your repair up to 1k, YOU choose to use resources, or, YOU choose to pay someone to do it for you.
Which brings me to my second point. It introduces another play style, or maybe two. At the moment, there are maybe four things you can generally do on this server. RP, PvP (including enchanting and selling supplies to pvpers), build, and trade lore items for money. There are other ones, but I believe these are the four biggies. You can't brew for money anymore, as potions are craftable. Mining is pretty pointless as you wouldn't be able to sell anything for much. Fishing is only good for getting your salvaging up (which is also tied into repair wink wink). And woodcutting suffers the same problem as mining, although it's lesser. Farming is also pretty pointless, as PvPers usually buy in bulk from people they trust (Such as Jackson) so it makes people with non-Jackson levels of production struggle to make any money off the business. Repair though, is slightly different. The only reason that people do not use the repair skill for fixing things, is because it is unreliable. There's a very high chance that, even with 1k repair, you will loose that sharpness 5 enchant you have on your weapon. That's a /big/ thing to loose, and so effectively, the skill is debunk to the people who need repairs the most. If your enchanted weapon is so lightly enchanted that you don't worry about losing the enchants, you're probably not going to be able to use fix power to repair it anyway (I've not met many prems who do not use god swords, as by the time you're invested enough to purchase prem, you'll have gotten one). If this negative effect were to be removed, instantly repair would become a viable thing to train for some, while for others, it would be more smart just to pay someone who has 1k repair to fix your stuff for you (after all, repair level is hard and pretty expensive to train). This would immediately create a supply and demand set for the repair skill. The supply would be low due to the high investment required to get a skill that high, and the demand would be high because everyone who didn't have 1k repair would suddenly need someone else to fix their stuff for them. Training and focusing on repair would very quickly become viable, and a good way to make some dough if you're willing to invest. This would even make the McMMO boost of prem worth more, which would help offset the loss of value from losing /fix.
Third, the implementation. I have no clue, and I will admit this, to how difficult it would be to remove fix. Maybe a staff could answer that in the comments, I don't know. But I can imagine it would not be /quite/ as difficult to remove a feature as add one, so it seems pretty viable to me to remove /fix. But, even if it was very, very hard, I still think it would be worth it, because if /fix persists, the economy is just going to get worse and worse, before likely collapsing. Now, as for the repair skill, I KNOW this is easy to implement, because we already have McMMO on the server, and changing the arcane forging to not loose enchantments is as easy as changing
May_Lose_Enchants: true
Rank_1: 125
Rank_2: 250
Rank_3: 375
Rank_4: 500
Rank_5: 625
Rank_6: 750
Rank_7: 875
Rank_8: 1000
Rank_1: 10.0
Rank_2: 20.0
Rank_3: 30.0
Rank_4: 40.0
Rank_5: 50.0
Rank_6: 50.0
Rank_7: 60.0
Rank_8: 60.0 <--- This number to 100
Downgrades_Enabled: true
Rank_1: 75.0
Rank_2: 50.0
Rank_3: 40.0
Rank_4: 30.0
Rank_5: 25.0
Rank_6: 20.0
Rank_7: 15.0
Rank_8: 10.0 <---- And this number to zero
You could even change the level of repair you need to get to 8/8 repair if balancing is required, although I'm quite sure 1k is the golden number for balance in this instance.
Well, you've heard my proposal. I would love feedback in the comments as I am certainly no expert and I would love to hear a second opinion on this. Thank you for reading!
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To respond to Kushiban who posted the thing in my screwup on the general forum (Why don't we just make /fix cost material as well as fix power? Something like one diamond per five percent, or something.Or, heck, if you really wanted to you could even make it a diamond per two percent. T This would heavily increase the demand for diamonds, as if you don't have diamonds you can't use your /fix, as well as increase the demand for god gear. A lot of people like the mobility of fix as well as the convenience of being able to keep a weapon/tool- it would suck if you had to stop your mining trip to go back home to a repair anvil every 10 minutes. Also, /fix is a huge premium benefit, removing it might remove some of the value of premium for non-pvpers who don't buy it for the pvp benefits.)
That would be incredibly expensive, moreso than repair I believe, and wouldn't do as much good as just changing the thing over to repair. It wouldn't create the jobs and increase the diversity of the economy as having repair would. Also, you can carry an iron block around with you, it's not like they break. And I personally don't believe that fix is the most valuable of the premium benefits. It only really helps PvPers who have their armour smashed all of the time, other people (such as myself) who do not pvp often, do not really need more than 50 fix power every 2 or so days. I find the Backpack to be MUCH more valuable, as well as the not-dropping-items. The fix is a bonus, and I would easily pay a couple R to get my stuff repaired, if fix were not around. The important thing to remember is that you need to TRAIN your repair, in order to use it, and that is what will help the economy most, I think
If you only use 50 fix power every two days then you obviously don't mine. XD Also, yes, there will be a boostin the economy with this change as the people who can actually repair armor would be reduced drastically. For about a month. And then all the serious pvpers, serious survailists, and people with time to train mcmmo will have the high mcmmo, and everyone who's seirous about the server (nearly everyone who has prem anyway) will be able to fix armor and tools, which will make it no different then just making /fix cost materials. Al it will do is add an annoying month-long roadblock.

To respond to Kushiban who posted the thing in my screwup on the general forum (Why don't we just make /fix cost material as well as fix power? Something like one diamond per five percent, or something.Or, heck, if you really wanted to you could even make it a diamond per two percent. T This would heavily increase the demand for diamonds, as if you don't have diamonds you can't use your /fix, as well as increase the demand for god gear. A lot of people like the mobility of fix as well as the convenience of being able to keep a weapon/tool- it would suck if you had to stop your mining trip to go back home to a repair anvil every 10 minutes. Also, /fix is a huge premium benefit, removing it might remove some of the value of premium for non-pvpers who don't buy it for the pvp benefits.)
That would be incredibly expensive, moreso than repair I believe, and wouldn't do as much good as just changing the thing over to repair. It wouldn't create the jobs and increase the diversity of the economy as having repair would. Also, you can carry an iron block around with you, it's not like they break. And I personally don't believe that fix is the most valuable of the premium benefits. It only really helps PvPers who have their armour smashed all of the time, other people (such as myself) who do not pvp often, do not really need more than 50 fix power every 2 or so days. I find the Backpack to be MUCH more valuable, as well as the not-dropping-items. The fix is a bonus, and I would easily pay a couple R to get my stuff repaired, if fix were not around. The important thing to remember is that you need to TRAIN your repair, in order to use it, and that is what will help the economy most, I think
As posted by someone before, the change needs to be gradual rather than a direct change. It would be best for diamonds to gradually go up, instead of up instantly, if that makes sense. As you said about spending 1 diamond per 2% of fix power, no one wants to spend 50 diamonds on 1 repair.. it's ridiculous to think about. A removal of /fix is really what I can think of, and would benefit the most. And the market will most likely always be flooded with diamonds since there are a large number of them constantly getting restored by Massive Restore, especially with mcmmo excavation.
We cannot modify MCMMO too much for the following reasons:
  • MCMMO is not an in-hosue plugin. If we make changes to it, we have to do these changes every single time an update comes around.
  • We don't have time to code something as expansive as what is being suggested here.
What we can do to the perceived /fix problem:
  • Lower the /fix power to whatever number.
  • Increase the time required for /fix power resets.
  • Remove /fix all together.
We cannot modify MCMMO too much for the following reasons:
  • MCMMO is not an in-hosue plugin. If we make changes to it, we have to do these changes every single time an update comes around.
  • We don't have time to code something as expansive as what is being suggested here.
What we can do to the perceived /fix problem:
  • Lower the /fix power to whatever number.
  • Increase the time required for /fix power resets.
  • Remove /fix all together.
I'd say either knock the /fix power down to 250, half of what it is now and keep the 24 hour regeneration time or remove it all together. It would most certainly limit the amount of times you can repair a certain item with experience points, until it becomes "Too Expensive" in an anvil. Then all they could really depend on for that tool/armor is the fix power they have.
Note that I've never liked the fix command. I think it's a dumb artificial thing that ruins the price of diamonds more than Massive Restore does, but at the time the PVP department concluded it was a "necessary sacrifice" because PVP'ers "Didn't want to spend time mining, but spend more time PVP'ing".

If that situation has changed, feel free to discuss what /fix should be on this thread.
I don't know how to do quotes right so excuse me
"Al it will do is add an annoying month-long roadblock. "
Not even some of the most serious people will want to grind for 1k repair, it would be easier for them just to pay a small fee to someone else to do it when they need it.
We cannot modify MCMMO too much for the following reasons:
  • MCMMO is not an in-hosue plugin. If we make changes to it, we have to do these changes every single time an update comes around.
  • We don't have time to code something as expansive as what is being suggested here."
That is a definite shame. Is there not a way to make sure they stay? The edit would simply be a line of text in the config file changed.

What we can do to the perceived /fix problem:
  • Lower the /fix power to whatever number.
  • Increase the time required for /fix power resets.
  • Remove /fix all together."
If we lower fix or make it take longer to reset, it won't solve the core problem, which is that things build up, and if we remove /fix all together, without adding an alternative way to fix things, the opposite problem will happen, where things will become very, very expensive, and with that I think we will either see one of two things:
PvP dying off completely
Or PvP becoming stronger, due to the new purpose of killing people for items.
I'd take a wager that, with the fact that prems don't drop things when pvp inactive, the former is a lot more likely an outcome than the latter.
Even if we can't edit McMMO, we'd need some sort of replacement fix ability that does cost resources, which in that case, I think Kushiban's idea would be best; adding a cost to /fix, although I still think the idea is not refined, and could be improved.
Admittedly I don't know too much about the /fix config, I am purely going off of what Cayorion was willing to change config wise when we implemented it. The thread is still open to allow discussion on the matter.
Is it possible to make the /fix command understand which item it is repairing? That way it can determine wether it is repairing a shovel, or axe for example.

If that is possible I think it is not difficult to add a resource cost to /fix. As it will simply take the ammount of diamond required to fully repair the duration. I like the idea of giving /fix a cost. And I very much would like to see some form of healing to the economy in this manner.

I must admit... I use /fix allot. Its very helpfull when your a survivalist whos harvesting resources all the time because he builds allot. (im the main builder in my faction too) Having that command helps keep my toolset intact to provide me with other resources. If /fix where to be removed without a replacement for a garunteed repair without loss. Then Id be spending more and more time grinding darkrooms to get tools enchanted instead of the resources I actualy need.

So to conclude this: I hope /fix can be configured to take diamonds depending on which item is being repaired and how much diamonds it costs to repair it for a certaint ammount of %. As I believe it will help boost the diamond market.
I just wanted to point out that this would just be an McMMO advanced.yml config edit and should persist through updates (can't guarantee that but it did when I had mcmmo on my private server).
It wouldn't even really require someone that knew how to code. The yml configs are intentionally made to be understandable from anyone's standpoint and they contain instructions. So if TwinCatalysts idea is heavily favored (in my opinion is an amazingly fantastic idea since it helps the economy and adds validity to the repair skill) it may be worth a quick look into.

I do completely understand if this was already understood and if thats the case just ignore this. It just sounded like it was viewed as a huge code edit when its really just a couple lines of pretty much a word doc.

I just wanted to be sure everyone was on the same page because like everyone here making suggestions I love this server and would love to see the economy bounce back to the thriving player driven economy it use to have.
/fix is a major bonus to prem - perhaps the safest route would be to decrease the frequency though - 100 fix power vs 500 seems much more reasonable. It would mean one month of prem would have the potential to totally fix 30 items vs. 150. That still keeps /fix as a prem feature but also significantly reduces the excess.
I haven't beenon lately to see the economy's state, but now I'm kinda concerned TBH. I think that simply lowering fox power could help this. Like bbrickman99 said. I think that'd help and not be too big of a nerf.
A day of farming, PvP and wandering usually rips through a set of god armor and weapons. I've broken god bows in less than an hour farming because I wasn't paying attention to durability. People need that fix power to maintain my gear. 500 is enough to keep my small stash functional of weapons/armor, and sometimes I need to borrow fix power from my fellow faction mates. I would however be willing to pay a tax on using the command.
/fix is a major bonus to prem - perhaps the safest route would be to decrease the frequency though - 100 fix power vs 500 seems much more reasonable. It would mean one month of prem would have the potential to totally fix 30 items vs. 150. That still keeps /fix as a prem feature but also significantly reduces the excess.
This would not fix the core problem in that items would remain in circulation, it would just hinder pvpers from being able to pvp as much because they'd need to wait on fix.
A day of farming, PvP and wandering usually rips through a set of god armor and weapons. I've broken god bows in less than an hour farming because I wasn't paying attention to durability. People need that fix power to maintain my gear. 500 is enough to keep my small stash functional of weapons/armor, and sometimes I need to borrow fix power from my fellow faction mates. I would however be willing to pay a tax on using the command.
Most people do pay attention to durability, or at least enough that large inflation on the amount of equipment has become a serious problem for the server's economy. Borrowing fix power just highlights the issue at hand. Even if you use all of the fix power you have, some other personw ill have some and keep those items in circulation.
PvP is already in a slump, removing /fix would make PvP even more sparse than it is now.
I want to start out with I am not here saying anyone is wrong I am just thinking out loud guys.

If what twin is suggesting where implemented you would actually be able to fix more daily.
It would just cost you diamonds instead of fix power. (Everyone saying they would pay a tax to use /fix before this use that money to buy diamonds to then fix with this system would stimulate the economy and serve the same purpose.)
- It usually only takes me 1-4 Diamonds to fully repair a chest plate and 1-3 for the other pieces with a repair of 1000+. This means a full set of god armor near breaking would require 4-13 diamonds to completely repair. (For someone that has high mining and a fortune pick that is part of one vein).
-This would in turn add a diamond sink which with the implementation of massive restore really is required. Diamonds are being brought into the economy WAY faster then they are going out. If something isn't done the economy will continue to get worse. With fix and massive restore there is no longer any balance.
-This would also add the job of mining back to the server. People could go mine diamonds to sell to sustain the pvp community.

Also I would like to note back before /fix and massive restore were added the economy was in a better spot (still not its best in the past but much better) god armor and weapons were worth something and I personally saw more pvp back then because the things you were getting had worth.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
+1 for nerfing /fix command and considering different replacements for it. I experience a serious inflation becoming more and more severe...
Miners might become useful and more sought after as a consequence then :D
To be hounest I kind of agree in giving it another go at the mcmmo reconfiguration of the repair skill. If this is can be done in reasonable time. Straight out nerfing the /fix command may seem like a solution. But I can garuntee those premiums out there who have had this ability will be missing it once its only 100% a day.

So... if possible please allow 100% repair at lvl 1000 mcmmo repair for the whole player base.

As for the premium community with /fix, Let it cost a diamond or emerald for each time you use the /fix command while keeping it at 500% a day.

This way we will add a diamond sink which should increase the value of diamonds and tools in the market. While not drawing back allot on the premium package. Cause honestly. /fix is still one of my favourite bonusses to premium and I truly hate to only be able to fix 100% a day. In either case it will cost diamonds. And thus there will be a higher demand for them.
Why not make /fix cost twice or three times as many diamonds/iron/gold/bars/leather as usual? That way you pay an extra fee, but are guaranteed to keep the enchantments. And believe me, for those of us who might participate in a PvE event and be somewhat obsessed with keeping out gear without a scratch, you run out of 500 in no time.
Note that I've never liked the fix command. I think it's a dumb artificial thing that ruins the price of diamonds more than Massive Restore does, but at the time the PVP department concluded it was a "necessary sacrifice" because PVP'ers "Didn't want to spend time mining, but spend more time PVP'ing".

If that situation has changed, feel free to discuss what /fix should be on this thread.

Marty, I can't agree with you more on the Massive Restore bit. Now, it comes at a price of losing places like Morgannwg, which, I think it was time to let go of the city anyways and let it be restored anyways, however the beautification of the worlds increases their longevity. HOWEVER, the fact that it ALSO restores the ore means that the economy of the server suffers on the basis that every month, the same spots you found that bore diamonds will bear them again. It's a tradeoff, just like /fix is, and I feel that PVP Staff should re-assess the "necessary sacrifice", but this time taking into account the economy, and what they can do to alter the /fix system in order to, pun intended, /fix it, so to speak.
HOWEVER, the fact that it ALSO restores the ore means that the economy of the server suffers on the basis that every month, the same spots you found that bore diamonds will bear them again.

I was under the impression the ores are randomized with Massive Restore each time and redistributed in a less clumpier way than vanilla mc.
I was under the impression the ores are randomized with Massive Restore each time and redistributed in a less clumpier way than vanilla mc.
They are. In all honesty, I think that the server's diamond supply is remaining relatively constant at this point, however is still massively over-inflated by things such as old ore placements and fishing.
Why not make /fix cost twice or three times as many diamonds/iron/gold/bars/leather as usual? That way you pay an extra fee, but are guaranteed to keep the enchantments. And believe me, for those of us who might participate in a PvE event and be somewhat obsessed with keeping out gear without a scratch, you run out of 500 in no time.

Because overtaxing the command will yet again make people spend more time mining for the items they want to use than actualy using them.
Putting a cost on it is ok. Just remain reasonable about it.
the same spots you found that bore diamonds will bear them again.
The ores are randomized to keep players from abusing that. B)

Because overtaxing the command will yet again make people spend more time mining for the items they want to use than actualy using them.
Putting a cost on it is ok. Just remain reasonable about it.
A reasonable cost in diamonds sounds brilliant!

but at the time the PVP department concluded it was a "necessary sacrifice" because PVP'ers "Didn't want to spend time mining, but spend more time PVP'ing".

If that situation has changed, feel free to discuss what /fix should be on this thread.
If mining becomes more worthwile I'm sure many would want to work in the mines for PvP factions or similar, that means the PvP:ers still can PvP and stuff, letting someone else do the dirty work ;)
Last edited:
What of the shields? will they be able to be' godified' or something of the sort?

in addition how will an elytra & harm/poison potions work?
will they remain as they normally are as potions that do not flag a player as pvp active?

Will this allow for carpet potion bombing? (I kid, although its a possibility)
What of the shields? will they be able to be' godified' or something of the sort?

How will an elytra & harm/poison potions work?
Shields are actually disabled by axes strikes on a high chance. I don't think anyone actually thought of that.
On a less important and more entertaining point, I really, /really/ hope they leave carpet bombing alone. It's funny.
Shields are actually disabled by axes strikes on a high chance. I don't think anyone actually thought of that.
On a less important and more entertaining point, I really, /really/ hope they leave carpet bombing alone. It's funny.
You can bet carpet bombing is funny as hell XD
But what I mean is, how will be shields be efficient considering we have weapons that can one shot up to diamond armour.
You can bet carpet bombing is funny as hell XD
But what I mean is, how will be shields be efficient considering we have weapons that can one shot up to diamond armour.
Shields should get like... a x3 durability boost. Otherwise they'll just blow up. You're not wrong. xP
UPDATE:While this post is /somewhat/ dated due to the EULA changes, the core of it is relatively the same, and hence I believe it is still of relevancy and will probably not be making any large changes to the content of the original post.
I think that the changes they added work. Would you rather pay a regal per percent, or repair it?
I've been on a server that utilizes this feature, and it is a very well loved feature.
I'd love to see this added, as it allows for the diamond market to drop and possible eat up some of that god armor as well. Plus, some people might be able to profit from this :)
Because overtaxing the command will yet again make people spend more time mining for the items they want to use than actualy using them.
Putting a cost on it is ok. Just remain reasonable about it.
its seems they went overboard afterall...
100r = 100 diamonds... This just makes no sence... Please. use a diamond for each repair! (unless its a bow. then its a couple of strings ofcource)
Fix is an interesting feature on massivecraft, it allows the free (with a limit factor of how much you can do daily) repair of any item you want, while also keeping all of the enchants. This has many flaws. Namely in that it can keep items preserved indefinitely, without costing any resources (excluding real life money to get premium). This is problematic, as it allows a large build up in supply, which will eventually come to a point where items that are typically worth quite a large sum of money, become next to worthless. We've seen this happen on the server in recent months, with the massive dropping of the value of all god tools and weapons. This is caused solely (as demand has not changed) by the massive amount of supply, and we didn't get that massive amount of supply through just an increase of production means, we gained it through a lack of removal from the economy, and an infinite amount of resources.
So, what do we do? Some people's proposed solution is to create sinks for objects such as diamonds, and set a minimum price for them. The idea would certainly get rid of diamonds, and prevent people from selling them for extremely low prices. Other people oppose that idea, as it would lead to a less player-run economy, which to some is a selling point in the server in general. I personally sit in the middle, with a slight leaning toward implementation. While it would definitely assist with the economic situation of the server, I believe that there are better alternatives that do not infringe upon the lassiez-faire economic model we have at the moment.
My suggestion in this thread, is to completely remove the /fix feature, and edit the McMMO repair skill so that, at level 8/8 arcane forging (which is level 1k, but can be changed) enchantments are not lost or reduced, at all. Here are my reasons for why I think this would be the best course of action. Keep in mind I have already explained why fix is hurting the economy, so you may refer to the above for comparison.
First, the repair skill costs resources. When you repair something with McMMO, it takes the resources directly from your inventory to fix it. While this amount may be small at 1k (I do not have 1k repair, so maybe someone with higher fix would know exactly how much you can fix with how much resources at that level) it will still add up, and more importantly, it will cost resources to train in the first place, a lot of resources. This will create an effective sink for resources, not only diamond, but also iron and gold, for those who are training it up to get level 8/8 (they would use those resources as they are considerably cheaper) and increase the demand for them which would of course, raise the price. This is all done without any staff intervention, and keeps the economy the same model. YOU choose to level your repair up to 1k, YOU choose to use resources, or, YOU choose to pay someone to do it for you.
Which brings me to my second point. It introduces another play style, or maybe two. At the moment, there are maybe four things you can generally do on this server. RP, PvP (including enchanting and selling supplies to pvpers), build, and trade lore items for money. There are other ones, but I believe these are the four biggies. You can't brew for money anymore, as potions are craftable. Mining is pretty pointless as you wouldn't be able to sell anything for much. Fishing is only good for getting your salvaging up (which is also tied into repair wink wink). And woodcutting suffers the same problem as mining, although it's lesser. Farming is also pretty pointless, as PvPers usually buy in bulk from people they trust (Such as Jackson) so it makes people with non-Jackson levels of production struggle to make any money off the business. Repair though, is slightly different. The only reason that people do not use the repair skill for fixing things, is because it is unreliable. There's a very high chance that, even with 1k repair, you will loose that sharpness 5 enchant you have on your weapon. That's a /big/ thing to loose, and so effectively, the skill is debunk to the people who need repairs the most. If your enchanted weapon is so lightly enchanted that you don't worry about losing the enchants, you're probably not going to be able to use fix power to repair it anyway (I've not met many prems who do not use god swords, as by the time you're invested enough to purchase prem, you'll have gotten one). If this negative effect were to be removed, instantly repair would become a viable thing to train for some, while for others, it would be more smart just to pay someone who has 1k repair to fix your stuff for you (after all, repair level is hard and pretty expensive to train). This would immediately create a supply and demand set for the repair skill. The supply would be low due to the high investment required to get a skill that high, and the demand would be high because everyone who didn't have 1k repair would suddenly need someone else to fix their stuff for them. Training and focusing on repair would very quickly become viable, and a good way to make some dough if you're willing to invest. This would even make the McMMO boost of prem worth more, which would help offset the loss of value from losing /fix.
Third, the implementation. I have no clue, and I will admit this, to how difficult it would be to remove fix. Maybe a staff could answer that in the comments, I don't know. But I can imagine it would not be /quite/ as difficult to remove a feature as add one, so it seems pretty viable to me to remove /fix. But, even if it was very, very hard, I still think it would be worth it, because if /fix persists, the economy is just going to get worse and worse, before likely collapsing. Now, as for the repair skill, I KNOW this is easy to implement, because we already have McMMO on the server, and changing the arcane forging to not loose enchantments is as easy as changing
May_Lose_Enchants: true
Rank_1: 125
Rank_2: 250
Rank_3: 375
Rank_4: 500
Rank_5: 625
Rank_6: 750
Rank_7: 875
Rank_8: 1000
Rank_1: 10.0
Rank_2: 20.0
Rank_3: 30.0
Rank_4: 40.0
Rank_5: 50.0
Rank_6: 50.0
Rank_7: 60.0
Rank_8: 60.0 <--- This number to 100
Downgrades_Enabled: true
Rank_1: 75.0
Rank_2: 50.0
Rank_3: 40.0
Rank_4: 30.0
Rank_5: 25.0
Rank_6: 20.0
Rank_7: 15.0
Rank_8: 10.0 <---- And this number to zero
You could even change the level of repair you need to get to 8/8 repair if balancing is required, although I'm quite sure 1k is the golden number for balance in this instance.
Well, you've heard my proposal. I would love feedback in the comments as I am certainly no expert and I would love to hear a second opinion on this. Thank you for reading!
The format for your paragraphs makes it disgusting to read, but the content is amazing :)
Here is my personal opinion.

I wouldn't mind fixing armor with money if armor didn't break like a twigs, but at the minute that's what we have to work with at the moment.

so some solutions...

1) make a donation item within the system, like axeforall, or the xp booster, maybe like a fix for all type of donation, not only does this generate money for the server, because A LOT of people would buy this, this would be a good way to maintain your items and overall lower the complaint level. Basically for like an hour, or maybe 24 hours, you get infinite fix because someone donated to buy it. So, for a day, or an hour, you can fix anything, for free. I see this balanced because its only for a day/hour, after that your back to paying and will have to wait for the next person to donate. This would generate money through the server because us pvpers would probably buy this A LOT.

2) make It so xp for armor repair through anvils stays at a certain number. If you cant afford to fix armor because you cant make regals as fast as your fixing armor, then you can use xp to fix armor, however eventually it'll be "too expensive" to fix armor so your left with using regals to fix armor. I think maybe armor could be glued to a certain xp value permanently, boots/helm for 5xp, and legs/pants for 8-10xp permanently.

3) give everyone free 300 fix power, less than 500, but 300 is a good start, and will make it so everyone has it and will make the wealth spread around, I can go to anyone now, not just prems. A nonprem can sell me fix power, he gets money, I get armor repair, the money flows through the server instead of simply vanishing because if we're gonna fix armor, were not gonna go to someone else, if we CAN fix armor, we can do it ourselves, so no one is asking for fix power anymore in trade chat because if you do that, you have the money to buy, so you can do it yourself.
Doing it yourself puts the money to nowhere.

Just my opinions.

@Thortuna @Gethelp @Addrion @Sevak @Alj23 @morrc5 @Tokugawryuu
Also, they should make it more like the old command! I can't even see the durability or set it a certain ammount, which is usefull.
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